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21 Unit Development Planned for South Magnolia

Here is a planned 21-unit Planned Unit Development (21 two-story, detached houses) for 1323 South Magnolia, recently approved by the Monrovia City Council. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Law Enforcement Torch Run Comes to Monrovia Tomorrow

The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, a relay run which started in Chula Vista on May 28, will make its way to the Monrovia Police Department between 9:30-10:30 a.m. tomorrow, June 6. Monrovia Police officers will then carry the torch 4.2 miles through the City and hand it off to the Arcadia Police Department.

The event is designed to increase awareness and raise funds for the Special Olympics. The run involves more than 2,000 officers who are carrying the torch more than 500 miles, through more than 150 communities.


- Brad Haugaard

Bear Buffet Video in Monrovia

Video of a bear-buffet in Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police vs Fire Basketball | Fake Gas Co. Employees | July 4! | Neighborhood Conference

~ Police vs. Fire charity basketball game, Friday, June 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Monrovia High School gymnasium. $5. Children 12 and under are free. All proceeds donated to American Cancer Society.

~ Watch out for fake gas company employees.

~ Plan ahead. Fourth of July at Library Park, for the whole family! Concert featuring Stone Soul 7-8:30 p.m. Fireworks Show, 9 p.m. (Comment: It's awesome!)

~ Plan way ahead. Sign up for a free neighborhood conference, Saturday, August 10 at Monrovia High. All about getting involved and meeting people. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Progress on Monrovia Metro Maintenance Facility | Broken Ankle | Fine Becoming Fee

~ At the main Metro maintenance building in Monrovia crews are nearing completion on the under-car service pits and the underground utilities for the 24-acre site. Additionally, a retaining wall measuring over 870-feet in length is now under construction along the northern boundary of the property. Source: press release

Man jumps from moving car being pursued by police, breaks ankle.

~ Assemblymember Chris Holden's AB 139 was unanimously approved today in the Senate Public Safety Committee. The bill stipulates that the $500 payment imposed upon every individual who is granted probation for a crime of domestic violence is a fee, and not a fine. This clarification is important because the probationer's fee strengthens programs available for survivors and their children. Source: press release

- Brad Haugaard

Professional Production of The Music Man Coming to Monrovia

Tickets are now on sale for a production of The Music Man at the Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center (the Monrovia High auditorium). The play will be presented on July 18 and 19 at 8 p.m., and July 20 at 2 and 8 p.m. Nearly 50 actors, singers and dancers of all ages.

Though on the high school campus, Patrick Garcia, director of performing arts for the district, said this is a professional production, being produced with a hired creative team, with financial help by the music-oriented Boone Foundation. Garcia hopes to put on two or three professional productions each year. For tickets, call 800 838-3006 or get 'em here:

- Brad Haugaard

Miss Majorette is from Monrovia

Monrovia High senior Elyssa Santano is "Miss Majorette of California." Video:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police Recognize Outstanding Employees

The Monrovia Police Department will be recognizing the accomplishments of four of its employees on Thursday, June 6, 2012, at 5 p.m., in the City of Monrovia Council Chambers. One recipient will be awarded the Medal of Valor, one will be recognized as the Officer of the Year, and two will be awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for their exceptional work, their dedication to the Monrovia Police Department and their commitment to the community of Monrovia.

The Honorees are:

Medal of Valor: Officer Jose Pacheco

Distinguished Service Medal: Sergeant Daniel Verna, Officer John Donchig, Communications Operator Christal Stubbe

Source: Monrovia Police press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Pulling Wires While Nude; Assaulting Grandma With Canned Corn; Waving Handgun While Wearing Only Underwear

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 27- June 2. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weeks highlighted issues and events.

Weapons Offense / Possession of Marijuana – Suspects Arrested

May 27 at 7:49 a.m., an officer observed a male and female subject coming out from behind a church in the 500 block of East Duarte Road. The church was not open for services, and the officer felt it was suspicious they were there. He contacted them, and a consent search revealed the male subject to be in possession of marijuana and the female was in possession of a large, straight-edged knife, wrapped in a towel. Both subjects were arrested. The female was later found to be in possession of marijuana, also.

