Monrovia Mountain Lion Dies :-(
Monrovia Police to Conduct DUI Checkpoint Night of July 16
Monrovia Police Department will be conducting a DUI / CDL checkpoint on Thursday night, July 16, 2020. Vehicles entering the checkpoint will be stopped. Drivers will then be evaluated for being under the influence of alcohol and checked for having a valid driver’s license.
Over the course of the past three years, there have been 336 DUI investigations, with 32 of those resulting in collisions with injuries, harming our citizens and neighbors of Monrovia.
In California, this deadly crime led to countless deaths because someone failed to designate a sober driver. Alcohol and drug-impaired deaths still make up the largest category of overall vehicle fatalities, with 29% of all deaths being caused by a drunk driver.
Monrovia Police Department offers these reminders to ensure you have a safe night of fun without a DUI:
- Always use a designated driver – a friend who is not drinking, ride-share, cab or public transportation
- See someone who is clearly impaired try and drive? Take their keys and help them make other arrangements to find a sober way home.
- Report drunk drivers – Call 911.
Getting home safely is cheap, but getting a DUI is not! Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with DUI can expect the impact of a DUI arrest to be upwards of $13,500. This includes fines, fees, DUI classes, license suspension and other expenses, not to mention possible jail time.
Source: Police press release
- Brad Haugaard
Superintendent Thorossian's June Update
Monrovia Unified is committed to ensuring the safety of our students. As we prepare for our reopening we must address some key issues significant to the reopening – health and safety practices, state funding cuts, instructional models, and district services.
Monrovia Unified will host three webinars discussing the reopening process at 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., and 7 p.m, on Thursday, July 9. Please register for the webinar ahead of time. The webinar will provide an overview of the process used to gather information, investigate several instructional schedules, and identify those that seem to best serve the needs of our students.
We will continue providing updated information on our website, ParentSquare, and social media platforms.
Families are encouraged to tune in to Conversations with Ralph Walker, which will resume at 3 p.m. on Friday, July 10. The show airs on YouTube and features Board President Rob Hammond and Mayor Tom Adams, who share the latest local updates on COVID-19. Please submit questions to or by calling (626) 357-4974.
Dr. Katherine Thorossian, Superintendent
Citrus College Board Member Joanne Montgomery Will Not Seek Re-Election - Endorses Former Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
Monrovia Girl Troop Being Formed
The troop, which is partnering with American Legion Post 44, will give girls the opportunity to learn leadership, participate in community service, local government, parades, working with our local veterans and the Knights of Columbus. Some of their adventures will include whitewater rafting, long term camp, rock climbing, shooting, archery, swimming and life saving skills such as first aid, water survival training, land navigation, wilderness survival and merit badges to introduce them to life careers.
For questions please contact Organizational Representative Mark Peters by calling or texting 626-485-1032, emailing, or messaging on Facebook:
- Brad Haugaard
4th of July Decorating Contest Winners
- Best Patriotic Display - 515 W. Colorado
- Salute to Our Military Display - 751 E. Foothill Blvd.
- Small Town USA Display - 126 Melrose Ave.
- Most Spectacular - 380 Norumbega Dr.
- Judges Award - 210 Oaks Ave.
Business Contest Winners
- Best Patriotic Display -Dream Decor, 505 S. Myrtle Ave.
- Salute to Our Military Display - The Attic Events & Home Treasures, 312 S. Myrtle Ave.
- Small Town USA Display - Neighborhood Pawn, 619 S. Myrtle Ave.
- Most Spectacular - Douglas Elliman Real Estate, 517 S. Myrtle Ave.
- Judges Award - Puff Monkey, 427 S. Myrtle Ave.
City Council to Consider Juneteenth as Holiday, Committee to Study Any Structural Inequity in City Government
Santa Anita Family YMCA Delays Opening Until July 13
Y Executive Director Eric Boyd writes:
"I sincerely apologize for this disappointing news, but I hope you'll understand our rationale."
"We feel very good about the safety precautions and protocols on which we've trained our staff in preparation for re-opening. But our facility, quite frankly, still needs a few improvements before we feel that you, our Y family, can safely enjoy the full benefits of the healthy lifestyle activities we aim to offer. Our previous communications were sincere; just a little ambitious.
