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Monrovia Fundraiser for SEAL Families | Paying for Portantino's Proclamation

~ Monrovia's Team Crossfit Academy and the Monrovia Weekly are sponsoring a fundraiser to help the families of the Seals who lost their lives in Afghanistan. Details here: . And a story here:

~ State Assembly Speaker John Perez won't allow state funds to pay for a proclamation honoring a Pasadenan because it was proposed by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (who represents part of Monrovia) and because Perez and Portantino are having a tiff, so a group of "little old ladies" have offered to step up and pay for the proclamation. Chee! Are there ANY adults in Sacramento?

- Brad Haugaard

City of Monrovia Hires a New Police Chief

The City of Monrovia is pleased to announce the hiring of Jim Hunt as the new police chief. Chief Hunt was selectedafter the exhaustive and highly competitive selection process.

Jim is a 20 year veteran of the Monrovia Police Department.  He was first hired in 1991 as a Police Officer.  He progressed through the ranks and was appointed to the rank of Police Sergeant in 1998, Police Lieutenant in 2002 and then to Police Captain in 2008.  He was appointed to the position of Interim Police Chief in May, 2011 upon the retirement of former Police Chief Johnson. Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said, “I have known Jim along time, and he is definitelythe right man for the job. Monrovia has many challenges ahead and I am confident Jim will lead this department with integrity and wisdom."

Mayor Pro Tem Joe Garcia said, “Jim has been preparing himself to be a chief for some time, and now that dedication is paying off for him; we’re pleased to have him as our new chief.” Chief Hunt has a Bachelor’s Degree from Whittier College and a Masters Degree in Public Administration fromthe University of La Verne. He also completed both the California Law Enforcement Command College, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s esteemed National Academy for leadership development in 2010.

Councilman Tom Adams said, “Jim has served the department in many different capacities throughout his career in Monrovia; he was especially instrumental in the gang injunction process a couple years ago, and we’re excited to have him leading our force into the future.” Councilmember Becky Shevlin said, “I’m pleased to have Jim as our new chief, he has shown great leadership as a captain and I have no doubt that will continue as the chief.”

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Senator Huff Wants Easier Anti-Epileptic Treatments at Schools

State Senator Bob Huff, who represents part of Monrovia, is pushing for a bill to allow non-medical school employees to be trained to administer Diastat, a gel form of Valium that can stop epileptic seizures. Here is an article about that:

- Brad Haugaard

Background on Former Monrovia Fire Chief - now Federal Nominee

Background on Ernie Mitchell Jr., former Monrovia fire chief and nominee to head the United States Fire Administration.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Chamber Member Dies | Bike Racks | Portantino

~ The Monrovia Chamber of Commerce reports that a long-time member, Larry Van den Bossche, died of pancreatic cancer July 31.

~ A picture of one of the new old-town bike racks.

~ Not much new at this link, but this article has the cleverest headline I've seen regarding the Portantino Affair. It's called: "Portantino's Complaint."

- Brad Haugaard

Pix of Monrovia's Latest 'Produce in the Park'

Nice pictures of the latest "Produce in the Park" veggie exchange.
- Brad Haugaard

Seussical Play by Monrovia Team | Help Paying Gas Bill

~ A correspondent mentions Monrovia's Centre Stage, and its latest production, "Seussical," at the Candlelight Pavilion Dinner theater in Claremont. She writes: 

"Wanted everyone to know of a wonderful hometown gem-of-the-foothills organization here in Monrovia for children - Centre Stage, with studio on Olive Ave. It was created as a nonprofit Community Theater Co in 2000  in order to offer the experience and joys of music and theatreand dance. Children can start as young as 4 and go through high school age. They produce amazing professional quality shows, providing the students with such a sense of fun and accomplishment. "
~ If you are having financial difficulties, Southern California Gas is offering several programs to help pay your gas bill.
- Brad Haugaard

Better Biking in Monrovia

If you are a bike rider, the Monrovia public works crews have just finished installing five new decorative old town bike racks 1. Breezeway across from the Krikorian theatre, 2. Northwest corner of Lemon and Myrtle, 3. Southeast corner of Colorado and Myrtle, 4. Southwest corner of Colorado and Myrtle, 5. On East Colorado near Ivy.

- Brad Haugaard

Pettiness in Sacramento | A South Monrovia Playground?

~ Democratic Assembly Speaker John Perez has blocked a proclamation by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (also a Democrat, and who represents part of Monrovia) to honor a Pasadenan.
Opinion: These proclamations are purely routine and really advance no political agenda, and for Perez to block it because he and Portantino are having a fight about another topic is vindictive pettiness of a kind you'd find on a badly run kindergarten playground.
~ Pushing for a South Monrovia park.
- Brad Haugaard

Newspapers Sue to Get Legislative Records | Chu Seeks to Represent Monrovia | Emergency Tips

~ Assemblyman Anthony Portantino's skirmish with the State Assembly is turning into a battle. The Sacramento Bee and LA Times are now suing to force the Legislature to release office budget records.  (Portantino represents part of Monrovia in the Assembly.)
~ Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park) will run to represent Monrovia in the House of Representatives.
~ Some emergency earthquake, fire, terrorist tips from the city:
- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Nano Cafe

Lunch at Nano Cafe (on Duarte just a smidge east of Mayflower). Got the Rueben sandwich. $8.99. It was good.

-Brad Haugaard

A Point for Monrovia's Assemblyman

According to records released by the State Assembly, while Assembly members have cut their office expenses a smidge this year, Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (representing part of Monrovia) spent a bit more, but then, so did nine other Democrats and three Republicans. The significance of this is that the Assembly leadership is temporarily laying off Portantino's office workers and he says it is because he voted against Governor Brown's budget. Assembly leadership denies that and says it was because he overspent his budget (which he denies).
Opinion: A big point for Portantino! To fully answer the question of whether Portantino is being singled out, we would have to know the budget for each Assembly member and whether they exceeded it. But since others have also increased their spending and are not being punished, that suggests Portantino is indeed - as he says - being punished for his vote.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fighter Plane Art

I love this mural/ventilator fighter plane. Very clever. It is in an alley on the west side of Myrtle. There is a path leading from Myrtle between Lemon and Lime. Take it and you'll see this.

- Brad Haugaard

Former Monrovia Fire Chief Nominated to be Top US Fireman

A former Monrovia fire chief - Ernest Mitchell Jr. - has been nominated to be head of the United States Fire Administration.
- Brad Haugaard

Gold Line Gets Help from Senator Hernandez

In the face of a lawsuit from a Monrovia landowner, Senator Ed Hernandez has been drafting legislation to expedite the Gold Line going forward. Here's an article:
- Brad Haugaard