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Dinner at Chang Thai Bistro

Had dinner last night at Chang Thai Bistro on the east side of Myrtle just north of Olive.  Got the Pad Thai ($7.95) and a beer ($4.95). This is a bad picture because I mixed up all the ingredients before I remembered I needed to take a picture. Anyway, it was very tasty ... and, when it started, pretty, too. 

- Brad Haugaard 

Jennifer Tubbs Is Monrovia Teacher of the Year

At it's Wednesday, Nov. 16, meeting (5:30 p.m.), the Monrovia Board of Education will honor Jennifer Tubbs, as the 2016 Teacher of the Year for Monrovia Unified School District.

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia Police: Man Hits Woman; Woman Hits Man; Robbed While Sitting in Car; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for November 7-9. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.

Domestic Violence / Battery – Suspect Arrested
November 7 at 6:19 p.m., a female subject came to the police station to report an incident of domestic violence. The subject and a female friend went to a residence in the 100 block of E. Central to serve her ex-boyfriend with a restraining order. When the friend approached the ex-boyfriend, he punched her in the face. He then threw a water bottle at the other female, striking her in the neck. Officers responded to the location and interviewed the suspect; he was arrested without further incident.

Possession of Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
November 8 at 8:19 a.m., a male subject was reported smoking marijuana on a public bench in the 100 block of W. Palm. Officers arrived and located the subject. The officer asked the subject if he had any contraband on his person and the subject admitted to having methamphetamine on him. The subject was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and taken into custody.

Injury Traffic Collision
November 8 at 2:35 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a traffic collision in the 300 block of W. Huntington involving two vehicles. One of the drivers complained of pain and Monrovia Fire paramedics responded to treat the driver at the scene.

Domestic Violence Investigation – Suspect Arrested
November 8 at 7:45 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 500 block of Hurstview regarding the report of a male and female subject involved in a physical altercation. The male subject had some minor injuries and the female was determined to be the primary aggressor. The female adult was arrested for domestic violence and taken into custody.

Vehicle Burglary
November 9 at 9:21 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 800 block of W. Huntington. The victim parked his vehicle and went inside a restaurant to eat. When he returned, he saw a window on his vehicle had been smashed and a backpack and Ipod had been stolen. The investigation is continuing.

November 10 at 12:24 a.m., officers were dispatched to the report of a robbery in the 1700 block of Alamitas. The victims had just returned from dinner and were sitting in a vehicle at the location. They were robbed at gunpoint by three suspects. The suspects were described as three male Blacks wearing ski masks that left the area in a white SUV. The loss was two cell phones and cash. The investigation is continuing.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
November 10 at 2:13 a.m., officers were checking the area of Foothill and Stedman for a suspicious subject that was seen looking into parked vehicles. A subject was located and was found to be in possession of a methamphetamine pipe and syringes. He was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Monrovia Faces St. Paul Friday

Monrovia Football faces St. Paul this Friday, coming out of a conclusive 46 - 16 victory against South Pasadena.

- Brad Haugaard

Art Sale to Support Monrovia's Boys & Girls Club

Artwork created by members of Monrovia's Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills Teen Center will be on display in the window of Hömage Pasadena on Holly Street in Old Pasadena Nov. 7 - Nov. 16. Hömage will host a viewing reception on Thursday, Nov. 10 from 5-7 p.m.. The reception is free and open to the public. Purchases made that evening will be 10% off and 10% will be donated to BGCF. There will also be a drawing for a gift basket valued at $250, with all proceeds benefiting BGCF. Hömage is a 2 E. Holly St., Pasadena.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Is Very Low on Water; Low-Water Medians; Native Plant Sale; Prayer Breakfast; Etc.

What a low-water Huntington Drive may look like.

In his weekly report ( ), City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ We are REALLY low on water. He said the regional watermaster reports that the water level is at 172.2 feet, "the lowest point at which the water level has ever been measured." If it drops to 165 feet around 10% of all production wells in the Main San Gabriel Basin will be totally out of commission and the basin "will experience an estimated 30% reduction in water production capacity." Solutions? Import water, but that'll cost money, which will probably be raised as an assessment (i.e. "tax"), but Monrovia would like the tax to fall more heavily on "those who are not engaged in significant conservation efforts."

~ With the drought the city plans to replace the dry grass in the Huntington Drive medians with less thirsty plants. Above is a rendering of what that might look like.

~ There will be a Native Garden Plant Sale on Nov. 12 (this Saturday), from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Library Park.  In addition, the water conservation team from Public Works Division will provide Waterwise Gardening presentations.