Warrant / False Information to a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested

May 27 at 4:00 p.m., an officer on patrol saw two female subjects in possession of shopping carts that had been removed from their properties. He spoke to them and identified the women. One provided a false name, using the name of her sister, who lives out of state. When her true identity was revealed, it was determined she had a warrant for her arrest out of San Bernardino. She was arrested and charged for providing false information to a peace officer and for using the personal identifying information of another to avoid being identified.

Felony Vandalism / Indecent Exposure / Mental Evaluation

May 28 at 7:27 a.m., a subject known to officers to have mental health problems was pulling on electrical wires on the roof of a business in the 600 block of West Huntington and yelling obscenities. He was nude, except for a shirt. When officers arrived, he had fled the scene, but was located and detained at a mobile home complex a short distance away. He was taken to a hospital for mental evaluation. He did about $1500 in damage to the business.

Indecent Exposure – Suspect Arrested

May 28 at 3:29 p.m., a witness called police to report a male suspect masturbating as he stood behind three junior-high-aged girls, who were waiting at the bus stop at Huntington and California. The girls were unaware he was doing this behind them. Officers arrived and detained the suspect, but the girls and the reporting party had left the location. The reporting party returned, identified the suspect and was willing to be listed as a witness for prosecution. The suspect was found to have prior convictions for similar offenses, qualifying this incident as a felony. He was arrested for the felony charge and held on bail.

Residential Burglary

May 30 at 10:00 a.m., a resident in the 900 block of Crescent left her house for the day and returned home at 3:00 p.m. She didn't notice anything out of place immediately. After about an hour, she discovered a side window to the house was open, as well as the backdoor. She looked to see if anything was missing and discovered her jewelry missing from her jewelry box in her bedroom. She immediately called the police. The investigation is continuing.

Elder Abuse / Domestic Battery – Suspect Arrested

May 30 at 8:15 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of Genoa regarding a report of elder abuse and domestic battery. The 83-year-old grandmother of the suspect had a water bottle blessed by the pastor of her church and instructed her grandson, who lives with her, not to touch it. While she was cooking, the suspect grabbed the bottle of water and began drinking it. The grandmother attempted to take the bottle from the suspect and he slapped her in the face and threw an open can of corn at her, which did not hit her. The suspect then stormed out of the residence, and the grandmother locked the door and called police. While she was on the phone, the suspect grabbed a brick and threw it through the kitchen window.

Officers arrived quickly and detained the grandson. The grandmother stated she had been trying to get him out of the house because he was becoming more abusive. The suspect was arrested. The officer was able to obtain an Emergency Protective Order, and the suspect was held for bail and served in jail with the order.

Petty Theft From a Vehicle

May 31 at 8:00 a.m., officers were on patrol in the 1100 block of Carmelita when they observed a white BMW parked in a residential driveway. The officer noticed the passenger door was not closed all the way and thought it looked suspicious. Officers investigated and discovered the vehicle had been ransacked. The owner was contacted and was unaware of the incident. The vehicle had been left unlocked. The ashtray, containing money, was stolen. The investigation is continuing.

Mental Evaluation / Weapons Confiscated

June 1 at 9:11 a.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 1800 block of South Mayflower. A man was reportedly standing on his porch, waving a handgun. The man was wearing only underwear. The reporting party had knowledge that the man is mentally ill. Officers arrived and saw the man seated near the garage with a holstered handgun on a table about two feet away. The man was disoriented and talking to himself. An officer yelled verbal commands to the man. He complied and was detained without incident. No one was injured. The man said he was off his medication and was hearing voices. He was taken to a hospital, where he was held for a 72-hour mental evaluation. The handgun and several other weapons were confiscated and held for safekeeping.

Petty Theft / Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested

June 1 at 9:34 p.m., dispatch received a call from a business in the 100 block of West Foothill reporting a theft. A male and female had exited the store pushing shopping carts containing food, and they had not paid for the items. A few minutes later, police received a second call reporting two subjects going to the rear of a residence, pushing shopping carts. Officers responded and detained the suspects. They were arrested and, during the pat down search, one of the suspects was found to be in possession of a controlled substance.

