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Statement of City Council Candidate Edward Belden

Hello Monrovia! I’m running for City Council because I care about the people of Monrovia and our future. I am an experienced leader who was raised in Monrovia and graduated from MHS. I know how special our small-town charm is and I want to give back to the community that has given me so much. My Grandmother was a school teacher in Monrovia, my grandfather was a pastor and ran a leprosy hospital in India, and my mother was a nurse. My family fueled my passion to serve, and now I’m ready to put my education and 20+ years of diverse experience and results to work for our Gem City.

 I’ve started and run a small business, worked for local and national non-profits, and served in City Government at the executive level. I know when government can be effective and when it can get in the way. I’ve raised $40 million for projects and programs, restored our mountains, revitalized neighborhoods, encouraged business innovation, created jobs, provided opportunities for underserved youth, and built infrastructure projects. I am the current President of the Monrovia Parks, Wilderness and Recreation Foundation, a Community Services Commissioner, and a MAP leader. When I am not working and volunteering, I love spending time with my wonderful wife and dog, especially in our Monrovia Parks.


These are challenging times and Monrovia needs experienced leaders on the City Council that from day one can address housing affordability, provide the resources for our police and fire departments, provide access to mental health and addiction resources, support clean air and clean reliable water, take care of our parks and open spaces, provide more opportunities for youth, and assist our existing small and large businesses to create more good jobs.


I will listen to the diverse voices and perspectives of Monrovia and work to make sure we have a safe, healthy, and prosperous community to Keep Monrovia Moving Forward. I ask for your support and vote. Please find out more at

Luna Loves Attention - She'll Stick To You Like Velcro

We’re over the moon for two-year-old Luna! This beautiful Shepherd has been described as "Super Sweet” “a velcro dog” and “amaaaaazzzing!”. With rave reviews like that, she must be special!

Luna first arrived at Pasadena Humane with four newborn puppies. They spent some time in a foster home until the puppies were old enough to be adopted- they have all found homes, so now it’s Mama Luna’s turn!

Luna is house-trained and has learned a number of training cues. She’s super smart and will automatically sit for a treat and give you her best puppy dog eyes- no one can resist her!

Her foster family shared this about Luna: She'll make the perfect companion! She loves attention, belly rubs, and treats. She also loves to glance up to make eye contact while on walks as well & accepts hugs from us!

Luna probably wants to be the only dog in your life, but that just means all her attention will be on you!

The adoption fee for dogs is $150. All dog adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines.

All dog adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines.

New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet. View photos of adoptable pets and schedule an adoption appointment at Daily adoption appointments can be scheduled online. New adoption appointments are available every Sunday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Walk-in appointments are available every day from 2:00 – 5:00. Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email.

- Brad Haugaard

Sensory-Friendly Morning for Children With Sensory Processing Challenges

Sensory-Friendly Morning for children with sensory processing challenges, autism spectrum disorder, and/or ADHD, Saturday, Feb. 24, 10 to 11 a.m. at the Library Youth Services Area. Activities include book check-outs, sensory toys for exploratory play, and art supplies for independent creative skills. For information email or call 256-8274. Register here (2 seats remaining). 

- Brad Haugaard

A Moment in Monrovia History: Mandella Smoking Accessories

A postcard advertisement for Mandella Smoking Accessories, a business located at 140 W Maple. The back of the card says, "PEBBLES design ashtrays and accessories: encrusted tiles of fused glass rimming bent-glass ashtrays, boxes and lighters. Spaces between tiles hold cigarette. (Back of card here.) Not exactly my style ... even if I did smoke. From the Kim Anderson collection. See full details here.

For more historic photos and papers, see the Monrovia Historical Society’s complete Legacy Project collection here. Learn more about the Monrovia Historical Society here.

- Brad Haugaard

Innovation Lab at Library Wednesday, Feb. 21

Monrovia Public Library will host Innovation Lab on Feb. 21, from 3-4 p.m. in the Story Room. The event is for school-aged children between 6 and 11 with accompanying adult and will feature different STEAM-related activities. For more information email or call 256-8274. Register here.

