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'Local Emergency' Proclamation; City Finances; Should City Join Housing-for-Homeless Project?

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Consider ratifying the City Manager's proclamation of a local emergency "due to conditions of extreme peril to the health and safety of persons and property have arisen within the City as a result of the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus."

~ Receive an "unqualified opinion on the city's financial statements" from Lance Soll & Lunghard, LLP, Certified Public Accountants. (Unqualified is good, by the way.) "This means the financial information presented in the City's accounting records and financial statements is accurately presented and free from material misstatement."

~ Receive a mid-year budget update with proposed adjustments based on the city's current financial situation.

~ Consider joining the San Gabriel Valley Council of Government Regional Housing Trust Joint Powers Authority, a consortium of local governments "being created to increase the availability of funding for the planning and construction of housing projects for the homeless and extremely low, very low, and low-income populations within the San Gabriel Valley. It will be able to receive public and private financing and funds and will also be able to authorize and issue bonds."

NOTE: To participate in the meeting from home (recommended in this day of coronavirus) tune in on KGEM (Spectrum Channel 99 or Giggle Fiber
Channel 87-2), or  online at

- Brad Haugaard

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