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Planning Commission to Consider Auto Shop Regulations

The Monrovia Planning Commission will consider recommending to the City Council an ordinance regulating automobile repair facilities. The proposed ordinance would address working outside of bays, the storage of vehicles, outdoor storage of equipment, and parking on public streets. An operations permit process is also being proposed to allow deviations from the standards with a focus on outdoor operations, outside storage, and outside storage containers. The Design Review Committee would review each application to determine if such activity may be permitted. Details

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. In my view, this proposed city ordinance of Monrovia is not fair to the auto shops and body shops of Monrovia. It proposes regulations on these industries that do NOT apply to other types of Monrovia businesses with outdoor parking lots and who have customers leaving their cars on the streets.

    Currently, as has been mentioned over and over again at City
    Council and Planning Commission meetings, auto parts STILL are often hard to get and the wait times for delivery can at times even exceed one week! Please, Monrovians... rise up and OPPOSED this proposed ordinance. These special circumstances are very common. Shops are going to go out of business because of it, very likely. I do not own at or work at any auto shop, but my friends do and we are all very concerned about what they view as this TIGHT, too tight of regulation! I say reject the whole thing for the benefit of all of Monrovians in the long run! I am just a concerned, registered voter who is a homeowner that resides in Monrovia. Doug McComb, 166 Mauna Loa Dr., Monrovia, CA., 91016 - Please feel free to contact me about this matter. Thank you.
