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Monrovia Bakery Reopens

Monrovia Bakery, in Old Town, reopens after change of ownership.

- Brad Haugaard

FOUND: Missing Monrovia Child - Mykai Gaddis

UPDATE: Mykai was located by members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in the City of Rosemead. He was transferred to the custody of the Department of Children and Family Services, where he was then reunited with family members. Mykai is determined to be a frequent runaway and efforts are being made to provide appropriate custodial care. No foul play or neglect by a guardian is suspected.

Last Name: Gaddis First Name: Mykai Nickname: Big Mac Age: 10 Gender: Male Height: 5'0" Weight: 92 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Complexion: Medium Race: Black

Mykai was last seen at a relative’s home in the 200 block of W. Walnut in the City of Monrovia at 6:00 p.m. on May 7, 2013. He has run away several times before and had run away from his family the day before in Pasadena.

Mykai was last seen wearing a black button down long sleeved shirt with a white wavy line design, blue jeans and black dress shoes. His hair is cut short.

Any information on Mykai should be reported to the Monrovia Police Department immediately: (626) 256-8000.

Source: Monrovia Police press release

- Brad Haugaard

Police Look for Missing Boy | Monrovia Over Temple City

~ Monrovia Police look for missing boy. Click for picture:

~ Monrovia High over Temple City in softball.

- Brad Haugaard

Former Monrovia City Manager Now Heads LA Convention Center | Zumbathon

~ Former Monrovia City Manager "Bud" Ovrom named to head LA Convention Center.

~ Local Zumba instructors will hold a "Zumbathon" to raise money for the American Cancer Society. As many as 30 instructors will tag-team teach an 8-hour Zumba fitness party on the infield of the Santa Anita Racetrack on Saturday, June 15, 12:30-8:30 p.m. Zumba is a Latin and world dance workout. You can sign up here:

- Brad Haugaard

Arcadia and Monrovia Rotary Clubs Build Garden at Boys and Girls Club

The Arcadia and Monrovia Rotary Clubs have joined forces to build a sustainable garden at the Monrovia Boys and Girls Club. With funds donated by both clubs, along with a Rotary District 5300 Foundation Lefler grant, the project will enable children to grow fresh fruit and vegetables.

"I had heard in the news about hunger in the United States with numbers higher than many would expect, especially for children," said Dr. Brad Miller, Arcadia Rotary past president. "Then after reading about community gardens sponsored by Rotary clubs, the idea came together."

After failing to secure land for the garden in Arcadia, Mary Ann Lutz, Rotarian and mayor of Monrovia, suggested they try the Monrovia Boys and Girls Club.

"Not so much serving the whole community, but serving a specific community, underprivileged kids," said Miller. "John Wilson, CEO of Monrovia Boys and Girls Club, had initiated a community garden in a prior non-profit he was involved with. We connected and it was a natural fit."

According to Arcadia Rotary President Eric Barter, in just half a day, "with a little sweat and muscle from 25 Rotarians," phase one of the project was completed which consisted of the construction of three planter boxes.

"The Monrovia Rotary Club enjoyed working side by side with the Arcadia Rotary Club on this project. It was a day filled with laughter, hard work and fellowship," said Monrovia Rotary Club President Julie Roybal. "We are all excited to see our work manifest to the betterment of the Boys and Girls Club and it will be wonderful to see the fruits of the kids' harvest."

"I am pleased to see several organizations working together for the good of youth," said Barter. "The City of Monrovia for allowing us to use the land and supporting the project, the Arcadia and Monrovia Rotary clubs working together, the Arcadia arboretum for their guidance on the raised bed design and Rotary District 5300 for helping us with the funding."

Phase two of the project is an irrigation system and phase three, a covering for the planter boxes. "Then the kids can start planting," said Barter. "As Rotarians, these are the best projects - hands on. Together we can make a difference is the mantra for my year as president and this project is another fine example."

