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Monrovia's Kings and Queens Robotics Team Needs Money to Get to World Championship
The Monrovia High Kings and Queens robotics team has been vigorously fundraising to cover the cost of the team's upcoming trip to compete in the FIRST Robotics World Championship in St. Louis on April 22-25. Support from the Monrovia community has been enthusiastic but the team is still short of the needed $12,000 for lodging and transportation for the students, coaches, robot and materials. Please help if you can, and help spread the word. Donations of any amount will get them closer to their goal. Businesses who donate $500 or more can have their company logo displayed on the robot "Sir Lancelot" both during the competition and after he comes back to a well-earned retirement to be displayed at school functions.
The team has an online donation site at Donations there can be made a credit card or by transferring funds from a bank account. GoFundMe keeps about 8% of the funds to cover card and bank charges and their costs.
They also gladly accept checks mailed to the address below. A note should be written on or included with the check that the donation is for the Kings and Queens Robotics Team:
MHS Math and Science Academy Boosters.
Attn: Monrovia High Robotics Program
PO Box 1887
Monrovia, CA 91017
The Monrovia High Robotics Program is a part of the MHS Math and Science Academy Boosters for tax purposes and all donations we receive pass through them. The MASA Boosters are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organization with ID number 27-3072381 and all donations to us are tax deductable and qualify for company matching-gift programs.
Source: press release
- Brad Haugaard
Who Knew? Monrovia High's Front Lawn Designed for Overflow Parking
There has been some debate on Facebook after people noticed cars parked on the front lawn of Monrovia High School during this Sunday's meeting of Fellowship Monrovia, the church which meets at the school. Some said it shouldn't be allowed and others said that such parking is regularly allowed for other large events. Then School Board member Ed Gililland posted that:
"The area was considered for pavement, but considering the amount of surface that does not allow rain water to permeate into the ground, the decision was made to put in pavers that allowed grass to grow and water to permeate into the ground. It is designated and designed for overflow parking."
- Brad Haugaard
"The area was considered for pavement, but considering the amount of surface that does not allow rain water to permeate into the ground, the decision was made to put in pavers that allowed grass to grow and water to permeate into the ground. It is designated and designed for overflow parking."
- Brad Haugaard
Gold Line Train Yard Opening in June | Monrovia Over San Marino
~ Monrovia Gold Line train maintenance yard to open in June.
~ Monrovia over San Marino in baseball - 3-1.
- Brad Haugaard
~ Monrovia over San Marino in baseball - 3-1.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Rotary Club Supports Fountain to the Falls Run/Walk
(This post sponsored by Monrovia Rotary Club)
Saturday, May 9th 2015 will mark the 5th annual “Fountain to the Falls” run/walk from the fountain in Library Park to the water falls in Canyon Park.
The Monrovia Rotary Club intends to lend support for this fun, family event by hosting a health booth and by our Rotarians participating in the race. All fitness levels are welcome. Lynda Linforth, a personal trainer, owner of Trainer on the Run ( and a Monrovia Rotarian, is giving hands on support to the pre-race training.
The Monrovia Rotary Club has agreed to put an emphasis on health and fitness for 2015. A 'biggest loser' competition was started in January for willing participants and is currently ongoing. “All participants will be able to finish at their own pace but preparation must be done to avoid injuries” said Linforth. The Monrovia Rotary Club is getting together, three times a week to train for the race. Lynda Linforth has presented a day-by-day training program and will be on hand for pre-event stretching and advice. Lynda leads us on a Saturday morning walk in preparation. We also have scheduled walks on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
This event is organized by the City of Monrovia and will feature a health fair presented by the YMCA. For more information, please visit
The Monrovia Rotary Club meets weekly at the Monrovian Family Restaurant (upstairs) Tuesdays at noon. If you are interested in joining us please contact us at
School Board: Help Students Plan for College; Refinance Bond; Remember Armenian Genocide; Etc.
At the next meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will consider ...
- a contract with Naviance, which helps students plan ahead for college:
- refinancing the Measure M bond, since interest rates are now lower.
- adopting a resolution "In Remembrance of the Armenian genocide and Man's Inhumanity to Man."
- and other stuff.
- Brad Haugaard
- a contract with Naviance, which helps students plan ahead for college:
- refinancing the Measure M bond, since interest rates are now lower.
