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Monrovia Wins Big Over Alta Loma at First Home Game

Monrovia football debuted its refurbished field at its first home game of the season with a decisive 34-7 win over Alta Loma High School of Rancho Cucamonga.

- Brad Haugaard 

New Monrovia City Manager? South-Side Entry Point to Train Station; Etc.

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will consider ...

~ Maybe, maybe ... a new city manager to replace Oliver Chi? It is not certain but the council will meet Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 4 p.m. in closed session. Topic: "Public Employee Appointment Pursuant to Government Code GC 54957: City Manager".

~  Build a south-side entryway to the train station. This would involve buying a strip of property (enough for a walkway) on the north side of the recycling facility on Duarte Road just south of the train station to build an access way so people can get to the tracks from the south side, rather than just the north side. The little stub of Peck Road above Duarte Road would be the south-side drop-off area.

~ Creating a five-member Board of Appeals to consider appeals to staff building code decisions. The board would be comprised of three Planning Commissioners and two Historic Preservation Commissioners.

~ Designating the George H. Anderson House at 215  E. Lime Ave. as an historic landmark. The house is the home of the Monrovia Historical Society.

- Brad Haugaard

Maryknoll Family Fun and Craft Fair

Family Fun and Craft Fair at Maryknoll Sisters, 300 Norumbega Drive, Sunday, Sept. 29, 1-5 p.m.. Raffle, first prize $1,000; quilt raffle, In-N-Out Burgers; children's fun zone; handmade items and plants. Call 358-1825 for information and tickets.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Sunday’s Old Town Bistro

Lunch at Sunday’s Old Town Bistro, on the east side of Myrtle about a half block north of Colorado. Even though it was lunch I ordered a California Omelet, for $13.99 and an iced tea for $2.75. Quick and pleasant service, and decent food. 

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia Beer, Wine and Music Fest - September 14

- Brad Haugaard

Superintendent Thorossian's August Update

At Monrovia Unified, the success of our scholars is at the heart of everything we do. We are underway to a promising 2019-20 school year and are excited to see what accomplishments our students will achieve this academic year.

This month, our elementary schools held TK/K Meet and Greets, with parents and students visiting classrooms and preparing for the new school year.

On the first day of school, parents joined our elementary students in classrooms as they got acclimated and greeted their friends and teachers. At the middle schools and high school, orientations took place for each school’s incoming class, and students got to know their new campus during tours.

We also launched our Back to School nights. It has been exciting to visit our schools and hear about the new activities that will occur throughout the school year.

Our Spanish Dual-Language Immersion TK/K students at Wild Rose School of Creative Arts are fully engaged in the new curriculum, excitedly immersing themselves in the new language.

Finally, Monrovia Unified’s Board of Education is celebrating Monrovia High School’s Wildcat Stadium Grand Reopening with an event at 6:45 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, right before the Wildcats’ first home football game of the year!

Monrovia Unified’s mission is to provide world-class schools for world-class students, and we invite our community to learn more about our extraordinary programs from the Board of Education during our State of the Schools Address on Wednesday, Oct. 16. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Monrovia High School’s Performing Arts Center, 845 W. Colorado Blvd., Monrovia.

Source: Monrovia Schools press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Car Window Smashing; Almost Shoplifting; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 22-28. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 468 service events, resulting in 104 investigations.

Vehicle Burglary
August 22 at 7:06 a.m., a resident in the 900 block of S. Fifth called to report his vehicle had been burglarized. He parked his vehicle in the parking lot overnight. When he returned to his vehicle in the morning, he discovered the rear window had been smashed and his laptop and an empty toolbox had been taken. Investigation continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
August 22 at 7:49 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported at a business parking lot in the 700 block of E. Huntington. While the victim was inside a business, someone shattered one of his vehicle windows and stole his dashboard camera. Investigation continuing.