Residential Burglary

June 2 at 3:00 p.m., a homeowner in the 1400 block of South Fifth left their house to go shopping. When they returned home at 4:00 p.m., they discovered their house had been burglarized. The backdoor was left unlocked, which is how the suspect gained entry. A laptop, an iPad mini and an unknown amount of U.S. currency in change was taken. The investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary

June 3 at 5:24 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of West Duarte Road reported seeing two male suspects breaking into a vehicle parked to the rear of an apartment complex. When officers arrived, the suspects were gone. A window had been shattered on the vehicle and the dashboard had been dismantled. Officers located the victim and processed the vehicle for evidence. The investigation is continuing.

Status of Bills by Monrovia's Assemblymember

Status of several bills by Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia:

The California Assembly has approved several bills by Assemblymember Chris Holden. These bills now move to the Senate for consideration. In his first legislative session, Assemblymember Holden authored measures to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, streamline programs for small businesses, and encourage state agencies to buy California first.

AB 139 - Domestic Violence Fees This measure strengthens penalties that abusers are required to pay to ensure that more funding is available to Domestic Violence Shelters. It was the first piece of legislation heard on the Assembly floor this session and was unanimously approved.

AB 143 - Military Use Tax Exemption Gives active duty military a tax break from state Use Tax on personal property purchased prior to being transferred into the state. AB 143 is supported by the State Board of Equalization and Veterans groups throughout California.

AB 199 - Choose California Act Encourages state run institutions to buy California agricultural products. Under AB 199, state agencies, public schools districts and public colleges would be encouraged to give California agriculture producers priority when purchasing food products.

AB 201 - Small Business Loan Guarantee Program This bill streamlines the program by making it accessible and user friendly by maintaining an Internet Website that would include information on programs on small business financial guarantees, direct lending and disaster loans.

AB 250 - iHUB Program Will expand the development of iHubs across California and develop more economic opportunities for start-up companies, promoting greater collaboration between innovators and venture capital investment within the state.

AB 358 - Lead Testing Kits Provides specific standards for lead hazard evaluation in public and residential buildings.

AB 358 allows California Department of Public Health to include EPA recognized tests in its lead testing programs.

AB 359 - Airport Rental Agreement Streamlines the Airport Rental Car Facility charge audit process by permitting California's airports, many of which are operated by local governments, to submit to the Legislature the same facility information contained in mandatory disclosures currently required by other regulatory agencies. This bill will remove the financial burden of duplicative audits while maintaining all existing consumer protections enacted by the Legislature.

AB 630 - Architects Prohibits a person from using an architect's work without a written contract or written assignment authorizing that use.

In addition, Assemblymember Holden's AB 72 - Municipal Water Districts - has been approved by both legislative houses and is now on Governor Brown's desk pending his signature.

Holden's AB 132 - Foreclosure Prevention Bill - will be heard June 10 in the Assembly Revenue & Taxation Committee.

- Brad Haugaard

Draft Signs for Two Monrovia Hillside Wilderness Reserve Trail Heads

Two entrances to the Monrovia Hillside Wilderness Reserve are set to open this month. Here are pictures of signs that are proposed for the Sleepy Hollow (i.e. Norumbega) and Highland trail heads. Scroll down just a bit.

- Brad Haugaard

Wine Tasting | Eat for Foothill Unity Center

~ An Evening of Wine Tasting to benefit Monrovia seniors through Monrovia Providers Group. June 7, 5-8 p.m. at Westminster Gardens. $30 per person. 755-7170 for info.

~ You can support Foothill Unity Center by just having dinner at North Woods Inn (Rosemead near Huntington) from 5-9 p.m. On June 18. Ten percent of dinner sales goes to Unity Center.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's World Vision Expands Tornado Help | Gospel Concert

~ World Vision, a Christian relief agency based in Monrovia, will be expanding its efforts in the Midwest because of the rash of tornadoes.

~ "Christian Gospel Explosion" concert in Library Park June 29.

- Brad Haugaard

Eaten any Townsend Frozen Berries? Get a Shot

If you ate any Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend frozen berries recently, you might want to go to the Monrovia Health Center, 330 W. Maple Ave., from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday to get a shot. Possible hepatitis exposure.

- Brad Haugaard

Old Acapulco Restaurant Being Torn Down

Old Acapulco restaurant on Huntington being torn down.

- Brad Haugaard