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Fourth of July Celebration at Library Park

The 4th of July will be celebrated (on the Fourth, of course) at Library Park with live music, entertainment, dancing, and a fireworks show.

7-8:30 p.m. - Live entertainment - OC Groove, Funk Band
9 p.m. - Fireworks show.

Contact the Community Center for more information at 256-8246

- Brad Haugaard

Summer Edition of Monrovia Today Is Out

The summer edition of Monrovia Today is out. See the digital version here.

- Brad Haugaard

City Manager Reports on Canyon Park

On the left, the rock wall alongside the road near the top of the park. The hillside falls away sharply on the other side.

By Dylan Feik
City Manager  

John Muir once said, "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." Over the past few weeks there is quite a buzz on social media regarding Canyon Park so I thought I could share information, pictures and updates on our beloved park. I'd like to give an update on our debris removal efforts, current construction, future plans and project enhancements. I'll also share some details on the funding behind this project.

Debris Removal Efforts
To-date, the City has approved $4.7 million for costs associated with debris removal and clean up on Canyon Park and Lower Clamshell Trail. The vast majority of these costs will be reimbursed by the State of California and FEMA. As we have cleared out the rock, boulder and debris, I am so happy to share that except for debris like metal, concrete, or other human-made debris, the City has not hauled debris out of the park (the trucks you see are from County debris removal efforts around the Sawpit Dam and Wash). A significant portion of the work we are doing includes reusing and repurposing the rock, dirt and even fallen trees to help build the park. For example, boulders were collected and saved, then placed along the stream beds to fortify against future erosion. Trees damaged by the Bobcat Fire or floods in 2021 and 2022 have been buried into any landform grading/earthwork, providing greater nutrient levels in the soil. Hydroseed included native grasses and wildflowers seeds, and were applied in certain areas of the park to protect against further erosion. I am optimistic we should be close to completion of our debris removal operations...for now.

Current Construction Efforts
Beginning last week, our contractors began work on the damaged rock wall just below the Nature Center. The wall and surrounding roadway began sliding downhill this past spring. Unfortunately, the wall has moved enough that we needed to excavate a large portion of the roadway only to find that fixing the wall will mean removing large portions so we can install a proper footing. Amazingly, the rock wall sat on a foundation of piled rock - and lasted - for decades. Fixing the wall means we have to take it down and rebuild.

Future Plans
Now we get to the exciting part! The City has prepared construction plans which are close to 100% complete. Here is the general scope of work we will be undertaking:
  • Replacing the roadway from Canyon Blvd. to the Damkeeper's House. In addition to a new roadway, we are changing the cross-slope of the roadway to prevent future debris from flowing directly down the center of the park in the future, should there be another mudslide
  • Replacing all parking lots and adding 24 new parking spaces
  • Replacing the water main, installing a booster pump to feed water from the Oakglade tank, and removing the old Canyon Park water tank
  • Installing a 6" sewer line and removing septic tanks
  • Repairing damaged culverts, guardrails, walls, etc.

The project estimate is between $17-$18 million.

Project Enhancements
One of the exciting components of the park project is we are adding approximately 10 new features or enhancements to the park. They are:
  • Enhanced park entrance with new picnic tables and a public art piece
  • Enhancing the park entrance kiosk to enclose it, add air conditioning and storage
  • A small picnic and parking area just beyond the road to Trask Boy Scout Camp. The flood uncovered a previously unknown asphalt parking area!
  • A new raised deck/platform near the small picnic area which will provide a quiet and peaceful place to sit next to the stream and observe nature
  • A new ADA parking area near the cabin to ensure full accessibility for all users
  • A new small seating area near the cabin nearby a large heritage oak tree
  • Enhanced seating area we are calling "Canyon Park Educational Center" with seating near the entrance to 3 Graves Trail. This underutilized space will become a place where park naturalists can teach us about the park, nature, wildlife, plants and much more
  • New enhancements to the Veterans Memorial (just below the Nature Center). This area is usually passed by and we want to ensure residents know it's there by adding native landscaping, seating and perhaps signage to make it a destination within the park
  • A renovated overlook at the top of the park. On a clear day you can see Catalina Island but the overlook area needs to be beautified
  • Renovation of the Damkeeper's House to be used for special events and rentals on a limited basis. This area has the best views within the park and we will begin making renovations and repairs for future public use.