Warrant / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
August 22 at 8:48 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the 400 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a bicyclist commit a vehicle code violation. The bicyclist was stopped and a computer check of the subject revealed he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The subject was arrested and found to also be in possession of a methamphetamine pipe, which was added to his charges.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 23 at 12:06 p.m., a motorist was traveling east on Maple and failed to stop at the stop sign at the intersection of Magnolia. He collided into another motorist, who was traveling south on Magnolia. The involved drivers both complained of pain. The driver at fault was issued a citation.

August 23 at 1:15 p.m., a female subject entered a business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain and selected merchandise. She left the store without paying for the merchandise and fled the parking lot in a waiting vehicle. Investigation continuing.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 23 at 3:32 p.m., a motorist was traveling at a slow rate of speed near the intersection of Duarte and Sixth. She took her attention off the road and rear-ended the vehicle in front of her. Both drivers complained of pain. The driver at fault was issued a citation.

Warrants – Suspect Arrested
August 23 at 10:14 p.m., security for a business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain called police to report a shoplifting incident. A male subject selected merchandise from inside the business and was about to leave without paying, but then put down the merchandise and left. Security believed the subject still had some merchandise on his person when he left. Officers arrived and stopped the subject outside the store and determined he did not have any merchandise in his possession, but a computer check revealed he had several outstanding warrants for his arrest. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.

August 23 at 10:17 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of Linwood arrived home and found someone had thrown a rock through the front window of his apartment. The suspect is unknown at this time. This investigation is continuing.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
August 24 at 7:00 p.m., a resident of an apartment complex in 100 block of W. Lemon called police to report a suspicious male subject walking around the complex. Officers responded and located the subject, who did not live there. He was found to be in possession of a pipe that had been used to smoke methamphetamine. He was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and taken into custody.

Violation of Domestic Violence Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
August 24 at 10:07 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of S. Primrose reported hearing a female yelling at someone outside his house. Officers responded and located the female, who was yelling at her boyfriend. A computer check revealed the boyfriend had a domestic violence restraining order to stay away from the female. He was arrested and taken into custody for violating the court order.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
August 24 at 11:45 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 100 block of W. Foothill when he saw a motorist weaving in the traffic lane and changing lanes unsafely. He stopped the vehicle and found the driver to be heavily intoxicated. After field sobriety tests were conducted, the driver was arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period.

No-Bail Drug Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 25 at 12:56 a.m., a resident called police to report loud yelling going on at his neighbor's home in the 1300 block of south Alta Vista. Officers responded and found the family that lives in the apartment were yelling at one another. The subject causing the argument was found to have a no-bail warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Grand Theft Auto
August 25 at 2:10 a.m., a guest staying at a hotel in the 900 block of S. Fifth reported her silver Mercedes was stolen from the hotel parking lot. The vehicle was entered into the law enforcement stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 25 at 4:13 a.m., officers were on patrol in the area of Live Oak and Myrtle when they saw a suspicious male subject. He was contacted and found to be in possession of a glass pipe that had been used to smoke methamphetamine. He also had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Vehicle Tampering
August 25 at 8:51 a.m., a resident in the 2000 block of S. Myrtle saw a subject inside their vehicle. The resident called the police and the subject fled on foot. Officers arrived at the location, but were unable to locate the suspect. Items were removed from the glovebox, but were not taken. Investigation continuing.

Arson – Suspect Arrested
August 25 at 1:15 p.m., a caller reported a small brush fire on the property of a business in the 700 block of W. Huntington. Officers arrived and found the fire had been extinguished by a witness with a fire extinguisher. The investigation revealed a known subject had lit something on fire adjacent to the bush, which then caught the bush on fire. The suspect left the area prior to police discovering how the fire was started. The suspect was not located and was entered into the law enforcement system as wanted for arson. The next day, August 26 at 8:31 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 700 block of W. Huntington when he saw the suspect wanted for the arson. The officer detained the suspect, confirmed his identity and arrested him for arson incident.