- Brad Haugaard

Video Game Tournament for Adults at Library This Friday

Video Game Tournament for adults at the Library this Friday, Feb. 23, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Casual competition for Nintendo Switch enthusiasts, or play more casual video games. For more information call the library at 256-8274 or email Angel Loera at

- Brad Haugaard

City May Rescind Water Conservation Requirement; Mostly Positive Financial Reports; Giving Builders More Time

At its next meeting (agenda here)the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Consider rescinding the requirement that residents cut their water usage by 10 percent, but continue to encourage water conservation. Details

~ Receive a mostly positive report indicating that the city ended the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 with a general fund balance of $27.14 million, up $3.81 million. The staff report says the results were, "the result of the diligent management of expenditure budgets during the year and strong revenue performance in property tax, Measure K revenues, sales tax revenues, and several other revenues." Challenges, the report says, are "pension and Other Post-Employment Benefit liabilities." Lots more here

~  Receive a Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Update and consider budget adjustments. The staff report says that, "similar to the last quarterly update in November, there continues to be a slowdown in sales tax revenues primarily due to a reduction in new vehicle purchases and a reduction in the State and County Pool allocations [I believe these pools are of sales tax on items you buy from out-of-state, for example, from Amazon]. On a positive note, most other revenues are tracking as projected, and inflation levels are still trending lower than historic highs from recent years." Details.

~ Consider amending the municipal code to allow builders extra time "when justifiable cause is demonstrated." Reasons: Supply chains have not fully recovered from COVID; some construction materials are difficult to obtain; the cost of supplies has increased "significantly;" cost of financing has more than doubled in the past few years; and, the labor market is tight. Details

- Brad Haugaard

Video of State of the City Event

If you missed the State of the City event, you can watch it here.

- Brad Haugaard

Both Parking Lots South of Library About To Close for Construction

The southernmost of the two parking lots just south of the Library (#8 in the image) is already closed for construction, but beginning Feb. 20, both lots (#7 and #8) and the alley in between will be closed for about a month. 

- Brad Haugaard

Garden Club Speaker Will Discuss Wildlife, Conservation, Restoration

The Monrovia Garden Club will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at First Presbyterian Church's Fellowship Hall. A social time starts at 6:30 p.m., and the main program at 7 p.m. Speaker Eduardo Ochoa-Guijarro, a certified wildlife rehabilitator and naturalist, will share insights on local wildlife, conservation, and restoration.

- Brad Haugaard

City Manager Says Canyon Park Should be Open This Year

Canyon Park should be open before the end of this year, with a contractor to do the work approved by March 19, according to City Manager Dylan Feik.

Feik added that over the last two years the city has been working to protect the park from mud and debris flows and designing roadway and parking lot improvements, utility upgrades for the water and sewer system, ranger station kiosk enhancements, educational and recreational spaces, and general repairs.

He said the park stood up well during the latest heavy storms, which were heavier than the December 2021 storms that caused all the damage. "The streams carried the water without obstructions as we've already removed the burned trees, boulders, etc. Culverts remain open and clear, and the native alder trees are thriving in the streambed where they were non-existent before the Bobcat Fire. In some areas, there are even alder groves where trees exceed 12' in height."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Big Group of Juveniles Fighting; Woman Bites Officer; Drive-By Obscenities; Bad Boyfriend; Fire in Trash Can; Package Theft; Aaand more...

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for February 8 – 14. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 461 service events, resulting in 91 investigations. 

Grand Theft Auto
February 8 at 9:06 a.m., a resident in the 800 block of W. Walnut reported that her vehicle was stolen overnight. This investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
February 8 at 10:10 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in a parking lot in the 1600 block of S. Mountain. This investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
February 8 at 10:58 a.m., a subject walked into the MPD lobby to turn herself in for a warrant. The subject was arrested, cited and released at the scene.

Violation of Court Order
February 8 at 12:15 p.m., a caller in the 900 block of S. Shamrock reported that a subject at the location was in violation of a restraining order. Officers arrived but the subject was gone prior to officers’ arrival. This investigation is continuing.

Non-Injury Traffic Collision
February 8 at 1:12 p.m., officers responded to the area of Huntington and California regarding a traffic collision. This investigation is continuing.

February 8 at 1:35 p.m., a caller at a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported being a victim of fraud. This investigation is continuing.

