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Monrovia #1 | PetSmart Coming | Slow from Pasadena Tonight | Mayor Wins Civic Award | Cabaret Night

~ Monrovia No. 1 in Mid-Valley Division Top 10 poll.

~ The old Circuit City on Huntington will be a new PetSmart.

~ Two 210 Eastbound lanes will be closed tonight for bridge construction. Between Rosemead and Santa Anita, 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 

~ Mayor Mary Ann Lutz has won the Civic Award from the NAACP and will be receiving it September 8.

~ San Gabriel Valley Choral Company will present "Cabaret Night" at First Presbyterian Church on Sept. 24.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Accuses State Legislature of Hypocrisy and Corruption

Assembly Member Anthony Portantino - who represents part of Monrovia - has introduced legislation to force the Legislature to comply with the California Public Records Act.
A press release from Portantino's office says: "Currently, the State Legislature is the only government agency in California that exempts itself from compliance with this important 'good government' standard."
It then quotes Portantino as saying: "It is hypocritical of the Legislature to say it embraces open government when it is fighting so hard to keep the public in the dark on how it operates.  A secret budget is by its very nature a corrupt budget.  Assembly leaders are putting themselves above the will of the people by declaring that budgets, expenditures and ongoing operational documents are preliminary drafts, notes, or legislative memoranda."
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia PD: Arguing Over Steering Wheel, Another Termite Burglary

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department’s Neighborhood Watch Report for August 18-24 – Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 579 service events, resulting in 99 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events:

Family Disturbance / Mental Evaluation

On August 20 at 7:04 p.m., police responded to a family disturbance in the 900 block of West Olive Avenue. A mother and her 17-year-old son became involved in an argument. During the argument, the son expressed a desire to hurt himself. The son had been drinking alcohol and the mother reported that he has recently been depressed. The son was taken to a hospital and held for mental evaluation.

Driving Under the Influence / Hit and Run Traffic Collision With Injury – Two Suspects Arrested

On August 21 at 1:56 a.m., a male and two female subjects were riding in a Toyota truck in the 700 block of Ridgeside Drive, returning home from a party. The male driver and female front passenger began to argue, and the female grabbed the steering wheel from the driver, causing him to crash into a parked car. The driver fled the area, but was located by an officer. The driver and female passenger were intoxicated. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence and felony hit and run with injury. The front female passenger was arrested for public intoxication and for interfering with the driver of the vehicle. The second female passenger was taken to a hospital for back pain.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested

On August 21 at 12:06 a.m., an officer on patrol came across a vehicle parked partially in the street at Walker and El Norte with its engine running and the driver sleeping behind the wheel. The driver was determined to be driving under the influence and was arrested.

Commercial Burglary

On August 22 at 4:11 a.m., officers responded to a business in the 900 block of West Huntington on an alarm activation. Upon arrival, they discovered a smashed window. A responsible party arrived and reported that several cell phones and one computer monitor was taken. Investigation continuing.

Commercial Burglary

On August 22 at 11:39 a.m., an officer responded to a business in the 1500 block of South California regarding a burglary. Unknown suspect(s) cut the chain link fence around an outside yard and made entry into a secured area where merchandise is kept. Investigation continuing.

72-Hour Hold / Mental Evaluation

On August 23 at 8:44 a.m., a resident in the 1600 block of Pilgrim Way reported that her grandson was threatening suicide. When officers arrived, the subject became uncooperative and was combative. He struggled with officers as they attempted to take him into custody for his own safety. One officer sustained a minor injury during the incident. The subject was taken to a hospital, where he was held for 72-hour mental evaluation.

Grand Theft Auto

On August 23 at 2:49 p.m., a resident in the 900 block of South Ivy reported his vehicle had been stolen. He reported he had brought a male subject to his house to put some music together. The suspect told the victim he had left his wallet in the victim’s vehicle. The victim handed the subject the keys to his vehicle. The suspect entered the vehicle and drove away, heading west on Huntington toward the freeway. The victim’s vehicle is a silver, 2000 BMW 740i. Investigation continuing.

Brandishing a Weapon

On August 23 at 4:40 p.m., a subject/victim was sitting in his vehicle in a business parking lot in the 500 block of West Huntington. Another subject in a vehicle parked next to his displayed an offensive hand gesture after the victim asked him what was wrong. A female passenger in the vehicle brandished a gun and the suspects drove off. The victim followed the suspect vehicle and last saw it heading eastbound on Duarte at Myrtle. The suspect vehicle is described as an older model Izusu Rodeo. The investigation is continuing.