In addition to the construction work, the City has partnered with Psomas for the environmental planning that we need to rebuild our park's natural features. They have been working in the park for several weeks doing a biological constraints analysis which is essentially a field survey of current site conditions and the true impacts of wildfire and flood on our park. They will also perform a tree risk assessment. With information in hand, they will develop a habitat recovery plan which will be a key component of our repair efforts in years to come. if you want to see the work they do, check out this video of the work they did on the Santa Anita Oak Woodland Project.

Project Funding Update
In February 2022, the City Council decided set aside all future Measure K revenues ($0.75 cent sales tax on all purchases in Monrovia) to assist with the repairs at Canyon Park. However since that time, the City has worked very hard to secure funding for the project. Here are some important details on funding:
  • The City has filed 3 emergency declarations which essentially allow the City to seek federal and state funding assistance. The Federal and State governments will fund 75% of eligible costs associated with the emergency declaration. The challenge is deciding which portions of the project are eligible.
  • The City has insurance coverage for the park as well. This coverage applies to buildings, property, and even our revenue streams for the lost park revenues since it's been closed for an extended period of time.
  • Working with the Hon. Grace Napolitano (U.S. House of Representatives), the City secured a $3 million federal grant award for the project.
Securing funding for the project is an important part of the daily work that staff undertakes. Currently, here are some efforts we are undertaking to secure more funding: Working with State of California Assembly Member Chris Holden's Office, the City has submitted a $8.5 million request for the State Budget. This request is the top funding priority for Assembly Member Holden and is currently being deliberated in Sacramento.
The City applied for two Hazard Mitigation Grant Program projects totaling over $8 million. These projects must abate known hazards and are related to removal of our old water main/water tank (as the main is suspended from a tree in one area) and the roadway work (changing the cross-slope of the road). We were approved by the State and invited to prepare our final application for both...this is fantastic news!

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not give a huge shoutout to MPWR and their continued efforts to raise funds for park projects in our community. They are currently underway with their annual auction and if anyone is interested in helping support Canyon Park, please participate in the MPWR auction or consider a donation to help with the park.

Construction Schedule and Estimated Reopening Date
August 2023: 100% Design Plans and bid documents
September 2023: Initiate RFP process, host pre-bid meeting and job walk
October 2023: Receive and evaluate bids and award of contract
November 2023: Project kick-off and construction starts (6-9 months of construction)
Winter 2024: Tentative Re-opening of Canyon Park

The Sound of Music at Taylor Performing Arts Center July 13-16

Buy tickets here.

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia Police: Throwing Roof Tiles at People; Car Rolls in Crash; Tire Slasher; Mailbox Thefts; Drunk Driver Hits Parked Car; Drunk Drives on Wrong Side; Lots More…

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for June 15 – 21. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 387 service events, resulting in 70 investigations.

Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested
June 14 at 5:58 a.m., an officer was flagged down by a pedestrian in the 800 block of E. Foothill regarding an intoxicated subject. Officers determined the subject was too intoxicated to care for himself. He was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Mail Tampering
June 15 at 8:32 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of Norumbega reported finding mail on the street. She collected it and brought it to the MPD Lobby. An officer took custody of the mail and an investigation showed that multiple mailboxes in the area had been broken into. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 15 at 10:12 a.m., a security guard at a shopping center in the 100 block of W. Foothill called to report that an electrical panel to the rear of a business had been cut open and hardware stolen. This investigation is continuing. 

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
June 15 at 12:42 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of W. Duarte called and made threats. Officers responded and determined the subject was too intoxicated to care for himself. He was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
June 15 at 11:57 p.m., while patrolling a park in the 600 block of S. Shamrock located a subject after hours. The subject consented to a search and was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. He was arrested, cited and released at the scene. 