"That said, we will continue making the final necessary improvements to our facility (i.e. re-spacing equipment, power-washing select surfaces, etc.) in the coming days, and I look to our July 13th re-opening with great confidence. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding."
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Coronavirus Count: 304, Up 3
Foothill Gym Helps 91-Year-Old Regain His Health
Monrovia Police: Rescued Kitty (Big); Indecent Exposure; Suspect Takes Nothing But Leaves BB Gun; Passengers Steal Ride Share Driver's Car; Etc.
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 399 service events, resulting in 75 investigations.
Mountain Lion
June 25 at 4:59 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of W. Colorado called police to report a large mountain lion under her house. Officers responded along with the State Fish and Wildlife Warden and a biologist. At approximately 8:00 a.m., detectives sent a robot under the house, which allowed the warden to tranquilize the lion and safely bring it out from under the house. It was found to have a neck injury caused by another large animal and was transported to a state veterinary hospital for care.
Indecent Exposure
June 25 at 8:55 a.m., a female subject was driving in the 900 block of W. Huntington when she saw a male subject exposing himself in an area between a hotel and a restaurant. She notified the hotel and called the police, then left the area. Officers arrived and located the male subject. This investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
June 25 at 11:09 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of E. Pomona walked outside to his vehicle and discovered someone had stolen tools from his locked van. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. The investigation is continuing.
Theft – Suspect Arrested
June 25 at 11:49 a.m., an employee of a store in the 900 block of E. Huntington called police to report a theft of merchandise. Officers responded and located the suspect, who would not identify himself. He was arrested and taken into custody. He was positively identified after being fingerprinted.
June 25 at 2:45 p.m., a theft of a purse was reported at a business parking lot in the 1600 block of S. Mountain. A female subject was sitting in her vehicle in the parking lot, when a male suspect opened her unlocked passenger door and took her purse, which was on the passenger seat. The suspect fled the area with the purse. Officers responded to the area, but were unable to locate the suspect. This investigation is continuing.
June 26 at 6:22 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of W. Lemon walked outside his home and discovered someone had shattered one of the windows on his work van sometime during the night. Officers arrived and determined the suspect had not gained entry into the vehicle and nothing was taken. This investigation is continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle
June 26 at 11:37 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of W. Hillcrest discovered someone had taken his wallet from his vehicle sometime overnight. Officers arrived and determined the vehicle was left unlocked. This investigation is continuing.
June 26 at 8:13 p.m., an unknown subject spray painted graffiti on the south side of a business in the 2000 block of S. Myrtle. Officers responded and conducted an investigation. This investigation is continuing.
June 26 at 11:46 p.m., an unknown subject spray painted graffiti on various sections of Station Square Park in the 1600 block of S. Myrtle. This investigation is continuing.
Mail Theft
June 27 at 7:25 a.m., a resident in the 900 block of Norumbega walked outside her home and found mail scattered on the street. She picked it up and saw it belonged to Monrovia residents living on Monroe Place. Officers responded, collected the mail, and returned it to its owners. This investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Tampering
June 27 at 9:39 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of E. Olive walked outside to his parked vehicle, which had been left unlocked, and discovered someone had gained entry and ransacked the interior. The suspect had left a BB gun in the vehicle, but nothing was taken. Officers responded and collected the BB gun as evidence. This investigation is continuing.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
June 27 at 12:17 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of E. Olive called police to report his brother was at the location in violation of a restraining order which requires him to stay away from the resident and the home. Officers arrived and found the subject on the front porch of the home and he was refusing to leave. He was arrested for violation of the restraining order.
Theft From a Vehicle
June 27 at 12:40 p.m., an employee of a business in the 100 block of S. Myrtle walked outside to his parked vehicle and discovered someone had gained entry and took his laptop, wallet and other items. Officers responded and searched the area, locating all of the property nearby, except the wallet. This investigation is continuing.
