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Monrovia's Fountain to Falls Race | 'Low on Food' | Huff: Teacher Pink Slip System Illogical | MHS Open House

~ Registration for the Second Fountain to the Falls Race, on May 19, opens tomorrow, March 1. Details:
~ Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center reports its food inventory "is at a ten-year low." If you'd like to help you can donate money or drop off groceries or fresh backyard fruit. Most-needed items are rice, pasta and beans, soups; peanut butter, cereals (cold and hot), canned foods (vegetables, fruits, beans, meats), tomato/spaghetti sauce, and meal helpers like tuna and mac and cheese. The Center is at 415 W. Chestnut.
~ State Senator Bob Huff said there is no logic in the state requirement that teachers notify school staff of layoffs by March 15 when the state budget - upon which any layoff decision should be based - isn't completed until June. He said the rule leads to needless pink slips issued by cautious school districts and needless teacher anxiety, since many of the terminations are rescinded.
~ Monrovia High Open House March 7 at 6:30 p.m. Parking in the student lot off of Madison or on the street.
- Brad Haugaard

Greenbar Moves from Monrovia | At Carnegie Hall

~ Monrovia's Greenbar Distillery, bumped by the rail line, moves to Los Angeles.

~ Monrovia High Concert Band and Symphonic Band Soar in Carnegie Hall.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Athletics Website | Dreier Retiring | Sherman Ave. Sign

~ Monrovia High has a new website for its athletic programs.
~ Congressman David Dreier, who represents Monrovia in Congress, will retire at the end of the year.
~ Here is the sign on Sherman Avenue placed to honor the area's residents for their work through the Monrovia Area Partnership to bring back the neighborhood.
- Brad Haugaard

Buick Commercial in Old Monrovia

A Buick commercial shot in Old Town Monrovia.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Senator: Let School Districts Sell Ads on the Sides of their Buses

State Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, wants to let school districts sell advertising space on the exterior of its school buses. Also, the Huff legislation gives the school districts full authority over how to spend the revenue from advertising sales.
- Brad Haugaard

Maryknoll Sisters Celebrate Centennial in Monrovia

The Maryknoll Sisters, which has a retirement facility in Monrovia, is celebrating 100 years since its founding as a religious congregation with a prayer service on March 25, 2012 at Immaculate Conception Church, 740 Shamrock Ave., Monrovia, California.
The Roman Catholic Religious Missionary Congregation was founded in 1912 by Mollie Rogers, a Smith College graduate.  Since its founding, hundreds of sisters have served in Asia, Africa, Central and South America and the Islands of the Pacific.
The sisters have also responded to the needs of immigrants in the United States.  One of their earliest works was an orphanage and a school for the Japanese children in Los Angeles (1921) and a tuberculosis hospital in Monrovia (1930).
Today, the former hospital has been converted into a retirement facility for returning missioners.  They continue to do volunteer work throughout Los Angeles County.
More information is available on the Maryknoll website:
Source: Maryknoll press release
- Brad Haugaard

Wanna Subcontract for Gold Line? | Cleaning the Fountain | Children's Optical

~ Subcontracting opportunities for small business on the Gold Line. Details:
~ Art photo. Cleaning the fountain at Library Park.
~ The Vision Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles has opened Children's Optical at 509 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police Anti-Gang Work Featured | Super Toilets | Read Across Monrovia

~ An article in Cal Chiefs News highlights Monrovia Police Department's "innovative programs that aim to curb gang activity through intervention, prevention and suppression."

~ Free high efficiency toilets available, March 17.

~ Read to a Monrovia classroom during Monrovia Reads' "Read Across Monrovia" program.

- Brad Haugaard

Rainy Monday | Plymouth in Science Contest | New Monrovia Businesses

~ It's a rainy Monday. Great picture.
~ Plymouth Elementary is in Occidental College Science Olympiad.
~ Some new businesses in town.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Caught Dumping the Evidence, Trespassing, Stoned, Assault

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for  February 23-26. - Brad Haugaard]
Illegal Dumping / Mail Theft
On February 23 at 3:32 p.m., officers responded to the 400 block of Stedman on the report of a subject dumping trash out the back of his vehicle.  The trash was found to be empty FedEx boxes from houses in the area.  It appears the boxes were stolen after they were delivered.  The suspect removed the content of the boxes and then dumped the empty boxes.  Investigation continuing.
Suspicious Circumstances / Possible Trespassing
On February 23 at 10:29 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 1000 block of South Canyon regarding the report of two male subjects on the roof of a building with lights flashing.  Officers surrounded the property and requested the Foothill Air Support helicopter to assist.  The helicopter responded and advised that no one was on the roof.  Officers searched the property and did not locate any suspects.  The building was secure and there were no signs of an attempt break-in. 
Traffic Violation / Driving Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance / Possession of a Controlled Substance / Weapons Offense - Suspect Arrested
On February 24 at 8:48 p.m., an officer on routine patrol stopped a vehicle in the 100 block of West Walnut for running a stop sign.  When the officer contacted the driver, he smelled the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle.  A subsequent investigation revealed the driver to be under the influence of a controlled substance.  He was also found to be in possession of unauthorized prescription medication and a concealed billy club.  He was arrested for the above listed charges.    
Assault with a Deadly Weapon - Suspect Arrested
On February 25 at 9:49 a.m., a fight in progress was reported in the 900 block of Genoa involving approximately seven subjects.  Officers arrived on scene and found several family members were involved in a disturbance.  One family member was injured by another and sustained numerous contusions to his head.  The suspect, who was determined to be the primary aggressor, was arrested and taken into custody.