~ The 51st annual Monrovia Community Prayer Breakfast will take place on Friday, Nov. 18, from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel (700 West Huntington ).  Father Randy Campos from Immaculate Conception Church will speak on "Peace that Lies Within." More info from the Chamber of Commerce: 358-1159.

~ Oops. The old Alberstons shopping site has not been sold, but Chi adds that, "Based on discussions that have occurred to date, it appears that the new owners are still finalizing lease discussions with two operators, including TJ Maxx / Homegoods and Aldi (the grocery store concept)."

~ The Annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade event will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1 (I assume it is shortly after dark, but the report doesn't say.) The Monrovia Historic Preservation Group will serve as Grand Marshal.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Student Runs In Front of Car - Hit; Stolen Bike; Car vs. Ankle; Brother-Sister Fight; Camping In the Alley; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for November 3-6. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.

Grand Theft Auto
November 3 at 4:30 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from a parking lot in the 1600 block of S. Myrtle Avenue. The victim parked his vehicle in the lot at 7:00 a.m. and went to work. When he returned at 4:30 p.m., he discovered his vehicle had been stolen. The investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
November 3 at 5:20 p.m., an officer on patrol conducted a traffic stop for a vehicle code violation at California and Duarte. A computer check of the driver revealed she had a felony warrant out of Monrovia for her arrest. She was arrested and taken into custody for the warrant.

Petty Theft
November 3 at 9:50 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of Montana Street called police to report the theft of his bicycle. The victim left his bicycle on the side of his yard at 8:00 p.m. and went inside his residence. At 9:00 p.m., he went back outside and noticed his bicycle was missing. The investigation is continuing.

Hit & Run Traffic Collision – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian
November 3 at 11:01 p.m., a hit and run traffic collision that occurred at Mayflower and Diamond was reported to police. A 17-year-old male subject was walking across the street when a vehicle's front fender grazed the back of his ankle. The driver of the vehicle left the scene. The minor walked home and informed his mother of the incident. The minor did not have any visible injuries, but he complained of pain to his ankle. The investigation is continuing.

November 4 at 7:40 a.m., a female resident in the 1200 block of S. Sherman called police to report she had been involved in a fight with her brother. Both subjects are adults. The argument became physical and both subjects pushed and shoved each other. The male suspect then pushed his sister to the ground, causing her to fall backwards and strike her back on a brick planter box. The suspect then went into the house and the victim followed. Inside the house, they continued to argue and fight. At one point, the male suspect bit the female victim on her shoulder through her shirt, causing injury. The suspect then left the residence on foot. Officers conducted an area search for the suspect, but he was not located. The investigation is continuing.

Traffic Collison – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian
November 4 at 3:05 p.m., a student ran in front of a slow moving vehicle at a middle school in the 200 block of S. Ivy. The child was struck and went to the ground. The child was treated by Monrovia Fire Department and taken to a hospital for precautionary measures. The child had visible scrapes on his face. The child’s mother was notified. She responded to the school and went to the hospital with her son.

Possession of a Controlled Substance / Warrants – Suspect Arrested
November 5 at 3:50 a.m., police dispatch received a call reporting several subjects sleeping on the lawn at a location in the 200 block of E. Palm. Officers arrived and discovered five subjects sleeping on the lawn. The officers recognized one of the subjects and knew he had outstanding warrants for his arrest. The warrants were confirmed and the subject was arrested. A search of his property revealed he was in possession of methamphetamine, which was added to his charges.

Grand Theft Auto
November 5 at 7:50 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from an apartment complex in the 1500 block of Encino. The victim parked and locked her vehicle in the guest parking for the complex at 2:00 a.m. The vehicle is a black, 1998 Honda Civic. When she returned to her vehicle in the morning, she found her vehicle was missing. Officers checked the area, but the vehicle was not located. The investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
November 5 at 12:02 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of Ridgeside on the report of a vehicle burglary. The victim parked and locked his vehicle on the street at 1:45 a.m. Sometime during the night, unknown suspects entered the vehicle and gained access to the trunk. They stole miscellaneous tools and other items from the trunk of the vehicle. The investigation is continuing.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
November 5 at 6:27 p.m., police received a call reporting subjects camped out in the rear alley of a business in the 300 block of W. Huntington. Officers arrived and made contact with one male and one female camped out in the alley. The female subject was found to have an outstanding warrant for her arrest and was in possession of a glass pipe used for smoking methamphetamine. She was arrested and taken into custody.