- adopting a resolution "In Remembrance of the Armenian genocide and Man's Inhumanity to Man."
- and other stuff.
- Brad Haugaard
New Gold Line Maintenance Yard is Environmentally Friendly
The 24-acre, $265-million Gold Line Operations Campus in Monrovia, is one of the only facilities of its kind to meet U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Gold standards, one of the highest levels available, according to Habib F. Balian, CEO of the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority.
The facility will house up to 84 light rail vehicles and nearly 200 employees over several shifts a day. Features built into the facility will reduce water and electricity consumption, as well as capture 100% of the rainfall from the site and infiltrate it into the groundwater aquifers below. Highlights:
- A 714-panel, 178.5-kilowatt solar panel array has been installed that will generate 22,000 Kilowatt Hours/Month, enough electricity to meet one-third of power needs of the 132,000 square foot Main Shop Building. Excess power will be made available to the local electric grid.
- Water-reduction measures in the Main Shop Building (such as high efficiency fixtures and infrared sensor faucets) will help achieve a 35% water reduction level. Smart sprinkler technology and drought-tolerant plants will reduce landscape water consumption by 50%. The large carwash facility, with average usage of 60,000 gallons of water a day, will use only recycled, reclaimed water.
- A specialized stormwater management system has been installed to capture the first 3/4-inch (112,000 gallons) of a 100-year storm event. The stormwater is treated, then sent to large, open-bottom subterranean chambers below the facility.
- Recycled materials make up nearly 50% of the material used on the campus, and materials were locally sourced to reduce environmental impacts of long-distance transport.
Source: press release
- Brad Haugaard
The facility will house up to 84 light rail vehicles and nearly 200 employees over several shifts a day. Features built into the facility will reduce water and electricity consumption, as well as capture 100% of the rainfall from the site and infiltrate it into the groundwater aquifers below. Highlights:
- A 714-panel, 178.5-kilowatt solar panel array has been installed that will generate 22,000 Kilowatt Hours/Month, enough electricity to meet one-third of power needs of the 132,000 square foot Main Shop Building. Excess power will be made available to the local electric grid.
- Water-reduction measures in the Main Shop Building (such as high efficiency fixtures and infrared sensor faucets) will help achieve a 35% water reduction level. Smart sprinkler technology and drought-tolerant plants will reduce landscape water consumption by 50%. The large carwash facility, with average usage of 60,000 gallons of water a day, will use only recycled, reclaimed water.
- A specialized stormwater management system has been installed to capture the first 3/4-inch (112,000 gallons) of a 100-year storm event. The stormwater is treated, then sent to large, open-bottom subterranean chambers below the facility.
- Recycled materials make up nearly 50% of the material used on the campus, and materials were locally sourced to reduce environmental impacts of long-distance transport.
Source: press release
- Brad Haugaard
Unapproved $650,000 - In Scope of Plan But Not Referred to Council, as Required
Another letter from Mayor Mary Ann Lutz:
I reported to you Wednesday morning that we had discovered nearly $650,000 in change orders for Station Square construction that went forward without approval from the City Council. I want to update you now on what we have done to investigate and remedy that situation.
The Council met in special session this morning to hear a report from City Manager Oliver Chi on how the procedural breakdown occurred. His report satisfied the Council that the change orders were within the scope of plans presented and approved in study sessions (although not presented to the Council for formal approval as required) and that the contractors had proceeded in good faith based on authorizations from two City employees. The Council then voted unanimously to authorize the additional expenditures.
One of the individuals responsible for bypassing formal Council approval is no longer employed by the City and the department involved has since been reorganized and is under new management. I have asked the City Manager to address the matter of the second responsible party in an appropriate manner. I also asked for and received a public commitment that he and his management staff will see to it that this never happens again.
Additionally, I have asked that the Council establish a committee, including two of its members, to oversee the entire Station Square project. Station Square is the largest such project ever undertaken by the City and has come at a time of reduced staff and resources. It is important, therefore, that the Council engages directly in the oversight process.
Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
- Brad Haugaard
I reported to you Wednesday morning that we had discovered nearly $650,000 in change orders for Station Square construction that went forward without approval from the City Council. I want to update you now on what we have done to investigate and remedy that situation.
