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City to consider next Neighborhood Treasure; Donation of Anderson House; Low-income housing; Etc.

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Consider approving up to $19,000 to install a Neighborhood Treasure landmark for  Kiyoshi Kuromiya, who - being of Japanese descent - was interned during World War II. He was also a war protester, LGBTQ+ activist, and medical marijuana proponent. Details

~ Consider accepting a donation from the Monrovia Historical Society of the historic George H. Anderson House, at 215 East Lime. Details

~ Decide on whether to approve a bond (not to be repaid by the city) for low-income housing. Story here

~ Proclaim April as DMV/Donate Life Month. Details

~ Hold a study session prior to the regular meeting (at 6:15 p.m.) to discuss "Discuss and Provide Direction on Citywide Lighting, Landscaping, and Parks Maintenance Assessment Districts". Details

- Brad Haugaard


  1. $19,000 for a plaque? Doge this city!!

    1. You are absolutely right. If anything, DOGE is making those who pay the taxes question how our money is spent.
