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Dinner from Sena

Got the taco take-out for four for $55  from Sena, on the west side of Myrtle just south of Lime. Got short rib and chicken tacos, with jalapeño beans, sauces and a LOT of chips. Very good. 

- Brad Haugaard 

1 comment:

  1. Sena - "That looks delicious! Too bad I already have something defrosting. We have been trying to order out periodically. Perhaps we need to order this item on our next take away. Fellow Monrovians, it is important to support our local businesses. The stronger our businesses are, the better for our community. And, if you are in a position, I know not all are, but if you can be generous, leave a bit more of a tip. Even if they are not serving you, it is good to help out others."

    Our bear picture is in a sheet protector and taped to the utility pole.

    Thank you for keeping our town updated on what is happening. So much is reported globally and nationwide, it is nice to see what is going on here in Monrovia and nearby Duarte and Arcadia.

    (Posting for Anonymous)
