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Monrovia School District Welcomes Three New Assistant Superintendents

 Monrovia Unified School District welcomed three new assistant superintendents:

Dr. Landesfeind

Dr. Vanessa Landesfeind, the new Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, previously served as Director of Student Support Services at Centinela Valley Union High School District and has experience as a principal and assistant principal. She holds a doctorate from USC and degrees from CSULB, where she's been an educational administration lecturer since 2009.

Dr. Drake

Dr. James Drake, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, brings more than 20 years of experience in school finance and operations from various states. He joins MUSD from Monterey County, where he served as the associate superintendent of business/HR and chief business official. He holds multiple degrees from Northern Illinois University and Governor State University.

Dr. Zamarripa

Dr. Geoffrey Zamarripa, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, is a long-time Monrovia resident with 29 years in education. His career includes roles as director of special education in Temple City, principal at Santa Fe Computer Science Magnet School in Monrovia, and various positions in the El Monte City School District. He holds a Doctorate in Education from USC.


- Brad Haugaard


  1. The latest lead clowns for MUSD. Except for the business guy, the others have no experience at all. Doesn’t bode well. Pawn Shop Rob, Never Trump Travanti, and Grimmace Selene have ruined the district.

    1. I am on the teacher’s negotiations team, sinI checked with Landesfind’s previous district. She was let go there in March. The guy I talked with said they were all happy to see her go. Her BFF is the our new superintendent, so she bailed her out. A promotion for someone who was cut loose. Sounds about right for this board and MUSD. Puccia was great in HR, but he quit because of how crappy the board is. Sad for us all.

  2. I can’t even take this serious with the last “we have to cut budgets x, y, z back” speeches we’ve all heard throughout this year. The ones who suffer are our children. No wonder so many parents are either leaving the district or switching to home schooling. Shame on the board for not being fiscally transparent with their decisions and misleading the parents and students of the district.

  3. Everyone please educate yourself on how much money is wasted on bloated admin positions. You basically have $600k+ in 3 people. I sound like a broken record but this is where the bond money went to to fixing the schools.

    Look at this website and you can see how much these people make.

  4. Has anyone else noticed there are no black leaders in the district’s cabinet? Right now, there is only one black perdón in the entire district office, the food guy. This is embarrassing. This board has driven out virtually every black district leader. Shame on them all! Racists!

    1. The “food guy’s” name is Ken. He’s great! He wanted to be their fiscal director, even got a degree in that, but the board was only willing to make him “acting” fiscal director. Complete BS and I do think the bird and new superintendent are biased against black peoples.

  5. what should really be addressed is the counselors and teachers at MHS that party/do cocaine together.

    1. You do realize your IP address can be traced and you could be sued for slander