The Council met in special session this morning to hear a report from City Manager Oliver Chi on how the procedural breakdown occurred. His report satisfied the Council that the change orders were within the scope of plans presented and approved in study sessions (although not presented to the Council for formal approval as required) and that the contractors had proceeded in good faith based on authorizations from two City employees. The Council then voted unanimously to authorize the additional expenditures.
One of the individuals responsible for bypassing formal Council approval is no longer employed by the City and the department involved has since been reorganized and is under new management. I have asked the City Manager to address the matter of the second responsible party in an appropriate manner. I also asked for and received a public commitment that he and his management staff will see to it that this never happens again.
Additionally, I have asked that the Council establish a committee, including two of its members, to oversee the entire Station Square project. Station Square is the largest such project ever undertaken by the City and has come at a time of reduced staff and resources. It is important, therefore, that the Council engages directly in the oversight process.
Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Rotary Donates to Explorers | Police Honored | Gold Line Parking | Hazardous Waste Collection
~ The Monrovia Rotary Club has donated $1,286 to the Monrovia Police Department Explorer Post.
~ Mothers Against Drunk Drivers honors Monrovia police for their work.
~ A nice picture of the parking structure at the Monrovia Gold Line Station:
~ Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection Saturday, May 30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Monrovia High parking lot off Madison Avenue.
- Brad Haugaard
~ Mothers Against Drunk Drivers honors Monrovia police for their work.
~ A nice picture of the parking structure at the Monrovia Gold Line Station:
~ Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection Saturday, May 30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Monrovia High parking lot off Madison Avenue.
- Brad Haugaard
Walk n' Roll at Monrovia's Bradoaks | Unity Center Auction | Gold Line Parking Structure
~ Heather Mixon Stokes says Bradoaks School's Walk n' Roll is coming up next month and the school is in need of sponsors. Any businesses or families that would like to promote their business and sponsor this year please send an email to Karyn McIntyre Godbold at
~ Foothill Unity Center is celebrating its 35th Birthday with an online auction. You can participate here ( ) "and bid on a wide variety of spectacular goods and services, sumptuous dining experiences and unique adventures." The Center reports that, "Last year, we assisted 10,288 individuals from almost 5,000 families with food, emergency housing assistance, health services, job training and more."
~ A nice picture of the parking structure at the Monrovia Gold Line Station:
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Man Swipes 15 Pairs of Jeans and the Bag to Carry Them; He'll Steal More Beer Later; No Bomb At Monrovia High; Etc.
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 6-8. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 383 service events, resulting in 62 investigations.
Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
April 6 at 9:33 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 500 block of West Huntington. An adult male subject entered the business and stole a Nike athletic bag that he had filled with 15 pairs of jeans. The suspect attempted to flee with the bag, but surrendered to loss prevention when he was stopped. The suspect was arrested and charged with commercial burglary.
Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
April 6 at 4:46 p.m., police responded to the report of a female subject sitting in front of a motel with a pistol under her sweater. Officers were deployed, they stopped traffic in the area and the Foothill Air Support helicopter arrived overhead for assistance. The female was then detained. No pistol was found on the subject, but a pipe for smoking methamphetamine was discovered in the female's property. She was arrested and taken into custody. 72-Hour Mental Evaluation April 6 at 11:38 p.m., a caller reported a female subject with no clothes on, running in the 100 block of West Foothill, attempting to flag people down on the street. Officers responded to the area and located the female. She was taken to a hospital and held for a 72-hour mental evaluation.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
April 7 at 10:45 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 400 block of East Duarte Road regarding a shoplifter. The suspect took two packs of beer from the store and fled the location, hiding around the corner. When he was discovered by officers, he had already consumed one can of beer. He told the officers he was going to steal more beer as soon as he was released from custody. The suspect was arrested and held on the likelihood of reoccurrence, pending his court appearance.
Vehicle Burglary
April 7 at 8:13 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported at a business parking lot in the 100 block of West Foothill. The victim parked and locked his vehicle in the parking lot and went to work at one of the businesses. When he returned, he noticed the doors were still locked, but the inside of the vehicle had been ransacked. The suspect took a couple sports hats and a backpack that was inside the vehicle. A male and a female subject were seen near the vehicle at the time of the burglary. The investigation is continuing.