Residential Burglary

On August 24 at 4:52 a.m., an officer on patrol noticed a large hole in a fumigation tent on a residence in the 100 block of Stedman Place. The hole was directly outside a window; the window was wide open and a light was on. An officer watched the location for some time, but no one was located in or around the house. The location was checked for loss after it was safe to enter and it was discovered that a 42-inch television had been stolen from the residence. Investigation continuing

- Brad Haugaard

Recreation Department Classes | Monrovia High Exit Exams | Businesses We Want

~ If you are dying to learn Zumba, or any of dozens of other useful skills, Monrovia Recreation Division has classes for all ages. Here's the newest list: . And here is a sign-up form:

~ How Monrovia High did on High School Exit exams. Short answer: better.

~ Here are the businesses people want in Monrovia. Number one: a bookstore. Lotsa luck with that. I think bookstores are, sadly, going the way of newspapers.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Gets Audit of High Repair Bills

At the request of Assembly member Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, the state's Joint Legislative Audit Committee today agreed to investigate charges of overcharging for repair work in state-owned properties along the 710 Freeway corridor. Portantino requested the audit into how Caltrans has managed state properties along the 710 Freeway right-of-way in the Pasadena area, after the LA Times reported finding roof repairs costing “four to five times what most homeowners could expect to pay for a new roof”.
- Brad Haugaard (from Portantino press release)

Monrovia Hillsides Presentation | MHS Auditorium

~ Presentation on Draft Environmental Impact for Monrovia hillsides.
~ I hear that the revamped Monrovia High School auditorium is opening this Friday and that it is "beautiful."
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Canyon Rattlers

This rattlesnake (in Monrovia Canyon Park) took a lunge at my biking buddy today. I think they were both surprised. We saw two rattlers within three minutes. This one is the biggest I've ever seen.

Sacramento Acts Against Possible Gold Line Lawsuit

The Gold Line is getting support from Sacramento in its battle with a Monrovia property owner, with legislators introducing legislation to permit local city council members to sit on the Gold Line board, and also by appealing to the state Attorney General not to allow the property owner's lawsuit to proceed. Habib Balian, of the Gold Line, writes:

"As many of you know, legislators representing the corridor are supporting legislation in Sacramento to respond to technical challenges being made by a local property owner trying to slow down or stop the project. The allegations he makes relate to the issue of 'incompatible offices,'  suggesting that local officials have a conflict of interest by serving on the Gold Line Board. However, as Assemblywoman Torres  points out in the article 'The best qualified folks to sit on these types of boards are the ones who sit on local city councils.' This LA Times article outlines the issue and the work led by Assemblywoman Norma Torres and Senators Hernandez and Huff."

- Brad Haugaard

Henry's to Become Sprouts

Henry's Farmers Market, on Huntington, is switching its name to Sprouts Farmers Market, as part of a merger between Henry's and Sprouts.

- Brad Haugaard

Ramirez in Monrovia Football Lineup

De'Shawn Ramirez back in lineup for Wildcats football.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia FD Uses Jaws of Life | Have a Home Escape Plan

~ Monrovia Fire Department responded to 95 emergency calls from 8 a.m. August 9 to 8 a.m. August 16, 2011, including an early Sunday morning collision in which firefighters used the Jaws of Life to rescue a female from a vehicle. She suffered a broken leg and was transported to a trauma center in stable condition. 

~ Also, the Monrovia FD recommends creating a home escape plan. Scroll down a bit to see the instructions on making one: 
- Brad Haugaard

Mayor on How Monrovia is Helping Air Quality

Video of Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz being interviewed by the Air Quality Management District's "On the Air" program, discussing how Monrovia is helping improve local air quality.

- Brad Haugaard

Popular Pastor to Start Church in Monrovia

Albert Tate, a popular pastor at Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena, is starting a new church in Monrovia that will hold its first service Jan. 15, 2012. Tate is dividing his time between serving at Lake Avenue Church (the large church at Lake Avenue and the 210 Freeway) and this new venture. He is looking for a building in Monrovia and will spend several months in New York, where he will study how to start churches.
Tate is known for his humorous and congregation-involving style. A sermon clip ( ) and a one-on-one chat ( ).
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Killed

Monrovian killed in North Hollywood shooting.

UPDATE: Police searching for gunmen.

- Brad Haugaard

Star-News Editorial Page

For the second Saturday in a row, the paper Star-News (which covers Monrovia) has not had an editorial page. Last Saturday I thought maybe it was just an emergency problem fitting it in to the paper - though I had never seen it missing in decades - but now, twice in a row, I think maybe it is going away on Saturdays. Too bad.
- Brad Haugaard