Will City Settle Developer and Metro Lawsuits? | Bacteria | Urban Rescue Equipment
~ Consider settling three rail-line related lawsuits, two between Monrovia and Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority, and one between the city and developer Samuelson & Fetter, LLC, which initially sued for $106 million ( http://goo.gl/JgdeM ). The staff report, here - http://goo.gl/Nvrgk - gives no detail about the terms of the proposed settlements.
~ Consider an agreement with the Gateway Cites Council of Governments to share costs for cleaning up the LA River (I think the river down the 605 dumps into the LA River), because it has too much bacteria. http://goo.gl/tYbFc
~ Consider whether to use $29,282.94 of Homeland Security money to buy urban search and rescue equipment. http://goo.gl/zaJr4
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Stats | New Dental Office
~ New dental office in town. http://goo.gl/yxB0V
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Police to Destroy Toy Gun, Student Suspended; Car Theft; Residential Burglaries
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Jan. 28-30. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 386 service events, resulting in 80 investigations.
Juvenile Problem
January 28 at 11:42 a.m., officers were dispatched to an elementary school in the 200 block of Jasmine Avenue. A 10-year-old student was found to be in possession of a plastic Airsoft pistol. The student said he left it in his backpack from the day before and forgot he had it in the backpack. He showed it to a fellow student. The fellow student later reported the incident to school personnel. The principal called the student in and retrieved the Airsoft pistol. There were no plastic BB's or magazine clips with the pistol. The student's parent was notified and responded to the school. The parent later surrendered two additional Airsoft pistols and requested Monrovia Police Department have them destroyed. No injuries were reported and the school will be suspending the student. The incident was documented.
Grand Theft Auto
January 28 at 7:11 p.m., police responded to the 600 block of Vaquero on the report of a stolen vehicle. The victim parked and locked her vehicle on the street at 4 p.m. in the evening. She returned to her vehicle the next day a little after 7 p.m. and discovered it had been stolen. The vehicle is a blue, 1991 Toyota Camry. The investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
January 29 at 10:33 a.m., police dispatch received an alarm call from a residence located in the 400 block of Parkrose. The alarm was heard by neighbors who checked outside after a few minutes and saw the front door of the residence was open and called police. Officers responded and realized the front door appeared to have been kicked open. Containment of the area was established and the residence checked. No suspect(s) were located or seen by neighbors. It appears the suspect(s) kicked the front door and headed straight to the master bedroom. The loss appears to be costume jewelry. The investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
January 30 at 3:54 p.m., police responded to the report of a burglary in the 200 block of North Mountain. The resident left at 7:20 a.m. and returned at 3:30 p.m. Upon her return, she discovered her home had been broken into and ransacked. The loss was jewelry from the master bedroom. The suspect(s) entered through an unlocked living room window and ransacked the entire residence. The investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
January 30 at 11:12 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 400 block of Norumbega. The crime occurred between 2 p.m. and 11 p.m. The suspect(s) forced open the front door and the house was ransacked. Jewelry was stolen from the location. The investigation is continuing.
Xylem Spa Opening in Old Town Monrovia
Source: Press release
- Brad Haugaard
Talk to Teens About Money
- Brad Haugaard
Overturned Car on 210 Backs Up Homebound Traffic | Chu: Government Cuts Hurt 2012 Economy
~ Congresswoman Judy Chu, who represents Monrovia, says on Facebook of the report that the economy declined in the last quarter of 2012: "The fact that GDP growth shrunk shows how cutting government spending hurts the economy. Businesses need certainty to prosper. That's why we must reduce our debt responsibly - but not with draconian sequestration cuts."
- Brad Haugaard
City of Monrovia Waxes Poetic About Unmanned Time Warner Communications Center
- Brad Haugaard
What Will Be the Fate of Monrovia's Oldest Remaining Carriage House?
Monrovia Police Recover Stolen Property Taken from People Who Told LA Times They'd Be On Vacation

Old Monrovia Acapulco Building to be Replaced; Smashburger and Maybe Del Taco Coming to Town
"The rumor is true. Smashburger has applied for approval of a conditional use permit to serve beer and wine at their new location in Huntington Oaks. The CUP will be reviewed by the Planning Commission on 2/13. They will be one of four tenants in the new building that will replace the Acapulco building. Plans for the building shell are in plan check and we anticipate that construction should begin sometime in February.
"Things are really starting to pick up and as is typical, we do a lot of talking with folks prior to applications coming in, but it's a good sign that people are actually thinking about developing. We're expecting Del Taco to move forward with their plans to build a new restaurant next to the new car wash on East Huntington Drive. Additionally, we will be focusing a lot of our attention on the citywide Strategic Plan (PlanMonrovia) over the next few months."
Thanks to Brad Hori for the tip.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Assemblyman: Schools Should Buy California Produce; Post Financial Company Names
~ Also, Holden introduced a bill requiring the names of financial institutions and financial companies making loans under the Small Business Board and Small Business Expansion Fund programs to be posted on line. http://goo.gl/21ICc
- Brad Haugaard
Social Group for Women to Meet in Monrovia
Looking to meet new friends, have some fun, and become more familiar with the area? All women who are new to this area, or have had changes in their lives, or are looking for fun and interesting daytime activities and making new friends are cordially invited to stop by for socializing and refreshments (no charge to attend), and to learn about the other exciting events available during the upcoming month. Newcomers and Friends of SGV is a friendly, warm, welcoming group.
For more information, please visit our website, www.sgvnewcomers.com.
Source: Press release
- Brad Haugaard
Gold Line Bridge Featured in Concrete Magazine
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Lexus-Driving Robber; Trying to Rob Security Guard; Distraction-Theft Fail; Etc.
Write-In Candidates for Monrovia Council | Collection for Fire Victims
~ Collection begun for Monrovia couple who lost their home to fire. http://goo.gl/1Mf3H
- Brad Haugaard