False Bomb Threat
April 8 at 8:55 a.m., a female subject called police and claimed a bomb was being placed in the gym at Monrovia High School in the 800 block of West Colorado. The Police Department response was coordinated with the school staff and the gym was immediately evacuated. The gym was thoroughly searched, but nothing suspicious was located. The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft
April 8 at 11:49 p.m., a grand theft was reported in the 500 block of Linwood. The victim left her iPad inside her vehicle, which was left unlocked. The investigation is continuing.
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 383 service events, resulting in 62 investigations.
Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
April 6 at 9:33 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 500 block of West Huntington. An adult male subject entered the business and stole a Nike athletic bag that he had filled with 15 pairs of jeans. The suspect attempted to flee with the bag, but surrendered to loss prevention when he was stopped. The suspect was arrested and charged with commercial burglary.
Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
April 6 at 4:46 p.m., police responded to the report of a female subject sitting in front of a motel with a pistol under her sweater. Officers were deployed, they stopped traffic in the area and the Foothill Air Support helicopter arrived overhead for assistance. The female was then detained. No pistol was found on the subject, but a pipe for smoking methamphetamine was discovered in the female's property. She was arrested and taken into custody. 72-Hour Mental Evaluation April 6 at 11:38 p.m., a caller reported a female subject with no clothes on, running in the 100 block of West Foothill, attempting to flag people down on the street. Officers responded to the area and located the female. She was taken to a hospital and held for a 72-hour mental evaluation.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
April 7 at 10:45 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 400 block of East Duarte Road regarding a shoplifter. The suspect took two packs of beer from the store and fled the location, hiding around the corner. When he was discovered by officers, he had already consumed one can of beer. He told the officers he was going to steal more beer as soon as he was released from custody. The suspect was arrested and held on the likelihood of reoccurrence, pending his court appearance.
Vehicle Burglary
April 7 at 8:13 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported at a business parking lot in the 100 block of West Foothill. The victim parked and locked his vehicle in the parking lot and went to work at one of the businesses. When he returned, he noticed the doors were still locked, but the inside of the vehicle had been ransacked. The suspect took a couple sports hats and a backpack that was inside the vehicle. A male and a female subject were seen near the vehicle at the time of the burglary. The investigation is continuing.
False Bomb Threat
April 8 at 8:55 a.m., a female subject called police and claimed a bomb was being placed in the gym at Monrovia High School in the 800 block of West Colorado. The Police Department response was coordinated with the school staff and the gym was immediately evacuated. The gym was thoroughly searched, but nothing suspicious was located. The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft
April 8 at 11:49 p.m., a grand theft was reported in the 500 block of Linwood. The victim left her iPad inside her vehicle, which was left unlocked. The investigation is continuing.
Monrovia Council to Discuss $650,000 in Surprise Expenses | Softball Loss | Fun Day at the Y
~ A special meeting of the Monrovia City Council (agenda: ) this Friday at 8 a.m. to discuss the $650,000 in change order expenses for the Station Square project that Mayor Mary Ann Lutz referred to here: . Staff is recommending the council authorize the expenses.
~ South Hills over Monrovia in softball. 10-0. :-(
~ There will be a day of free family-friendly games including basketball, family Group Ex, swimming and a bean bag toss on Saturday, April 23, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. YMCA program sign-ups, a visit from Stewie the Duck (who will be reading to kids) and community sponsor booths. Santa Anita Family YMCA, 501 South Mountain. 359-9244.
- Brad Haugaard
~ South Hills over Monrovia in softball. 10-0. :-(
~ There will be a day of free family-friendly games including basketball, family Group Ex, swimming and a bean bag toss on Saturday, April 23, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. YMCA program sign-ups, a visit from Stewie the Duck (who will be reading to kids) and community sponsor booths. Santa Anita Family YMCA, 501 South Mountain. 359-9244.
- Brad Haugaard
Distraction Burglary in Monrovia
Beware of distraction burglaries. From the Monrovia Bears group on the Nextdoor network:
"Today we were burglarized by being distracted by one man while another ransacked the house. Beware of a man posing to do work on a power pole in your backyard to distract you. Also, they took mainly cash and jewelry but they took my husband's ashes by mistake. The ashes are in a plain black, wooden box (12"x12"x5")."
