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State Begins Delivering Water to Local Water District

The Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District reports that on June 26, the State Water Project began delivering water, near Morris Dam in Azusa Canyon, to replenish groundwater. The water is flowing at about 163 million gallons a day from Azusa Canyon to the Santa Fe spreading grounds where it will sink into the ground and be available to help avoid water restrictions during dry periods.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Whatever happened to the water (sourced from the Colorado River) that the City of Monrovia purchased a few years back that was supposed to be 'insurance' to ensure that Monrovians have water for its reserves? Is this water part of that purchase?

  2. How will the SGVMWD going to be impacted by the recent California-imposed water restrictions on cities and towns (i.e., "Making Conservation a California Way of Life? What amount of water usage reductions will be expected of Monrovians?

  3. Probably these questions are best answered by the water district.

  4. I sense a desire for ‘accountability’ …