Disturbing Subjects / Public Intoxication / Violation of Domestic Violence Restraining Order – Suspects Arrested
November 5 at 7:30 p.m., a male and female subject were reported fighting in the park in the 300 block of S. Myrtle Avenue. Officers arrived and located the two subjects. The female subject was found to be extremely intoxicated and was arrested for being drunk in public. The male subject is listed as being the restrained person in a court ordered domestic violence restraining order and the protected person is the intoxicated female. The male subject was arrested for violating the restraining order.

Domestic Violence
November 5 at 11:30 p.m., a fight between a male and female subject was reported in the 500 block of W. Palm. Officers arrived and found the subjects were in a vehicle arguing. The male subject had an injury to his finger and the female subject had an injury to her hand. The officers determined the female subject was the aggressor and she was arrested for domestic violence.

A Photo Tour of Monrovia's New Hillside Wilderness Trail

Following up on yesterday's description of the new trail in Monrovia's Hillside Wilderness area (see here: ), I actually took the trail today. Here is a photo description of my trek from the Ridgeside entry point to the Cloverleaf entry point. Note that some of the pictures show itty-bitty trail signs. These are temporary and will be replaced with serious signs soon.

This is the Ridgeside entry point. It looks like a driveway because it is that too.

Oh no! Looks like it's closed, but it isn't. The lock threw me off. Open the gate and ride up Clamshell Road.

At the top of Clamshell the road goes to the left and the trail to the right. The road rejoins the trail later but don't take it because it crosses private property.

Take the trail until you get to this cutoff on the right. See the itty-bitty direction sign? Hopefully the official one will be bigger.

Soon you come to seriously steep switchbacks. A skilled mountain biker could handle it, but I'm not a skilled mountain biker, and I value my neck. I walked my bike down.

This is where the private road rejoins the trail. It comes in on the left and you can't see it in this picture. The old, easy road to the Cloverleaf entry point is in the left middle of the picture. The trail is the road on the right. It may be hard to see, but there is a cable blocking the way to the old road. It's the city's way of asking you to please take the road on the right.

I don't mind admitting that I got off my bike here and walked it down. After all, I wouldn't want my poor bike to get hurt.

Nice view into Arcadia.

The road on the right is what I came down. The road on the left goes to Arcadia's Wilderness Park. I'm not going to go that way today.

A nice easy stretch for a bit.

We encounter the old road to Cloverleaf again. Notice the cable, again to encourage you to stay off the old road and take the path on the right.

After some ups and steep downs we come to the Cloverleaf gate, just inside of which is this building. Notice the green post? That's a drinking fountain that also lets you fill water bottles. Cool!

Okay, here's the gate. Notice the panic bar on the pedestrian door. That'll let you get out if you are stuck inside after hours. You think you're done when you pass this? You're not.

The trail does not follow the road. Just past the gate it veers to the right. Take this route because if the gate at the end of Cloverleaf (the road on the left) happens to be closed, you'll have to backtrack and take this route anyway.

Okay, this is the Cloverleaf entry point. Can't see it? Well, its right where you see the storm drain in the curb. Just to the right of a private road, where you see the mailboxes. Hopefully it will better marked when the final signs are put in place.

And that's it. I had a great time.

- Brad Haugaard

New Art Show | More Monrovia Movie History | Band to Play at Pearl Harbor

~ Saga Fine Art (110 W. Lime) has a new show called "Intimate Spaces," featuring interiors, still life, private gardens and doorways through Dec. 2.

~ More on Monrovia's movie history. A movie parade and everything.

~ The Monrovia School Board will consider approving a field trip for Monrovia High School Band students to travel to Honolulu to perform in the 75th Anniversary Pearl Harbor Mass Band, December 4-9. Also, the board will consider consider a dual-enrollment deal with Citrus College. If you are desperate to know more, click the link, but the school district has switched to putting everything in one humongous PDF file. This one is 150 pages long: Click here if you have a fast connection.

- Brad Haugaard

A Preview of Soon-to-Open Trails in Monrovia's Hillside Wilderness Preserve

I got a preview tour today with City Manager Oliver Chi and Director of Public Services Tina Cherry of the new trails in the Hillside Wilderness Area - to be officially opened on Nov. 19 - though it is now in what City Manager Oliver Chi called a "soft opening," meaning you can get in and hike or bike in the area, but it's not quite polished - a bit of trail work to be done and a fair number of signs to be posted.

