Athens Rates Going Up 7.9 Percent for Homes, 11.9 Percent for Commercial

Athens Services plans to increase residential rates by 7.9% (4.9% CPI adjustment plus 3% additional) and commercial/solid waste rates by 11.9% (4.9% CPI plus 7% additional) effective July 1, as allowed by its contract with the city.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. How much of this is the kickback to the City so it can spend more money? Lost Angles DWP pushes seven figures into the LA City budget, and the rate payers are denied that data. Very cosy, and another reason why government should not own utilities, as some, who point to the "efficient" LA DWP as a reason for Gavin to take over SCE, PG+E, etc. The state doesn't have the money to make it happen, but perhaps a "state of emergency" declaration might be an excuse to pay the shareholders with debt, from a state too incompentent to know what it's checkbook looks like.
