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Student Dismissal Extended to End of School Year; Class of 2020 Promised 'Memorable' Graduation

At an emergency meeting on Wednesday, April 1, the Monrovia Board of Education "determined to extend our student dismissal until the end of the school year."

In a press release the district commended its teachers and said that, "During this time, we will put all efforts into strengthening our delivery of instruction through distance learning and ensuring continuity through remote tools, including online learning programs and printed materials."

And ...

" Finally, we are committed to celebrating the achievements of our Class of 2020 and are doing everything in our power to ensure they get the recognition they deserve as their high school journey comes to a close. The Class of 2020 will have a graduation. It may not be on the day we had originally scheduled or the manner in which we had originally envisioned it, but it will happen and it will be memorable."

Full announcement here:

- Brad Haugaard

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