Anyway, here are some observations:

- The entrance at Cloverleaf is no longer the road. Cloverleaf Drive is now gated at the point where I indicate in red. Instead, the entry point is where the green line touches the road, just about ten yards south of the gate. Also, don't confuse the green line (which is new) with the red line just a few feet away, which is a private road. (The blue spot, by the way, is an underground reservoir - you won't see any water.) After following the green trail you will encounter another gate, with a pedestrian door that you can get through during normal park hours.

- The new trail is the preferred route as it does not cross any private property, and that's the route the city would like you to take. However, the old route will remain open.

- Oops. Maybe I should have said the new trails, because just above the Cloverleaf entrance the trail splits into two, the one on the left which is very steep, with switchbacks along the trail, and the other which is relatively easier.

- When I say "relatively easier," it is because all of the new trail is quite steep. The old road is easy - you could drive it with your car. It is a casual walk. But to check out the new trail we took a Polaris Ranger, kind of a motorized mountain goat. Also, it is not just steep, but also it is steep with a lot of ups and downs, so even if you're generally hiking downhill, you'll still be hiking uphill quite a bit. But I guess half the point of going up there is to get your exercise, and you will.

- It is a bit longer. Cherry guesstimated the new trail (from Cloverleaf to Ridgeside) is about a mile longer than if you follow the old road.  About three total. The trail juts west toward Arcadia, with a great overview. Also, you can continue on over to Arcadia's Wilderness Park. At the turnoff to Wilderness Park, Cherry said the city will post a sign with the Wilderness Park hours since you wouldn't want to get over there and find you can't get through.

- If you want to take the new trail, my recommendation would be to take Clamshell road starting at the Ridgeside entry point, marked with the green dot. (Drive up Canyon to get to Ridgeside or Oakglade, which loops around into Ridgeside. The trail entry point looks like a driveway.) Hike or bike to the top of Clamshell, where there is a sign that directs you off the road and along a trail. Take the trail until you get to a cutoff trail to the right (if you get to a lookout you've gone a bit far). Take the cutoff down the steep switchbacks. At the bottom is the old road to the left and the new road to the right. Take the new road and have fun. Good Lord willing, you'll end up at Cloverleaf. Hiking boots recommended. If you're riding a bike, make sure your brakes are properly adjusted and brake cables are not frayed. Oh, bring water, too. There ain't any up there.

- Brad Haugaard

Dinner at Claim Jumper

Dinner last night at Claim Jumper, on Huntington near Arcadia. Got the Clubhouse Sandwich for $13.99 and a beer for $6.75. It was very good and lots of it. Had to take some home. 

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Association of Fine Arts Confers Annual Awards

Top: Renaissance Award - (l-r) Monrovia Mayor Tom Adams, Councilmember Gloria Crudgington, ChapCare Marketing Supervisor Kevin Reed, Assemblymember Roger Hernandez representative Arturo Nevarez, Councilmember Becky Shevlin. Middle: Heart in the Arts Award - (l-r) Arturo Nevarez, Tom Adams, MAFA Board Member Christine Geltz, Becky Shevlin, Gloria Crudgington. Bottom: Featured Artists - (back row, l-r) Arturo Nevarez, Tom Adams, Gloria Crudgington, Becky Shevlin (front row, l-r) Featured Artists and MAFA Board Members Marianne and Steve McCarthy.

On Oct. 29, during its annual Celebrate the Arts Show & Chalkfest, the Monrovia Association of Fine Arts held its annual awards ceremony at the Monrovia Public Library front entrance. The ceremony featured City Councilmember and MAFA board member Becky Shevlin as emcee and included a welcome from City Manager Oliver Chi. Festival attendees, artists, friends and fans applauded as award winners received the following acknowledgments:

Renaissance Award: MAFA annually presents its Renaissance Award to an individual or organization in the community that best supports MAFA's mission. On Saturday, Mayor Tom Adams presented this year's Renaissance Award, an original metal sculpture by MAFA artist and board member Bill Hyatt, to ChapCare, represented by Kevin Reed, Marketing Supervisor. ChapCare was honored with this award due to their ongoing support of MAFA's Summer Art Walks and Celebrate the Arts events by providing not only financial assistance but staff time and material resources for children's art education activities.

Heart in the Arts Award:  The Heart in the Arts Award goes each year to a MAFA member who has demonstrated outstanding vision, leadership and accomplishment in supporting MAFA's mission. This year, MAFA President Carol Curtis presented the award to Christine Geltz, MAFA board member, membership & marketing chair and Celebrate the Arts chair. In the past year, Christine instituted the MAFA Professional Development Series for artists, stepped up MAFA's social media presence and initiated development of a new MAFA website which will include membership and organizational management functions.