Grand Theft
June 16 at 8:51 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of E. Colorado called to report that her vehicles catalytic had been stolen. This investigation is continuing. 

Parole Violation / Warrant – Suspects Arrested
June 16 at 9:11 a.m., officers were dispatched to a report of subjects loitering at the entrance of a hotel in the 700 block of W. Huntington. Officers arrived and located two subjects. A computer check revealed that one of the subjects was on parole and was in violation of his parole terms. The other subject had a no-bail warrant. Both subjects were arrested and taken into custody. 

Vehicle Burglary
June 16 at 9:13 a.m., a caller reported a possible vehicle burglary in a parking structure in the 700 block of S. Myrtle. Officers arrived and confirmed a vehicle burglary had taken place. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 16 at 10:02 a.m., while investigating a vehicle burglary in the 700 block of S. Myrtle an officer observed other vehicles that had been victimized and a vehicle whose catalytic converter had been stolen. This investigation is continuing. 

Warrant Arrest – Suspect Arrested
June 16 at 11:41 a.m., officers were dispatched to the area of Lime and Heliotrope regarding a subject lying on the ground. When the handling officer arrived he contacted a female subject. A computer check of the female subject revealed an outstanding warrant for assault with a deadly weapon. She was arrested and taken into custody. 

Grand Theft
June 16 at 2:57 p.m., a loss prevention officer from a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington called to report a grand theft that occurred several days prior. This investigation is continuing. 

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
June 16 at 5:04 p.m., multiple residents in the 700 block of Norumbega called to report a possibly intoxicated subject causing a disturbance. Officers responded and located the subject. It was determined that he was too intoxicated to care for himself. He was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Driving Under the Influence / Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested
June 16 at 10:15 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of California and Olive regarding an injury traffic collision. A solo vehicle crashed into a parked vehicle. The female subject displayed symptoms of intoxication. A DUI investigation revealed that she was driving under the influence. She was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
June 17 at 2:16 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a bicyclist for a vehicle code violation in the 600 block of E. Huntington. The subject gave consent to be searched and was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. He was arrested, cited, and released at the scene. 

Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
June 17 at 3:06 a.m., an officer saw an occupied suspicious vehicle parked in front of a closed business in the 700 block of E. Central. The officer contacted the subject to conduct further investigation. During the initial contact, an unidentified subject emerged from the dealership parking lot and walked away. Assisting officers searched for the subject, but he was not located. The subject from the suspicious vehicle was determined to be on probation for grand theft and was in possession of drug paraphernalia. The driver as arrested for the drug paraphernalia and taken into custody. 

June 17 at 7:35 a.m., a passer-by reported a broken window at a business in the 100 block of E. Lemon. Officers responded and confirmed a window had been broken, but the investigation showed there was no illegal entry into the business. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft Auto
June 17 at 7:38 a.m., a victim in the 100 block of E. Pomona called to report his vehicle had been stolen the previous evening. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft Auto Recovery
June 17 at 8:24 a.m., a caller reported an abandoned vehicle in the 100 block of E. Kruse. An officer responded and determined the vehicle had been reported stolen. The owner was contacted. This investigation is continuing. 

Hit and Run Traffic Collision
June 17 at 9:26 a.m., a victim in the area of Mountain and Evergreen reported that they were a victim of a hit and run traffic collision. This investigation is continuing. 

Injury Traffic Collision
June 17 at 4:19 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of Royal Oak sand Mountain regarding a rolled over vehicle. Officers arrived and determined it was a traffic collision and assisted the occupants of the rolled over vehicle. The involved parties complained of pain and were transported to a local hospital. The party at fault was issued a citation. 