- Brad Haugaard
"Today we were burglarized by being distracted by one man while another ransacked the house. Beware of a man posing to do work on a power pole in your backyard to distract you. Also, they took mainly cash and jewelry but they took my husband's ashes by mistake. The ashes are in a plain black, wooden box (12"x12"x5")."
- Brad Haugaard
$650,000 in Change Orders for Station Square Never Approved by Monrovia Council
The following letter is from Mayor Mary Ann Lutz:
We were informed by City Staff during the Council meeting last night that approximately $650,000 in change orders for construction work on Station Square was somehow authorized and went forward last year without first getting City Council approval.
All of the changes had been discussed with the Council in general terms and had received the Council's okay, but were never brought back for approval of the actual expenditures. The $650,000 is covered in the project's budget, with another $751,445 remaining in unallocated funds.
That this happened during a time of major staff cutbacks and changes in management is no excuse. The Council will be meeting again Friday in a special session to receive a report from Staff on how this unacceptable oversight occurred.
As this is the last week before the Mayoral and City Council elections, we can expect a good deal of political rhetoric surrounding this situation. Please do not rush to judgment.
I am the Mayor. This happened on my watch, and I accept my share of the responsibility. My opponent Council Member Adams, who has direct oversight responsibility for Public Works, was also surprised by this disclosure. We share both the blame and the responsibility to find out exactly what happened and to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
- Brad Haugaard
We were informed by City Staff during the Council meeting last night that approximately $650,000 in change orders for construction work on Station Square was somehow authorized and went forward last year without first getting City Council approval.
All of the changes had been discussed with the Council in general terms and had received the Council's okay, but were never brought back for approval of the actual expenditures. The $650,000 is covered in the project's budget, with another $751,445 remaining in unallocated funds.
That this happened during a time of major staff cutbacks and changes in management is no excuse. The Council will be meeting again Friday in a special session to receive a report from Staff on how this unacceptable oversight occurred.
As this is the last week before the Mayoral and City Council elections, we can expect a good deal of political rhetoric surrounding this situation. Please do not rush to judgment.
I am the Mayor. This happened on my watch, and I accept my share of the responsibility. My opponent Council Member Adams, who has direct oversight responsibility for Public Works, was also surprised by this disclosure. We share both the blame and the responsibility to find out exactly what happened and to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Turns Off Water to Medians | Library Park Fig Tree Trimmed to Prevent Limb From Collapsing | Newspaper Group Comes to Town | Steve Baker is 'Distinguished'
In his weekly report, City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...
- last week the city turned off the sprinklers for the medians on Huntington Drive and Highway Esplanade to comply with Governor Jerry Brown's order to restrict water usage. The city is planing to re-landscape those areas in a low-water fashion. The fountain in Library Park uses recirculated water, so, if I'm understanding him, it will not be affected.
- the Morton Bay Fig Tree in Library Park was trimmed last Friday, April 3, to save the large branch that is now being supported by two braces. Large cracks have developed along the main branch. Chi wrote that "there was a real concern from our arborist that the main branch could collapse if the pruning work was not implemented."
- the Los Angeles News Group, which owns the Pasadena Star News, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, and other newspaper publications, is moving to Monrovia. It will be leasing 33,000 square feet of office space at 605 East Huntington Drive (northwest corner of Huntington and Shamrock).
- City Treasurer Steve Baker has been selected to receive the Lucky Baldwin Boy Scout District Distinguished Citizen award.
- Brad Haugaard
- last week the city turned off the sprinklers for the medians on Huntington Drive and Highway Esplanade to comply with Governor Jerry Brown's order to restrict water usage. The city is planing to re-landscape those areas in a low-water fashion. The fountain in Library Park uses recirculated water, so, if I'm understanding him, it will not be affected.
- the Morton Bay Fig Tree in Library Park was trimmed last Friday, April 3, to save the large branch that is now being supported by two braces. Large cracks have developed along the main branch. Chi wrote that "there was a real concern from our arborist that the main branch could collapse if the pruning work was not implemented."
- the Los Angeles News Group, which owns the Pasadena Star News, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, and other newspaper publications, is moving to Monrovia. It will be leasing 33,000 square feet of office space at 605 East Huntington Drive (northwest corner of Huntington and Shamrock).
- City Treasurer Steve Baker has been selected to receive the Lucky Baldwin Boy Scout District Distinguished Citizen award.
- Brad Haugaard
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