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Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

History: Pro Boxing and Wrestling in Monrovia

It used to be a big thing in the San Gabriel Valley. Fighters could make a living at it.
- Brad Haugaard

Sena Restaurant / Old Myrtle / More on Upton Sinclair House

~ A new restaurant called Sena is opening this summer in Monrovia.

~ There's a neat old 1949 picture of Myrtle Avenue here. (Scroll down a bit).

~ A bit more on the Upton Sinclair House, for sale in North Monrovia. Oddly, the article doesn't say where the house is. It is way up Myrtle, on the east side of the street just before you go up into Gold Hills.

- Brad Haugaard

Sinclair House for Sale / Murder Sentence / Rotary / Delay for Gold Line?

~ Monrovia's Upton Sinclair house is for sale for $1.5 million.

~ Monrovian sentenced to 35 years for killing.

~ Monrovia Rotary Club will be sending 6 female and 6 male attendees from Monrovia High School to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards on March 4-6 in Idyllwild, a three-day seminar with nearly 200 students from Southern California and Nevada. They are Giselle Moreau, Jamie Truong, Stephanie Garcia, Dushani DeSilva, Amanda Aquilar, Corrine Marino, Kevin Romero, Levi Helm, Christopher Rosedale, Saul Denova, Diego Nieves, Michael Arevelos.

~ A Monrovia property owner is suing to prevent his property from being taken for Gold Line Extension.

- Brad Haugaard

Partial Preservation

It appears that not much of the property at 270 North Myrtle Avenue - which the Monrovia Historic Preservation Group wanted to preserve - is salvageable.

According to a Monrovia city report, while the property owners are very cooperative, they "have encountered unforeseen issues involving the structural integrity of the house that must be addressed in order to meet the minimum requirements of the Building Code."


- Brad Haugaard

Historic Frame

You may recall the Monrovia Historic Preservation Commission discussing the house at 270 N. Myrtle? Well, here it is now. I guess the frame and foundation are what's being saved.

Here's the house earlier:
- Brad Haugaard

Preservation / Giving / Santa

270 N Myrtle

Historic Preservation ~ This Wednesday the Historic Preservation Commission will discuss the house at 270 N. Myrtle Avenue, described by City Manager Scott Ochoa as "a smallish Queen Anne/Craftsman/Spanish bungalow."

In his weekly report, Ochoa writes: "It seems that the new owners of the property will agree to keep and preserve the original portion of the existing house (the Queen Anne), while expanding and upgrading portions of it. In exchange, the HPC and the Planning Commission would approve necessary minor exceptions to the Code (in order to set the house and the addition appropriately on the lot). I don't think anyone is entirely happy, but sometimes that is the best sign of a good compromise."

City Employees Give to Community ~ Ochoa writes that Monrovia Municipal Employees' Association (MMEA) typically donates to the Unity Center or does other good works around the holidays, but this holiday season and next year, he says, MMEA will go further and perform "a host of community volunteer projects and efforts," starting with a food drive to complement the volunteer time and resources they donate to the Unity Center.
"In consultation with the board," Ochoa writes, "I am hopeful that they will be agreeable to allowing the Management Team to come alongside of them, and that the police officers' and firefighters' unions will want to partner up on a diverse array of community projects and programs as well."

Santa at Library ~ Toddlers and preschool children are invited to the Library on Tuesday, December 7 and Wednesday, December 8 at 10:45 a.m. for a Santa story time featuring holiday story, songs, and snacks. A very special guest will make a cameo appearance at the end of the show - jolly old St. Nicholas himself!


- Brad Haugaard

Historic Preservation: 270 N. Myrtle

In his weekly report, City Manager Scott Ochoa said the Historic Preservation Commission had an "interesting and intense meeting" about the property at 270 N. Myrtle Avenue. The commission voted 3-to-3, thus taking no action. Ochoa said:
"The property at 270 N. Myrtle Avenue was purchased by a private owner, who apparently intends to demolish the house in favor of building two new homes. Again, there are two underlying lots and the construction of two single-family homes is a permitted use. Still, the historic preservation community in Monrovia fervently desires to save the house. Thus, we may end up with the immovable object meeting the irresistible force. That said, I do hope and believe that a workable compromise is within reach. Our Planning staff is doing a great job of educating folks and problem-solving."

UPDATE: A correspondent writes to say that some members of the Commission want things both ways.

She said they want to be able to say that some pre-1940 homes are not historic and bar them from the benefits accorded to historic homes, but at the same time want to be able to prevent non-historic homes from being replaced, thereby denying all the benefits of historic status but demanding all the limitations.

She said her family attempted to get her older home designated as an historic home, but was told that it was old but not historic.

- Brad Haugaard

Airport Plaque

Councilman Tom Adams said there is a plaque on the front of Albertsons about the old Monrovia Airport. Yup. That I didn't know that shows I don't do much shopping for my family I guess.

- Brad Haugaard

History of Monrovia Airport

I never knew that Monrovia had "the friendliest little airport in the country." Or any airport, for that matter. Here's a review of a book that recounts those days.

- Brad Haugaard