Sunday Shooting Victim Was Trying to Be a Peacekeeper

The man who was shot in the neck Sunday evening and killed near the 700 block of W. Duarte Road, next to the Santa Anita Wash, was apparently a nearby resident who tried to be a peacekeeper in a dispute between a homeless man who appeared to be living next to the wash and local residents. Details

- Brad Haugaard


  1. More crime in the city, this time a murder. It’s time for new city council leadership and a city manager who knows how to do more than put out a weekly newsletter. I also have to wonder about the police chief.

    1. Why are you anonymous? Such an ignorant statement.

    2. Your comment shows why he/she is anonymous ! Why must the person be ignorant ? Can’t you disagree without being disagreeable?

  2. Unfortunately it’s not their fault. Police and local municipalities can’t do much about it because state laws don’t allow them to. Thank the people in Sacramento.