Source: Rotary Club press release

- Brad Haugaard

Juvolicious Starts in Monrovia | Monrovia Bakery | Dog Comes Home

~ A start-up company in Monrovia, Juvolicious: "a venture funded ecommerce company that purchases popular consumer products from manufacturers and wholesalers across the United States​."

~ The new owners of Monrovia Bakery will specialize in "French inspired pastries." Sounds good to me.

~ Pepper dog found and returned to owner. Microchips are your friend.

- Brad Haugaard

Friendship Tea for Foothills Pregnancy Center

"Friendship Tea" to raise funds for Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center. May 25, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at United Methodist Church of Monrovia, 140 E. Palm. $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Tickets: 358-2122.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Rabies and Licensing; Robber Gets Soccer Uniforms; Trespassing Suspect Awakened and Arrested for Meth; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 2-5. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.  To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City of Monrovia website and click on the crime mapping link.  Sign up to follow us on twitter for police notifications.

Annual Low-Cost Rabies Vaccination & Licensing Clinic for Dogs
On June 12, 2013, the Monrovia Police Department will be hosting its Annual Low-Cost Rabies Vaccination & Licensing Clinic for dogs.  The clinic will be held at Recreation Park in Monrovia, outside the tennis courts, off Olive Avenue; parking is available.  The Clinic will start at 5 p.m. and end at 7 p.m.  For more information, click on Rabies Vaccination & Licensing Clinic.
Residential Burglary
May 2 at 5:53 p.m., officers responded to the 600 block of Maryanna Lane regarding the report of a residential burglary.  The victim's loss was a gun safe which contained a pistol and cash, as well as two computers, an iPad, an iPhone, and several designer purses.  It appears the suspect(s) entered through a rear door. The investigation is continuing.
Utility Problem
May 2 at 8:25 p.m., a power line was reported down in the 200 block of East Colorado.  Officers arrived and contained the area until Monrovia Fire Department personnel arrived.  The line, for some unknown reason, snapped and struck a parked vehicle, causing minor damage.  Edison responded and repaired the line, which was energized. 
Vehicle Tampering / Attempt Burglary
May 3 at 5:15 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of Mauna Loa came out of his house and discovered a suspect inside his vehicle.  Once the suspect realized he had been discovered, he fled the location.  Officers got into the area quickly, but were unable to locate the suspect.  The investigation is continuing.
Structure Fire
May 3 at 9:39 p.m., a structure fire was reported in the 900 block of West Foothill.  When officers arrived, they saw smoke emitting from a third story window.  Monrovia Fire was dispatched.  Officers spoke with the resident, who stated he was asleep in his bedroom when he was awakened by the automatic sprinkler system.  He sat up and saw the window drapes where on fire, which were apparently ignited by a lamp.  The sprinkler system extinguished most of the fire. 
The Monrovia Fire Department contacted the Red Cross, and they responded to the station and provided a hotel voucher to the victim for temporary shelter for a week, which would be the duration the unit would be uninhabitable.  The fire was determined not suspicious in nature. 
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
May 4 at 2:06 a.m., an officer on patrol in the 1500 block of South Myrtle noticed that a vehicle approaching Central almost struck the concrete center median, and then the driver abruptly turned on the roadway.  The officer stopped the driver and noticed he appeared to be under the influence.  After investigation, the driver was determined to be under the influence and was arrested.