Domestic Battery
February 8 at 2:33 p.m., a victim in the 100 block of Los Angeles reported that her boyfriend punched her in the face. She reported that she was involved in a verbal altercation with him when he punched her in the face. He fled the scene prior to officers’ arrival. This investigation is continuing.

Mail Theft
February 8 at 3:01 p.m., a caller in the 200 block of W. Pomona called to report one of her packages was stolen from the mail room. This investigation is continuing.

Petty Theft
February 8 at 5:52 p.m., a victim walked into the MPD lobby to report her wallet was stolen from her purse while shopping at a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington. This investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto
February 9 at 11:47 a.m., an employee from a business in the 1100 block of E. Huntington called to report that a rental vehicle had not been returned yet. The vehicle was entered into the stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.

February 9 at 1:56 p.m., a victim walked into the MPD lobby to report that she was shopping at a business nearby when unknown male and female subjects scammed her out of money. This investigation is continuing.

February 9 at 7:20 p.m., a caller in the 400 block of Monrovista reported a female subject trespassing. Officers arrived and spoke with all parties. The owners of the property did not want her arrested, they only wanted her to leave. The female subject left the area. This investigation is continuing.

Disturbing the Peace
February 9 at 8:32 p.m., a witness in the 300 block of S. Myrtle reported a large group of teenagers yelling at each other and acting aggressively. Officers arrived, located the teenagers, who reported the dispute was a misunderstanding. The juveniles causing the problem left the area. This investigation is continuing.

Reckless Burning – Suspect Arrested
February 10 at 6:54 a.m., a caller in the 1000 block of S. Canyon reported a male subject had set fire to a trash can. Officers arrived and located the fire and the subject who started the fire. He was arrested and taken into custody.

February 10 at 12:38 p.m., vandalism was reported in the 600 block of E. Lemon. The caller reported someone smashed the window to her vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

February 11 at 2:57 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of W. Lime called to report a package theft had just occurred. This investigation is continuing.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
February 11 at 8:43 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 100 block of E. Olive when she saw a motorist driving recklessly. She conducted a traffic stop and made contact with the driver who appeared to be under the influence. A DUI investigation confirmed that the driver was under the influence. He was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period.

Battery on Officer
February 11 at 9:44 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of W. Duarte reported her sister was experiencing a "mental breakdown." Officers and MFD responded. It was determined the sister was intoxicated and in need of a mental evaluation. As officers assisted the female subject onto a gurney she bit an officer on the arm.

Domestic Violence / Firearm Theft / Grand Theft Auto – Suspect Arrested
February 12 at 2:50 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of W. Olive reported her boyfriend had just battered her, took her car without permission, stole a firearm, and fled the location. This investigation is continuing.

February 12 at 7:07 a.m., a business in the 200 block of W. Duarte called to report that a storage area was broken into and property was taken. This investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
February 12 at 8:01 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of E. Olive called to report that his locked vehicle had been broken into overnight and items stolen. This investigation is continuing.

Mental Evaluation
February 12 at 2:50 a.m., callers in the 300 block of S. Myrtle reported hearing a female blowing a whistle and yelling. Officers arrived and located the female subject. Officers determined that she was unable to care for herself and was in need of a mental evaluation.

Petty Theft
February 13 at 7:08 p.m., a victim called to report that an unknown subject had stolen her purse while in a restaurant in the 500 block of W. Huntington. This investigation is continuing.

Non-Injury Traffic Collision
February 13 at 9:56 p.m., officers responded to the area of California and Duarte regarding a traffic collision.

February 14 at 9:55 a.m., a resident in the 1700 block of S. Mayflower reported that they were a victim of fraud. The victim said that money was withdrawn from his checking account using his debit card, but he still had his debit card in his possession. This investigation is continuing.

Court Order Violation
February 14 at 11:27 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of E. Cypress reported that a subject drove by his residence, yelled obscenities at him and drove away. The subject was in violation of an active restraining order. The suspect was identified. This investigation is continuing.

Reckless Driver
February 14 at 2:03 p.m., an officer witnessed a driver make several traffic violations in the area of Central and Myrtle. The officer pulled over the driver, issued them a citation, and released the driver at the scene.