Monrovia Assemblymen: Donnelly Charged in Gun-at-Airport Incident; Portantino Re-Introduces Whistleblower Bill

~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, has been charged with misdemeanors for bringing a pistol into Ontario Airport. Donnelly says it was an innocent mistake.
~ Assembly member Anthony Portantino, who represents the other part of Monrovia, is re-introducing a "whistleblower" bill to protect legislative staff members who report wrongdoing. He said the legislature exempts itself from what it requires of others. The legislation is similar to his previous proposal but would also have the state Fair Political Practices Commission investigate complaints, and those found guilty of retaliating against whistleblowers could face fines up to $10,000 and a year in jail.
- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Jack in the Box

With a Jack in the Box restaurant coming to the corner of Huntington and Magnolia, I thought I should preview what we're going to get by trying the Jack we already have, at Myrtle and Duarte. The atmosphere is pure fast-food. Got a Homestyle Ranch Chicken Club with curly fries. It was very good. Not elegant, but good. But I still wish - just for variety - that the new restaurant would be something different.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's AeroVironment Gets Vehicle-Charger Deal with Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi Motors North America has added Monrovia's AeroVironment as an authorized supplier and installer of electric vehicle home-charging systems for the company's new all-electric vehicles.
- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Does It Again | E-Waste Roundup | Monrovia High Fundraiser

~ Assembly member Anthony Portantino, who represents Monrovia, today introduced yet another bill to (my opinion - deservedly) whack the legislature. This one, AB 2068, would "require legislators who have distinctive legislative license plates on their personal cars to pay the same fees that almost everyone else does for personalized license plates." He said: "I was shocked, but not surprised to see that legislators would carve out a special situation for themselves and I'm determined to put an end to the practice." Source: Portantino press release.
~ E-waste roundup March 3 at Park and Ride Lot at S. Myrtle Avenue and Pomona Avenue, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
~ Monrovia High fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fire Department Promotes Four

Monrovia press release: 

The Monrovia Fire Department is pleased to announce the promotions of four members of its current personnel. The recent promotions were awarded to Ryan Phillips, Jeremy Sanchez, Dave Phillips and Harvey Hewitt, who combined have over 40 years of fire fighting experience.
Division Chief Ryan Phillips – With over 18 years of service, Ryan Phillips, a Monrovian resident, assumed the duties as the “A shift” commander on the morning of February 16.  “Chief Phillips’ ability to effectively manage emergency operations is exceptional,” said Fire Chief Chris Donovan, who went on to highlight Phillips’ long tradition of professionalism and dedication to Monrovia.  The Chief’s faith in Phillips was quickly confirmed; by 2 p.m. of his first shift as Division Chief, Phillips’ crew had already responded to four emergency incidents, and established incident command at both a vegetation and a structure fire. Under his new title, Chief Phillips will oversee the department’s Administration and Disaster Preparedness operations.

Fire Captain Jeremy Sanchez – Chief Phillips promotion created a vacancy at the Fire Captain position. Monrovia Fire Department filled this by promoting Jeremy Sanchez. Captain Sanchez has over eight years experience in fire service. He has served as a Paramedic with the last three years as a Fire Engineer at Monrovia Fire. “Captain Sanchez has natural leadership abilities in addition to exceptional emergency operations and administrative skills,” said Fire Chief Chris Donovan. “This is a critically important position within our department, and Jeremy is certainly capable of performing his responsibilities.”  Captain Sanchez has recently been placed in charge of the department’s apparatus. This includes being responsible for studying future needs for repair and replacement of the department’s fleet and maintaining the department’s overall operational readiness.

Fire Engineer Harvey Hewitt – Jeremy Sanchez’ promotion to Fire Captain created a vacancy in the Fire Engineer rank, which is being filled with the promotion of Harvey Hewitt. Fire Engineer Hewitt has four years of experience with Monrovia as a Firefighter/Paramedic in addition to five years experience with the Monterey Park Fire Department. In addition to his new duties as an engineer, Fire Engineer Hewitt will continue to evaluate requirements and training mandates for the department’s cadet program.

Fire Engineer Dave Phillips – Dave Phillips was promoted to Fire Engineer in September 2011 to fill the vacancy left by Fire Engineer Rob Vita’s retirement.  Prior to this position Dave had served as a Firefighter/Paramedic for five years. During his service with Monrovia Fire, he has been instrumental in the brush abatement program, as well as many other programs involving training and development, including the successful Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) program. 

- Brad Haugaard