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School District to Create New Admin Positions; Adopt Suicide Prevention Policy, Mission and Vision Statements; Etc.

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia Board of Education will consider...

~ Adopting a Suicide Prevention policy.

~ Creating two new administrative job positions: Director, Elementary Educational Services (; and Director, Secondary Educational Services (

~ Hiring J & A Fencing Engineering for $68,700 to repair the Monrovia High tennis court fencing due to extreme wind damage.

~ Adopting this Mission Statement: "The Monrovia Unified School District exists to provide all students with an exceptional education, ensuring all graduate fully prepared for college, career, and life."  [Comment: Hopefully correct the grammar first.]

~ And this Vision Statement: "Our vision is to be an exemplary school district by empowering all students to reach their highest potential through innovative, engaging, and personalized learning experiences."

~ A service agreement with Pure Water SoCal, for a hygienic touch-free water drinking dispenser system for district-wide staff break rooms.

~ Honoring as Employees of the Month for March: 

  • Tomasa Rios, Food Services Manager - Bradoaks
  • Karen Littlefield, Teacher - Bradoaks
  • Victoria Walden, Health Clerk - Wild Rose
  • Alison Meloserdoff, Teacher - Wild Rose
~ Hiring the firm, Christy White, to do the district's annual financial audit.

~ Receive a report indicating that the district is able to meet its financial obligations for the current and subsequent two fiscal years.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Why adding more administrative positions that make probably over $100k a year? How about putting that money into fixing all the deferred maintenance at the schools or better yet hire additional teachers or aids?