Featured Artists: MAFA had named Steve and Marianne McCarthy as the 53rd Annual Celebrate the Arts Show Featured Artists last fall. Both professional photographers and longtime MAFA board members, the McCarthy's set the show theme "Art in Motion" with their specialty in vehicle and transportation photography. Steve is also the author of several books including "Road Trippin" and "The Extra Virgin Spy Club."

Recognition for each of the above awards was augmented by certificates of commendation from the City of Monrovia and local, state, and federal officials: U.S. Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu, State Senator Carol Liu, Assemblyman Chris Holden, Assemblyman Roger Hernandez and L.A. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich

During the ceremony, Christine Geltz also acknowledged the support of several community sponsors who received certificates of commendation: Lisa Barrios of Paint 'n' Play Studio, Penny Arroyo of Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley, Chris Shevlin of Chicago Title and Luis Castellanos of Orchard Supply Hardware Monrovia. 

Additional community members and entities commended for their support were Pacific Plate Brewing Company (which donated all the beer for the event's beer garden), Mark Maverick (show sound system and announcer), Post Alarm Systems, Blick Art Supplies, Keith Johnson Photography, Brian Huffman Photography, Ward Auto Service, City of Monrovia Department of Community Services and the City of Monrovia.

Source: Press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Catalytic Converter Stolen; Two Pounds of Meth; Fake Checks and Fake Cash; Shoplifting; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for October 31 – November 2. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 407 service events, resulting in 76 investigations.

Grand Theft Auto
October 31 at 3:08 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 3300 block of S. Peck Road. The vehicle stolen is a 1990's Honda Civic. The investigation is continuing.

Petty Theft
November 1 at 7:45 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of East Pomona called police to report a theft. The catalytic converter was stolen off his 2005 Toyota Camry. The victim parked his vehicle in front of his residence in the evening. When he returned to his vehicle the next morning and started his car, he heard a loud and unusual engine noise coming from his vehicle. He checked and discovered the catalytic converter had been stolen. The investigation is continuing.

Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sales / Weapon Offense – Suspects Arrested
November 1 at 9:47 a.m., an officer conducted a probation compliance search on a female subject that was staying in a hotel in the 700 block of W. Huntington. A male subject was also staying in the hotel room. During the search of the room, the officers located a loaded firearm, almost two pounds of methamphetamine, a vial of PCP, over $2000 in cash, and drug sales paraphernalia. The male subject was determined to be an ex-felon who was currently out on bail for a Monrovia Police Department drug sales case. The officer arrested both subjects for possession for sales of methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance, and several other weapon and drug related charges. Both subjects were held pending their court appearance.

Fraud / Possession of Counterfeit Currency – Suspect Arrested
November 1 at 4:54 p.m., a bank in the 500 block of S. Myrtle called police to report a fraud incident. A male suspect went into the bank and attempted to cash a fraudulent business check for $7000. Officers were dispatched to the bank and they detained the suspect. The officer arrested the suspect for attempting to pass a fraudulent check. The officer searched the suspect after arresting him and found a counterfeit $20 bill in his wallet. The suspect was also charged with possession of counterfeit currency.

Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 2:55 a.m., an officer on patrol contacted two suspicious subjects loitering near closed businesses in the 1800 block of Santa Fe Place. A consent search of one of the subjects revealed he was in possession of methamphetamine. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 9:00 a.m., officers were on patrol in the 100 block of W. Colorado when they observed a male and female subject in a vehicle. The officer recognized the male passenger and knew he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The officer stopped the vehicle and the male passenger fled on foot from the vehicle, leaving the female behind. The officer broadcast the information on his location and the fleeing suspect. He then contacted the female, who was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and possible stolen property. She was arrested for the charges. The male subject was not located.

Vehicle Burglary
November 2 at 9:10 a.m., officers responded to a hotel in the 900 block of W. Huntington Drive on the report of a vehicle burglary. The victim parked and secured his vehicle in the parking lot on November 1. When he returned to his vehicle the next day, he saw the rear hatch door had been pried open and the third-row seat had been stolen. The investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto / Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 9:25 a.m., police located a stolen vehicle in the area of Myrtle and Chestnut and stopped the vehicle at Huntington and Mayflower. The driver was found to be a parolee at large. He was also found to be in possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Shoplifting – Suspects Arrested
November 2 at 3:25 p.m., a petty theft was reported at a business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain Avenue. A male and female entered the business and concealed items on their person while inside the store. They both exited the store without attempting to pay for the merchandise. Loss prevention personnel stopped and detained them. The suspects were arrested and taken into custody.