Carrying a Concealed Weapon / Possession of Marijuana / Driving Without a License – Suspect Arrested
May 4 at 2:18 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle that was speeding in the 100 block of South Myrtle.  The officer discovered the driver was unlicensed.  Further investigation revealed the driver had an open container of alcohol and marijuana in the vehicle.  He also had a concealed dagger in his rear pocket.  The driver was arrested for the above listed charges.
May 4 at 6:09 a.m., officers responded to the report of a robbery that just occurred in the 1400 block of Alamitas.  Two male victims were approached in front of their friend's house by a passenger/suspect that got out of a tan, four-door sedan, possibly a Hyundia, occupied by two other male Hispanic suspects.  The victims were loading their duffle bags into a vehicle.  The suspect walked up to the victims and demanded they give him the bags.  He lifted his sweatshirt, revealing a black handgun in his waistband.  The suspect did not brandish the weapon. 
The victims gave the suspect their gear bags, which contained soccer uniforms, soccer gear, and a wallet with identification and a bank debit card.  The suspect is described as a male Hispanic, 5'8" tall, thin build, shaved head, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt with "Los Angeles" written on the front in black letters.  The suspect had his hood up and a black bandana over his face.  Officers searched the area for the suspects, but they were not located.  The investigation is continuing.  
Warrant / Possession of Narcotics for Sale – Suspect Arrested
May 5 at 10:44 a.m., dispatch received a call reporting a possible male trespasser who was unresponsive at a residence in the 100 block of Oaks Avenue.  When officers arrived, they entered the home with the assistance of the home owner's house sitter.  They located a male subject sleeping, unresponsive on the couch.  Officers had to yell at him to wake him.  He did not have any medical issues, but did have an outstanding warrant for his arrest out of San Bernardino.  He was arrested for the warrant and transported to the Monrovia City Jail with his bicycle and backpack. 
In the jail, a search of his backpack revealed a large quantity of methamphetamine, a large amount of cash in his wallet in multiple denominations, small empty plastic bags, and a digital scale with white residue on top of it.  It was determined he was in possession of the methamphetamine in order to sell it.  He was charged with the additional crime.
Extradition Warrant – Suspect Arrested
May 5 at 10:15 p.m., an officer on patrol stopped a vehicle in the area of Mountain and Huntington for a traffic violation.  A computer check of the driver revealed he is on parole and had an out-of-state felony warrant for narcotics.  The issuing agency was contacted and confirmed they would extradite the suspect.  The suspect was arrested and taken into custody, pending extradition.

Historic Monrovia Carriage House Being Moved

Carriage house being taken apart.

After months of planning and work, the last remaining vintage carriage barn in Monrovia has been moved (in pieces) to its new home in the 900 block of N. Norumbega, where it will be put back together. Slideshow of the process at the bottom of the page here:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Schools Fundraiser | Memorial Day Ceremony

~ Monrovia Schools Foundation celebration on Thursday, May 16, 5:30-6:30 p.m., with dinner at Monrovian Restaurant. Price $35 per person. Call 471-2006 for info and reservations.

~ Memorial Day ceremony Monday, May 27, 10 a.m. at Live Oak Memorial Park, 200 E. Duarte Rd. All welcome.

- Brad Haugaard

50% Chance of Rain in Monrovia

Fifty percent chance of rain today in Monrovia. Thirty percent tomorrow.

- Brad Haugaard

Chastity Fellows | Monrovia Birthday Party

~ Feature story on Monrovia High runner Chastity Fellows.

~ Monrovia's 127 birthday celebration. May 18. Pancakes, pop stars, music, more. Library Park. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Board: Summer School for Paying Chinese Students, Etc.

Among other things, at its May 8 meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will ...

~ Have a closed session for evaluation of superintendent, collective bargaining stuff and a personnel issue.

~ Consider entering in to an agreement with a company (and picking up a few bucks in the process) to provide paying Chinese exchange students from Shanghai with an American summer school program ( ). And if you are interested in hosting a Chinese student:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Attendance Slips Slightly

According to a report that will be presented at the School Board's May 8 meeting, attendance at Monrovia schools slipped .13 percent since last year (lower attendance equals less money from the state).

- Brad Haugaaard

Lunch at London Gastropub

Lunch at London Gastropub, on Myrtle in Old Town. Got the Crispy Chicken sandwich ($9), the Avocado Eggroll ($9) and an Diet Coke $2.50), Plus tax and tip. Delicious and generous portions. I like spicy and everything was.

- Brad Haugaard