Grow Monrovia Concerned About Bradbury Street Widening Project on Monrovia Border

The organization Grow Monrovia is concerned about a Bradbury street widening project on the border of Monrovia and suggests that Monrovians with concerns address the Bradbury City Council.

The area being considered for widening is Wildrose Avenue and Bradbury Road between the entrance to Bradbury Estates and Winding Oak Lane.

In its staff report, Bradbury says that the curvy, narrow road "presents hazards and challenges to large moving trucks, horse trailers, and construction vehicles entering and exiting the Estates main entrance" and that that problem is made worse because large vehicles are not allowed to use the narrow Wild Rose bridge in Monrovia to approach the estates entrance.

Grow Monrovia is concerned that the project will change the scenic character of Wildrose and Bradbury, that Monrovians will lose one of the few shaded walkways in east Monrovia, that it will result in more traffic, particularly for heavy trucks, that there will be more pollution and noise, and that oak trees will be removed (Bradbury says 11 oak trees "will be impacted by construction").

The Bradbury City Council meets tomorrow, Tuesday, 7 p.m. at 600 Winston Avenue, in Bradbury. Agenda and staff report: The staff report begins on page 36. Grow Monrovia's report is here:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Isn’t there another entrance to the estates that would be more convenient?

  2. Yes. Right around the corner on Lemon Ave.

  3. Say “NO!” to this street widening; it’s the 1% folks that remain insistent on this.