Petty Theft From a Vehicle / Fraud
August 26 at 7:19 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of W. Duarte called police to report a theft from her vehicle. She parked her vehicle in her assigned parking stall, but did not lock her vehicle. Someone entered the vehicle and ransacked the interior. A debit card was taken and later used fraudulently at a local business. Investigation continuing.

Welfare Check / Medical Assist
August 26 at 11:01 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 500 block of Ranchito regarding a welfare check of an elderly female that had not been seen in several days. The officers learned the elderly female was typically seen on a daily basis and it was very unusual not to see her. Officers were able to make entry into the home and found the elderly lady on the ground in need of medical attention. She was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Petty Theft From a Vehicle
August 26 at 2:05 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of W. Olive called police to report a theft from his vehicle. The victim parked his vehicle in his assigned parking stall with the windows a portion of the way down. Sometime during the day, a suspect made entry into his vehicle and took items. Investigation continuing.

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
August 27 at 8:44 p.m., an employee from a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill called police to report a male suspect had entered the store, concealed merchandise and fled without paying for the items. Officers arrived and located the suspect. He was arrested for the theft.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
August 28 at 3:26 a.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Primrose and Huntington when he saw a vehicle stopped in the middle of the road with the vehicle running. He stopped and checked on the driver, who appeared to be intoxicated. After field sobriety tests were conducted, the driver was arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period.

Grand Theft Auto
August 28 at 9:16 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of W. Cherry called police to report his vehicle had been stolen. The vehicle had been parked in his driveway. The vehicle is a 2001 Chevy Astro van. This investigation is continuing.

Combat Wounded to Get Special Parking Spots; Tree Lighting to Merge With Thanksgiving Celebration; Lyft for Disabled; Etc.

In his latest report ( City Manager Oliver Chi reports:

~ In the next week or two wounded veterans will get up to four parking spaces in Old Town. The parking spaces will be painted purple and have signs indicating they are for wounded veterans. One of the proposed parking spaces will be on Palm (between the Community Center and the Library), one on Lime (between the Library and the Lime Parking Lot), one in front of City Hall, and one somewhere in the 400 block of Myrtle Avenue.

~ The Christmas tree lighting and Christmas parade will be split into two events. The tree lighting will be during a Thanksgiving event on Tuesday, Nov. 26, from 5 to 8 p.m. in Library Park. As usual, the parade will be on the first Thursday in December, Dec. 5 this year. The Thanksgiving event, or, more correctly, the "Thankful and Grateful Holiday Gathering," is "designed to show our gratitude to all who make Monrovia special." At the Thanksgiving event there will be live entertainment, community booths, a  petting zoo, story times, crafts, a canned food drive, hay rides, and a community art project.

~ Disabled Monrovians will soon be able to call for transportation using the same app Lyft riders use. Lyft has made improvements to its system that will allow it to dispatch vehicles from Empire Transportation, which provides transportation for the disabled. A beta-test of the new system should occur "within the next month or two."

~ More than 2,700 people participated in the library's Summer Reading Program. They logged 53,359 days of reading over eight weeks.

~ Disabled Monrovians who find it difficult to find convenient off-street parking near their homes may now apply for Residential On-Street Accessible Parking. "The approved space will not be exclusive to the applicant and any other persons or vehicles with a valid Disabled Person Parking Placard or Disabled Person License Plate may park in this designated space." But you still gotta move your car for street sweeping and such. Application:

~ If you check out a lot of library books at a time, you can now check out a basket to carry them in. The book baskets check out for three weeks and automatically renew up to two times. For questions, call the Library at 256-8274.

~ The city is accepting applications for the Youth Commission, for teens grades 6-12. Details

- Brad Haugaard

Vamp: Looking for a Partner in Crime

This tiny little black kitten was found as a stray in Alhambra when he was around one-month old! The big world must have been pretty scary, but he did have a friend, Gremlin (A480338), to keep him company. Since Gremlin found a home, 2-month-old Vamp (A480336) has made it his mission to take on the world, this time with a human by his side. He’s currently looking for his partner in crime while at our adoption partner, Pet Food Express in Pasadena. Visit him there to start the adventure!

