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Superintendent's Report on Monrovia Schools in Challenging Times

Dear Monrovia Unified Community,

I want to thank you all for your continued support as we work through these challenging times. I’m continually impressed with the strength of our school community, which has come together to support each other – showing what it means to be a part of the Monrovia Unified family.

The success of our students remains our priority, which is why our educators have been hard at work innovating and reinventing their lessons to better suit the online environment.

In March, in addition to a variety of videos our teachers have created, printed instructional packets were distributed for remote learning and online platforms were created to guide our families through the distance learning process.

Through our Distance Learning Platform, students and parents receive access to resources such as a sample daily schedule to stay on task, tips on how to create a productive learning space, and guides to using programs for online learning.

Monrovia Unified is made up of dedicated and passionate individuals who care about our students, families, and community, and even during these challenging times, continue to ensure they receive the tools they need to succeed.

Our Food Services Department has been busy since we announced the March 16 dismissal, preparing and distributing meals to the children of our community. Monrovia Unified has served more than 26,000 meals to students thanks to the dedication of our heroic staff.

Lastly, I want to celebrate our scholars. They have all experienced a drastic change in their routine and are isolated from their peers and school community. However, I continue to hear about their continued success even while participating in at-home learning.

Please continue practicing social distancing, stay at home as much as possible, and keep up with healthy habits. We are all in this together and it takes all of us to ensure we stay healthy.

We will continue providing updated information on our website and social media platforms. Pre-recorded informational messages are regularly updated at (626) 471-2084. Additionally, KGEM-TV is hosting a series, Conversations with Ralph Walker,” joined by Board President Rob Hammond and Mayor Tom Adams, who share the most up-to-date information regarding our District and City.


Dr. Katherine Thorossian

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