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 6:39 p.m., employees at a business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain saw a subject exit the rear security doors of the store and throw a drill over a wall. The subject eventually exited the store, recovered the drill and walked away from the location. Officers located the suspect one block away and recovered the stolen power drill. The suspect was positively identified by the witnesses and was arrested.

Weapon Offense – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 8:48 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a male adult for traffic violations. The driver had a loaded pistol in his waistband. He stated that he was a security guard, but he did not have a permit to carry a loaded firearm. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 9:36 p.m., a possible drunk driver was reported at Myrtle and Camino Real. Officers responded and located the vehicle traveling north on Myrtle at Central. They saw the driver crash into the center divider. Monrovia Fire Department paramedics responded and the driver was taken to the hospital. After the driver was medically cleared, he was arrested for driving under the influence.

November 2 at 10:40 p.m., officers responded to the 100 block of E. Cherry regarding several neighbors fighting in the alley. After interviewing the involved parties, the victim made a citizen's arrest of the suspect. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
November 2 at 11:38 p.m., while conducting extra patrol in the 100 block of W. Cherry, officers located a subject inside a parked car. The male adult is a known drug addict and told officers he had syringes in his possession. A search of the subject revealed baggies of methamphetamine and heroin. The suspect was arrested for possession of methamphetamine, heroin and drug paraphernalia. He was arrested and taken into custody for the drug charges.

Driving Under the Influence / Resisting and Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested
November 3 at 4:02 a.m., an officer on patrol in the 1500 block of S. Myrtle saw a vehicle drive off the freeway and strike the center divider as he attempted to turn onto Myrtle. The officer conducted a traffic stop. The driver was determined to be intoxicated and was arrested for DUI. The passenger would not cooperate with the officer and refused to exit the vehicle; he was arrested for resisting/delaying an investigation. The driver was arrested for DUI and unsafe turning movement. The passenger was arrested for delaying an investigation.

Honoring Veterans | Health and Wellness | Monrovia vs. South Pas | Elf Movie

~ Citrus College, which serves Monrovia, will honor the men and women who have served in our nation's military at its 11th annual Saluting Our Veterans program. The public is encouraged to attend this free event, which takes place on Thursday, Nov. 10 from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Campus Center Mall, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd., Glendora.

~ A Health and Wellness event will be held at Clifton Middle School on Friday, November 4, 2016 from 10:30-11:30 a.m., and will be open to students who attend the school. Source: Press release.

~ Preview of Friday's football game against South Pasadena.

~ Free screening of the movie, Elf, on Saturday, Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. at the Monrovia Public Library. For free tickets call 205-4308 or email Light refreshments, aging resources available.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fire Insurance Rates May Go Down; So Should the Interest Rates It Pays; Fuzzy Employees; Opening of Hillside Gate; Big Burglary Bust

In his weekly report ( ), City Manager Oliver Chi reports:

~ Improvements to the Monrovia Fire Department could save property owners from 6-8% on their fire insurance.  "If we are successful in raising our ISO rating from a Class 3 to an ISO rating of Class 2, the net result for property owners would be a noticeable and measurable decrease in fire insurance premiums."

~ Monrovia's bond rating has been improved to AA- by Standard & Poor, the bond rating agency, which brings it up to "high grade investment level." In short, this means the city pays less to borrow money. "It wasn't that long ago that securities from the City were considered lower medium grade investments in the BBB- to BBB+ range." The S&B rating levels go up several more notches, to "prime," which is an AAA rating.

~ If you see fuzzy city employees this month, it is because this is "No Shave November," a cancer awareness event.  All City staff who participate pay $40, all of which will go to fight cancer. Participants will forgo shaving during the entire month of November, and maybe win an award, like the "50 Shades of Grey" award for the best natural grey beard.

~ The city is "just about finished" with all of the needed capital enhancements to open the Cloverleaf and Ridgeside Access Points to the Hillside Wilderness Preserve. There will be a "soft" opening this week, in which trail enthusiasts will be invited to test it out, then the final work will be completed (mostly signs and stuff) and then on Nov. 15 the City Council will give its final approval.

~ Monrovia Police had a big success recently. Four burglary suspects in one day. Here's more detail:

- Brad Haugaard