School Board President Urges Monrovians to Protest Shutting Down of Drive-Through Graduation

The LA County Department of Health decided that school districts may NOT have drive-through graduation ceremonies, such as Monrovia is planning  (see here), so School Board President Rob Hammond is encouraging Monrovians to contact County Supervisor Kathryn Barger to urge her to allow the ceremony to go on.

Hammond writes that the planned graduation "adheres to all Health Department guidelines," but at the 11th hour the department ordered that "drive-thru graduation plans are not allowed even if they meet the social distancing criteria we are all abiding by. "

"It's time," he writes, "for our community to advocate for our seniors, 8th and 5th grade promoting classes. The School Board, Superintendent, high school administrators and staff have worked tirelessly to create a safe plan which had been approved by MPD, FPD and the School Board to celebrate our graduating class in a meaningful but safe way.

"The decision [forbidding the ceremony] was made by a non-elected official without the knowledge of LA County Supervisor, Kathryn Barger.  Please let her know how you feel about this decision.  She can be contacted at (213) 974-5555 or (626)356-5407.  I personally have tweeted her @kathrynbarger."

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I feel bad for the graduates I really do but I bet the county supervisors have a lot to work on like making sure people don’t die I dint think we should be adding work on their staff.

    1. If people not dying is the yardstick we're using to measure their performance, how do they measure up to counties in Florida and Georgia that aren't locked down and depriving children of childhood?

  2. Our Seniors have worked hard and deserve this! We are being safe

    1. We want our seniors to graduate, not kill their grandmothers!!!

    2. What's killing their grandmothers is health departments and politicians that forced hospitals to discharge coronavirus patients back into nursing homes. There are no cases of car to car transmission.

  3. A Board President should be setting an example for the students of the district he serves by respecting the County Health Ordinance and by protecting the lives of students. In this case, that did NOT happen. Nice job, Rob! RECALL!

    1. I think the example he should be setting world be civil disobedience. It has been an American tradition for protesting injustice for centuries.

  4. In the past weeks, other districts, such as San Marino, canceled their drive-in graduation ceremonies due to the LA County Ordinance. Why does Monrovia think they can go forward with their drive-in graduation ceremony when everyone else canceled theirs? #keepmoroviasafe #class2020livesmatter

  5. I agree the Board President shouldn’t be encouraging Monrovian’s to protest and should respect the decision made by the County Health Ordinance.

  6. Quite honestly, you all sound like you don't have kids graduating from 5th, 8th, or 12th grades. If you have a senior graduating, like we do, then you would be feeling different about this situation. If the parents of the graduating children feel its safe to attend, then they have the choice to attend the drive thru graduation. I agree with some of the letters written that state it is no different than going to a grocery store and checking out and receiving your receipt. If we can get handed a receipt, then our graduates can be handed a diploma.

    1. No, you're not smart enough to decide for yourself. That decision should be left to the politicians and bureaucrats who have gotten everything single person and model wrong by orders of magnitude, and who have gotten thousands of people killed by sending coronavirus patients from hospitals to nursing homes. Those are the people that should be deciding whether your child gets to have the once in a lifetime experience or not.

  7. I DO have a Class 2020 child. My child just lost his grandmother, my mother, to COVID-19. Obviously, you haven't lost anyone close to you yet. #covid19kills

    1. Did she get it in her car from somebody in another car?

  8. Hey, wake up, Karen! It's not about your kid being in a ceremony. It's about the 80,000 Americans that have died. Entitled selfish people suck!

  9. Hey all you assholes complaining about a drive through graduation simply stay the hell home and you will be safe little sheeple.

  10. How DARE you trivialize this! My son is a senior who just lost his uncle (my brother) to covid. If you're so stupid you're comparing this to receipt being handed to you then I'm glad you are not the one making decisions. My senior will NOT be participating in this freak show and we will make it up to him by being GOOD parents who keep him safe and find other ways to celebrate.

  11. All other districts and cities in Los Angeles County, EXCEPT Monrovia, have complied with this updated Health Ordinance from the Los Angeles County of Department of Public Health. As a Monrovian citizen, I am wondering why our elected officials are not cooperating with other local districts and cities. Don't they care about our safety?

  12. As I read the comments I am struck by the passion, and even anger, in the words. Each side has very strong feelings and emotions. And, each side has presented very reasonable arguments.
    I thank Rob Hammond, and the Board, for trying to think of someway to make graduation special, despite this situation. Do others have any other suggestions? How can we as a community, even those without graduates, celebrate the achievements of the youth in our community?
