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Monrovia Police: Three Domestic Violence Incidents; Shopper Arrested for Spitting; Mountainbiker Steals Roll of Aluminum; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 16-22. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 286 service events, resulting in 27 investigations.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
April 16 at 6:26 p.m., a family disturbance was reported in the 1100 block of E. Lemon. Officers responded to the residence and spoke with the subjects involved. A husband and wife were involved in an argument that escalated into a physical altercation. The female subject had marks and bruises on her face. The husband was found to be the aggressor and was arrested for domestic violence.

Grand Theft Auto
April 17 at 11:48 a.m., the owner of a travel trailer reported he had just discovered it had been stolen from its storage location in the 1900 block of Walker. The trailer was entered into the law enforcement stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.

Hit & Run Traffic Collision
April 17 at 11:59 a.m., a hit and run collision was reported in the 2000 block of S. Myrtle. The victim parked her vehicle on the street and a motorist drove by and sideswiped her car, then fled the scene. Officers responded and searched the area for the suspect vehicle, but could not locate it. This investigation is continuing.

Battery – Suspect Arrested
April 17 at 2:04 p.m., security at a hardware store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain confronted a customer outside the store who they believed had stolen merchandise. It turned out the subject had not taken any merchandise, but she was offended by the security officer and she spit on him. He desired prosecution and placed her under private persons arrest for battery. The subject arrested and issued a citation.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
April 17 at 8:45 p.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Peck and Live Oak when he observed a motorist make a wide right turn from Camino Real onto Myrtle. The turn was so wide that the vehicle ended up in the opposing left hand turn lane. He continued on Myrtle in the number one lane at approximately 50 miles per hour. The subject was unable to maintain a direct path of travel and repeatedly swerved into the center median. A traffic stop was initiated and a DUI investigation was conducted. It was determined that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The suspect was arrested for DUI.

April 18 at 5:47 a.m., a resident in the 1100 block of S. Fifth called police to report a burglary. An adult female came onto his property and stole two bicycles and a telescope from his secured porch. He chased the female and was able to recover the two bicycles. The suspect left behind a bag containing bolt cutters. The suspect was not located. This investigation is continuing.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
April 19 at 3:11 p.m., a female subject asked if officers could check on the safety of her children, who were at their father's home in the 800 block of W. Colorado. After questioning her more, it was discovered the father of her children had battered her a few days prior, leaving visible injuries. An investigation was conducted and the suspect was located and arrested for domestic violence.

April 20 at 10:28 p.m., a resident in the 1600 block of S. Fifth called police to report a vandalism incident. An officer responded and contacted the resident. An unknown suspect smashed the window on the victim’s vehicle, but nothing was taken from inside. The investigation is continuing.

April 21 at 10:45 a.m., a vandalism incident was reported in the 400 block of S. Myrtle. An employee of a business reported that someone wrote graffiti in permanent marker on the back of his business vehicle, causing damage. Investigation continuing.

Hit & Run Traffic Collision
April 21 at 10:59 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of S. Myrtle called police to report a hit and run traffic collision. His vehicle had been parked at the location for several days. When he returned to his vehicle, he found collision damage. Surveillance footage revealed it happened on Sunday at approximately 7:30 p.m. Investigation continuing.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
April 21 at 4:57 p.m., a caller reported a family disturbance in the 300 block of W. Duarte. Officers arrived and spoke with the residents. The investigation revealed there was an argument between a boyfriend and girlfriend that escalated into a physical altercation, resulting in visible injuries to the boyfriend. The female subject was arrested for domestic violence.

Petty Theft
April 21 at 10:54 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of S. Fifth called police to report someone entered his unlocked vehicle and took his cell phone and a black backpack containing work tools. The vehicle was parked on the street. Investigation continuing.

Attempt Petty Theft
April 22 at 2:28 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Poppy called police to report an attempted theft. A male subject wearing all black and riding a mountain bike with oversized tires attempted to take a roll of sheet aluminum from the bed of his truck. The suspect was last seen riding north on Poppy. Officers arrived and conducted a search for the suspect, but he was not located. The investigation is continuing.

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