June 27 at 2:51 p.m., a caller reported seeing fresh graffiti on an electrical box at the corner of Myrtle and Duarte, next to the railroad tracks. Athens graffiti removal was called to remove the graffiti. This investigation is continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
June 27 at 4:08 p.m., an employee of a hotel in the 700 block of W. Huntington called police to report unusual activity in one of their rooms. Multiple people were seen entering and leaving the room over a period of two days. Officers responded and contacted the renter of the room. An investigation found he was in possession of a controlled substance. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Mail Theft / Warrants / Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspects Arrested
June 28 at 1:30 a.m., an officer was conducting a traffic stop of a vehicle in the 600 block of Norumbega for unsafe backing. As the officer spoke to the two occupants of the vehicle, he noticed a significant amount of mail inside the car. Neither of the occupants lived in the area. Further investigation revealed the occupants were in possession of stolen mail. The female driver also had multiple warrants for her arrest and the male passenger was in possession of a controlled substance, as well as drug paraphernalia. Both subjects were arrested and taken into custody. The victims of the stolen mail were contacted and had their mail returned.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
June 28 at 7:53 a.m., a resident was jogging in the 100 block of S. California when they saw a male subject passed out in the driver's seat of a parked car. The jogger believed the subject needed medical help and called police. Officers and paramedics responded. Officers found the subject was in possession of drug paraphernalia. Investigation revealed the subject had recently used a controlled substance, but was not in need of any medical attention. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.
Domestic Violence / Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspects Arrested
June 28 at 3:31 p.m., a female subject at the corner of Magnolia and Huntington called police to report her boyfriend hit her with a belt and she was in a lot of pain. Officers and paramedics responded. When they arrived, the suspect had fled the area. The victim was in a lot of pain and was transported to a nearby hospital by ambulance. The suspect turned himself in at the police station and was arrested and taken into custody. When he was arrested, he was found to be in possession of a controlled substance and a drug pipe.
Grand Theft Auto
June 29 at 8:09 a.m., a ride share driver picked up a male and female customer in Pasadena. They requested to go to a Monrovia business in the 900 block of W. Duarte. Once at the business, they requested to go to another location. The driver parked and went inside the business to use the restroom. He left the keys inside with the vehicle running. When he exited the store, he saw the two subjects driving away in his vehicle. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. This investigation is continuing.
Injury Traffic Collision
June 29 at 12:45 p.m., officers responded to the 300 block of S. Violet regarding a traffic collision. The driver was attempting to back out and accelerated into a building. She complained of pain and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. No other vehicles were involved.
June 29 at 7:15 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of W. Walnut received a call from a male suspect who told her that her computer had been hacked. The suspect told her in order to fix her computer, she would need to purchase three $500 Target gift cards and call him with the numbers on the back. The victim did what the suspect asked and gave him the gift card information. After she gave the card numbers to the suspect over the phone, she reported it to Chase Bank and was advised it was a common scam. This investigation is continuing.
Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
June 29 at 11:34 p.m., a caller reported a vehicle had been in an accident in the 100 block of S. Mountain. Officers arrived and saw a vehicle had struck a tree at the location. They contacted the driver and could smell the odor of alcohol. The driver had slurred speech and blood shot watery eyes. Field sobriety tests were conducted and the driver was arrested for being under the influence of alcohol. He was held for a sobering period.
June 30 at 10:12 a.m., a theft was reported in the 200 block of E. Foothill. The victim parked his car and when he returned to it the next morning, he discovered someone had stolen the catalytic converter. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. This investigation is continuing.
June 30 at 2:08 p.m., a theft was reported in the 300 block of W. Lime. Upon returning to his vehicle in the morning, the victim discovered the catalytic converter had been stolen off his vehicle. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. This investigation is continuing.
June 30 at 10:17 p.m., a resident called to report a female subject was breaking plants and door hangings on her front porch in the 300 block of Genoa. The female left the location and kicked vehicles on the way down the street. Officers responded and checked the area for the suspect, but were unable to locate her. This investigation is continuing.
Medical Assist
July 1 at 1:15 a.m., a caller reported a male subject not breathing in the 700 block of W. Huntington. Officers responded to the location and found a subject who had overdosed on drugs. The subject was unresponsive, but had a faint pulse. The subject was given Narcan, which helped him breathe better. Paramedics arrived after the Narcan was given and the subject was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
Lunch from JB Burgers
Lunch from JB Burgers, at the corner of Myrtle and Olive. Got the Pastrami Sandwich for $6.75. Yummy! Liked it a lot.
5 Trader Joe's Employees Positive for Coronavirus
Monrovia Coronavirus Count: 301, Up 7
Emergency Meeting Thursday of Old Town Advisory Board
- Brad Haugaard