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
June 17 at 8:40 p.m., several people in the 400 block of S. Myrtle called to report a male subject intoxicated, yelling and screaming at people walking by. Officers arrived and located the subject. Officers determined the subject was too intoxicated to care for himself. He was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Driving Under the Influence Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested
June 17 at 11:48 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 1800 block of Peck regarding a traffic collision that just occurred between a moving vehicle and several parked cars. The officers determined the motorist was driving on the wrong side of the road at a high rate of speed. An investigation revealed the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Driving Under the Influence / Hit and Run Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested
June 18 at 12:13 a.m., a hit and run traffic collision was reported in the area of Evergreen and Myrtle. The suspect vehicle collided with two vehicles that were stopped for a red light and drove away. A responding officer located the vehicle and stopped it as the driver fled the scene. A DUI investigation revealed the driver was driving while intoxicated. The driver was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Mail Tampering / Theft
June 18 at 8:33 a.m., officers responded to numerous address throughout the day regarding mail tampering and mail theft. Some mail was later found by a resident and was returned to the owners. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 18 at 2:42 p.m., an employee from a business in the 700 block of E. Huntington called and reported a large amount of merchandise stolen. This investigation is continuing. 

Battery and Vandalism
June 18 at 8:04 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of W. Cherry reported his adult sister just battered him after an argument. She then went outside and shattered a window to the home and a window to the family car parked in the driveway. The suspect fled the area and could not be located by officers. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 19 at 6:11 a.m., a victim in the 700 block of S. Myrtle reported the catalytic converter from their vehicle was stolen. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 19 at 9:18 a.m., a grand theft was reported in the 700 block of S. Myrtle. The victim reported the catalytic converter was stolen from their vehicle. This investigation is continuing. 

Identity Theft
June 19 at 10:13 a.m., a victim in the 100 block of McKinley reported an unknown subject used their information to open credit cards. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft – Suspect Arrested
June 19 at 2:59 p.m., employees from a business in the 700 block of E. Huntington reported a grand theft in progress. They reported a female subject entered the location and walked out with a large amount of merchandise without paying. The suspect was located and a traffic stop was conducted. The suspect was in possession of the merchandise stolen. She was arrested and taken into custody. 

Grand Theft Auto
June 19 at 8:46 p.m., officers responded to the 400 block of Monrovista regarding a theft of a vehicle. This investigation is continuing. 

Driving Under the Influence / Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested
June 20 at 4:54 a.m., a solo traffic collision involving two parked vehicles was reported in the 100 block of E. Pomona. Officers arrived and contacted the driver, who displayed symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol. A DUI investigation revealed she was driving under the influence. She was arrested and transported to the MPD jail to be held for a sobering period. 

Grand Theft
June 20 at 11:49 a.m., employees from a business in the 700 block of E. Huntington called and reported a grand theft in progress. Officers responded to the location but were unable to locate the suspects. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 20 at 4:31 p.m., a grand theft in progress was reported in the 700 block of E. Huntington. Officers responded to the location but were unable to locate the suspects. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft / Evasion
June 20 at 5:41 p.m., employees from a business in the 700 block of E. Huntington called and report four suspects were stealing items from the store. The suspects fled the store and drove away. Officer’s responding to the area located the vehicle and attempted a traffic stop. A pursuit ensued and was terminated due to safety concerns. This investigation is continuing. 

Vehicle Fire
June 20 at 7:42 p.m., a vehicle fire was reported in the area of Mountain and Lemon. Officers and MFD responded and extinguished the fire. No injuries were reported. This investigation is continuing. 

Commercial Burglary
June 20 at 10:35 p.m., officers responded to the 100 block of W. Palm regarding a burglary alarm. As an officer arrived, a male subject ran away. Additional officers responded and saw the front door was forced open. This investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft
June 20 at 11:38 p.m., an alarm company for two businesses in the 1300 block of Mountain reported two suspect in the parking lot of the business removing catalytic converters. The suspects were gone prior to officers’ arrival. This investigation is continuing. 

Warrant Arrest – Suspect Arrested
June 20 at 11:52 p.m., an officer stopped a female subject in the 1200 block of S. Mayflower for yelling. A computer check of the subject revealed a no bail warrant. She was arrested and taken into custody. 

Mental Evaluation
June 21 at 1:34 a.m., officers responded to the 1500 block of S. Myrtle regarding a subject on top of the building throwing roof tiles at people. Officers arrived and recognized the subject from a prior contact. MFD responded to assist. It was determined the subject was a danger to others. He was transported to the medical facility for a mental evaluation. 