Fight in Progress
February 14 at 2:14 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of W. Lemon reported that a large group of juveniles were fighting and dozens more were watching. Officers responded to the scene and located several victims. This investigation is continuing.

Assistant City Manager Lauren Vasquez Wins California Cities Award

Monrovia Assistant City Manager, Lauren Vasquez, has received the Award for the Advancement of Diverse Communities from the League of California Cities for helping enact more than 40 programs and policies aimed at boosting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Details

- Brad Haugaard

Valentine’s Lunch at Bella Serra

Had Valentine’s Day lunch at Bella Serra, on the east side of Myrtle, just north of Lemon.  Got the Cioppino for $35 and a beer for $7. Very good. 

- Brad Haugaard 

For Vin, Everyone Is His Best Friend

One-year-old Vin is a happy-go-lucky lab/husky mix who has never met a person who is not his new BFF. 

Vin is sure to steal your heart with his silly nature and A+ personality. He is very cuddly and playful, and he seems to get along well with other similar-sized dogs. 

He recently spent the day out with the Pasadena Humane mobile team and had a wonderful time. He met dozens of people, played with every toy he could find, and got to practice all his training cues. He made fast friends with one of the other dogs- they even traded toys back and forth. 

Vin is an active dog, so he would be an ideal hiking or walking companion. He walks very nicely next to his person like the well-behaved boy he is!

Vin and all other animals over 6 months old can be adopted for only $14 from February 8 – 18, during Pasadena Humane’s Make Your Heart Happy-Adopt A Pet promotion! All dog adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines. 

New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet. 

 View photos of adoptable pets and schedule an adoption appointment at Daily adoption appointments can be scheduled online. New adoption appointments are available every Sunday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Walk-in appointments are available every day from 2:00 – 5:00.  Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email. 

- Brad Haugaard

Free Monrovia Neighborhood Conference April 27

The 14th Annual Monrovia Neighborhood Conference on April 27, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., offers free booths, lunch, and health screenings and workshops on leadership, community resources, and local history. At Second Baptist Church. Details and registration here

- Brad Haugaard

A Moment in Monrovia History: Monrovia High Sophomore Class of 1918

Monrovia High School sophomore class of 1918. Interesting that the schools were apparently not segregated at that time. L to R front row: Marian Harvey, Leona Ames, Mildred Marshall, Grace Hoerger, Elizabeth Palmer, Ivy Anderson, Evalyn Grimes, Dorothy Dodd, Thelma Black, Emily Williams, Dorothy Cassill. Second row: -- Ball, Grace Collins, Hazel Robinson, Beulah McHugh, Helen Kent, Maybelle Hill, Eleanor Everest, Mary Schachter, Mollie Cass, Ruby Root, --, Lenore Talbot, -- McFadden, Lucille Laird, Lou Remington, --. Back row: Merritt Fleming, Ernst Maag, Alfred Cass, John Adams, Myron Hotchkiss, Warren Chadwick, Robert Bowman, Thomas Ross, Paul Dupar, Richard Howey, John Walters, Lee Crane, Clyde Sherwood, Raymond Herr. M.G. Boynton, Lora C. Rau (Teachers). From the Myron Hotchkiss collection. See full details here.

For more historic photos and papers, see the Monrovia Historical Society’s complete Legacy Project collection here. Learn more about the Monrovia Historical Society here.

- Brad Haugaard

City Considering Two New 25 MPH Zones

At its next meeting (agenda here) the city's Traffic Safety Committee will consider installing 25 mph signs on S. Eighth Ave. between W. Duarte Road and El Norte Ave., and  on S. Alta Vista Ave.

- Brad Haugaard

Black History Celebrationj at Library Feb. 17

Black History Month celebration Feb. 17, at Library with a spotlight on African American arts. Storyteller Ina Buckner-Barnette and crafts in the Youth Services area. Contact: or 256-8269.

- Brad Haugaard

Learn About the Planets at Library Feb. 15

Learn about the planets at the Space Exploration event on Feb. 15, 6-8 p.m. at the Library. Learning stations and telescope viewing with Sidewalk Astronomers and Monrovia High Astronomy Club if good weather. No reservation required. Contact: or 256-8269.

- Brad Haugaard