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Artists, You Can Paint a Utility Box; Read in a Monrovia Classroom; Construction on Ivy; Canyon Park Volunteers

In his latest report ( City Manager Dylan Feik reports:

~ The utility box painting program - Art on the Box - is returning. Want to paint a box? Applications are being accepted through March for artists of all ages. General information: and application form:

~  Monrovia Reads will host Read Across Monrovia on Thursday, March 5, at 8 a.m. If you would like to read a story in a classroom, fill out this application: If you need help picking a book, the Library can help.

~  Monrovia Canyon Park recognized three volunteers:  Cree Horner, Joanie Ruggles, and Carl Jack. Cree "brings a great attitude and positive vibes to our hard-working crew of trail builders." Ruggles does "everything" with a "great smile and a passion to serve." Jack has been involved in numerous projects at Canyon Park "for nearly two decades."

~  Beginning Feb. 3, SCE and other contractors will be working around Ivy next to City Hall to make improvements to aging underground equipment and infrastructure. The project should last through March and will require traffic lane and sidewalk closures. Those affected will be notified of two planned power outages. For questions call Public Works at 932-5575.

- Brad Haugaard

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