Commercial Burglary
June 21 at 4:14 a.m., officers responded to a restaurant in the 900 block of W. Huntington regarding a burglary alarm. Officers arrived and saw the rear door had been forced open. This investigation is continuing. 

June 21 at 10:31 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 200 block of Railroad regarding a subject making threats to shoot employees. An extensive search for the suspect was conducted and he was not located. The employees were advised. This investigation is continuing. 

Traffic Collision
June 21 at 10:41 a.m., a solo non-injury traffic collision was reported in the area of California and Duarte. 

Residential Burglary
June 21 at 6:44 p.m., officers responded to the 500 block of Valmont regarding a residential burglary. Jewelry was taken. This investigation is continuing. 

Felony Vandalism
June 21 at 8:06 p.m., a caller in the area of Fano and Mayflower reported a male subject slashing tires on vehicles. The suspect slashed four tires on one vehicle and one tire on a second vehicle. This investigation is continuing. 

Boys & Girls Club Open Celebration June 26-30

The Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills will celebrate National Boys & Girls Club Week from June 26-30 with these activities:

Monday (June 26) - "Off to a Great Start": Pep rally to build excitement for the upcoming activities.

Tuesday (June 27) - "Great Moments with BGC": Wear Boys & Girls Club blue and join Club alumni for a special reception in the evening.

Wednesday (June 28) - "Great Outdoors": Outdoor time playing sports and water games.

Thursday (June 29) - "Great Futures": Career panel focusing on workforce readiness and a community open house. Facility tours available 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. RSVP by emailing or sign up here.

Friday (June 30) - "Feel Good Friday": Wellness and mental health.

These events aim to showcase the club's commitment to fostering academic support, workforce readiness, good character, and health and wellness among youth.

- Brad Haugaard

Dinner at Cafe X2O

Dinner at Cafe X20, on the north side of Foothill just east of Alta Vista. Got the chicken kebab plate for $17 and a beer for $7. Fresh and tasty. 

- Brad Haugaard 

School Superintendent Reflects on District's Accomplishments

Monrovia School Superintendent, Ryan Smith, reflects on the accomplishments of the 2022-23 school year and the district's "Learner Profile," which describes what the schools strive to instill in every student:
  • Measure MM passes with strong support
  • Inaugural Monrovia School Showcase highlights what we have to offer students and families
  • Clifton was re-designated as a “National School to Watch”
  • Monrovia's Legacy art exhibit with the Monrovia Latino Heritage Society
  • Family Paint Nights showcased arts integration in elementary schools
  • Black History Month Art Festival with Monrovia Duarte Black Alumni Association
  • More than 400 parents graduate from FACTOR parent academy
  • First Femineers Summit
  • Inaugural STAR Awards event recognizing employee excellence
  • Celebrating the Class of 2023 graduations.
- Brad Haugaard

Adventure Dog Eli Loves Mountains and Beach

Three-year-old Doberman Pinscher Eli is always up for an adventure! He’s a SoCal dog for sure - one minute he’s hiking in the mountains, the next he’s frolicking in the ocean!

Eli recently took a field trip with some of his friends at Pasadena Humane. He went to the beach and had a blast! He loved the surf, the smell of the ocean air and chasing crabs! He met lots of new friends, human and canine, and was a perfect gentleman to everyone.

Eli is ready to be your copilot on your next outing!

The adoption fee for dogs is $150. All dog adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines.

New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet. View photos of adoptable pets and schedule an adoption appointment at Adoptions are by appointment only, and new adoption appointments are available every Sunday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Area Partnership Block Party Saturday, June 24


- Brad Haugaard

Schedule of Summer Concerts and Movies in the Park

Here are the schedules for concerts and movies in the parks . Bring a chair or blanket! 

Concerts (All are 7-8:30 p.m.)


Station Square Park • 1629 S. Myrtle Ave.

