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School District to Begin Issuing Bonds; Buying 1,750 Chromebooks; Hiring Company to Manage Rentals; Employees of the Month

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia Board of Education will consider ...

~ Issuing $18,750,000 in general obligation bonds. This is from the $75,000,000 authorized by Monrovia voters during the last election. Details

~ Buying 1,750 Chromebooks for $781,677. Details

~ Contracting with Facilitron, Inc., to manage rental of school facilities. The company would get a 10% commission on rental fees. If fees over the course of a year are less than $100,000, the district would pay Facilitron 10% of the difference between the $100,000 and the actual income. Details

~ Honoring employees of the month for April: Sonia Rizo, Campus Assistant, Monroe Elementary; Karla Galindo, Teacher, Monroe Elementary; Natalie Ridley, Instructional Aide, Santa Fe Computer Science Magnet School; Dave Hart, Teacher, Santa Fe Computer Science Magnet School.

- Brad Haugaard

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