July 8 - Pop Vision: Top 40

July 15 - Bumptown: Old School

July 22 - Skinng Ties: 80s

July 29 - Country Nation: Country

August 5 - Soto Band Latin

August 12 - Blue Breeze Band: Motown


Library Park • 321 5. Myrtle Ave, July 9 - Suave the Band Latin

July 15 - Smokin Cobras: 50s/Oldies

July 23 - OC Groove: Funk

July 30 - Cold Duck: Old School

August 6 - Stone Soul Classic Soul

August 13 - The Todd Stanford Country Band

Movies (begin at sunset)

At Library Park, in Rotary Club Bandshell

August 4 - Turning Red

August 11 - Minions, the Rise of Gru

For more information, please call the Monrovia Community Center at 256-8246.

- Brad Haugaard

First of Three Art Walks This Saturday in Old Town

This Saturday, 6-9 p.m., in Old Town is the first of the Summer Art Walks sponsored by Monrovia Association of Fine Arts.

- Brad Haugaard

Inside Duarte-Monrovia Fruit Exchange in 1896-7

"The Duarte-Monrovia Fruit Exchange was organized for the purpose of packing and selling the citrus fruits of its members. The Exchange has two packing houses as shown in the illustrations. One on the Southern California railroad built by that company for use of the Exchange. Another on the Southern Pacific railroad, the company making a liberal cash donation. These houses are well furnished with all facilities for the proper and convenient handling of fruit. In the upper house the grader is run by water power, from a reservoir nearby. During the busy season there is no more interesting sight than the operations in these houses. The ripe golden and silver fruit is received at the door, weighed, trucked to its place, and labeled to owner. When ready, the fruit passes to the experts who carefully grade it as to quality. It is then turned into the grader, which separates it as to size. At the various spouts of the grader, are the busy packers. See how their hands fly! By practice they become very expert, and seem to enjoy their work. Many are women. Now the packed boxes pass on to be covered, labeled, etc., thence out to the car which is to carry it to its destination, perhaps across the continent, or perhaps to some intermediate city". Monrovia Messenger Souvenir Edition 1897. At Santa Fe railroad at Myrtle & Duarte Road. From the Myron Hotchkiss collection. See full details here.

For more historic photos and papers, see the Monrovia Historical Society’s complete Legacy Project collection here. Learn more about the Monrovia Historical Society here.

- Brad Haugaard

Residents Protest School Superintendent at Evaluation Meeting

According to a Facebook video (here) by Marie Bordona-Bell, numerous Monrovia residents spoke out in the evaluation meeting of Monrovia School Superintendent Ryan Smith. None of the speakers was supportive of Smith although one said he should be told where he can improve. Several people complained of being disrespected, others of what they said were wasteful expenditures, some of disorganization, and others of low staff morale.

- Brad Haugaard 

City Council to Consider Budget, Auto Repair, Assessment Districts, Etc.

At its next meeting the Monrovia City Council (agenda here) will ...

~ Consider adopting a two-year deficit budget for fiscal years 2023-25. "Overall," the staff report says, "the city’s finances remain strong and continue to show growth and stability," and, "While deficits are proposed in both years, staff will closely monitor the budget and adjust accordingly throughout the year during quarterly budget updates, as needed." Some recent accomplishments:

  • City's cash and investment balances grew by $18 million (55%) in the last fiscal year.
  • Overall net position increased by $74 million, reaching approximately $61 million.
  • City's credit rating upgraded from AA to AA+ in June 2022.
  • Historically deficit funds, like Worker's Compensation Fund, now have a positive balance after 20 years.
  • $5.3 million set aside in fiscal year 2022-23 to address CalPERS and OPEB obligations.
  • Paying down employee leave liabilities reduces overall liabilities, reflects positively in financial statements, and saves money over time. Details.

~ Hold a study session on an "Auto Repair Operations Ordinance" Tuesday at 6 p.m. Details

~ Hold a public hearing for property owners to comment on financing for the proposed 2023-2024 Citywide Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance District (details) and the proposed 2023-2024 Park Maintenance District (details). 

~ Consider proclaiming June 18-24 as National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (details) and July as Parks Make Life Better Month (details). 

- Brad Haugaard