The adoption fee for cats is $90. All cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated before being adopted.

New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet.

View photos of adoptable pets at Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email.

- Brad Haugaard

Slow-Moving Bear Above Monrovia

Today a friend and I were riding our bikes down the fire road from White Saddle, above Monrovia, when we encountered a slow-moving bear walking the same direction we were going.

He (or she) was not at all impressed by us, unlike other bears I’ve encountered, who scoot off the road as soon as they see me.

He just casually lumbered down the road ahead of us, stopping occasionally to scratch himself, rub his back and scratch his claws on an old telephone pole, nose around under a log, and nibble on some weeds.

Slowed us down for about 10 minutes.

Isn’t holding up traffic a ticketable offense? Where’s a cop when you need one?

And, no, I don’t need to be tolerant because we humans are encroaching on the bears’ territory. We were here first. Our bears were imported from Yellowstone, so I still think he deserves a ticket!

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia Over West Covina

Monrovia won over West Covina Friday night, 28-14.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Wildcat Stadium Reopening

- Brad Haugaard

Fundraiser for Santa Fe Science Magnet School

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Board to Consider Dual Enrollment Program with Citrus

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia Board of Education will ...

~ Consider a College and Career Access Pathways partnership agreement with Citrus College. The idea is to offer or expand "dual enrollment opportunities for high school students who may not already be college bound or who are underrepresented in higher education, with the goal of developing seamless pathways from high school to community college for career technical education or preparation for transfer, improving high school graduation rates, or helping high school pupils achieve college and career readiness."

~ Get a summary of the 2019-20 Annual Statements:

- Brad Haugaard

Dinner at Jim’s Burgers

Dinner at Jim’s Burgers, at Sixth and Duarte Road. Got the Greek Salad for $8.95 and a small iced tea for 90 cents. Service is very fast and the food was good.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Landing Sold for $30.5 Million

Monrovia Landing - the shopping center with Aldi and TJ Maxx/Home Goods - has been sold for $30.5 million, according to commercial real estate services and investment firm, CBRE.

CBRE Vice Chairman Philip D. Voorhees announced today that the National Retail Partners-West (NRP-West), along with Alex Kozakov and Patrick Wade from CBRE Los Angeles, completed the sale of Monrovia Landing in Monrovia, Calif., a grocery-anchored asset, 100%-leased to high-performing, national credit tenants Aldi, TJ Maxx/Home Goods, ULTA Beauty and O'Reilly among others.

CBRE retail experts Patrick Wade, Alex Kozakov, Sean Heitzler, Jimmy Slusher and Philip Voorhees represented the seller, a partnership between Telos Capital, a Pasadena-based private real estate investment firm, and Warner Pacific Properties, a real estate development firm. The buyer [unnamed in press release. Brad], based out of Los Angeles and represented by Marcus & Millichap (Sheila Alimadadian), purchased the asset as a 1031 exchange from a prior sale.

Source: Press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police Blood Drive Sept. 4

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Pants-less Drunk Arrested; Hubcaps Stolen; Smoking Marijuana Farm; Lottery Tickets Stolen; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 15-21. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 429 service events, resulting in 90 investigations.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 15 at 4:13 p.m., a traffic collision was reported at the intersection of Pomona and Myrtle, and one of the drivers was complaining of pain. Officers responded along with paramedics from the Monrovia Fire Department. The subject who complained of pain was medically treated. The driver found at fault for the collision was issued a citation for the vehicle code violation.

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
August 15 at 7:30 p.m., loss prevention officers from a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington stopped a male suspect who took items from the store without paying. The suspect returned the items and ran from the store. Officers responded and found the suspect hiding in a nearby business. He was positively identified by the loss prevention officers and was arrested for the theft.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 15 at 9:13 p.m., officers were on patrol in the 100 block of W. Foothill when they observed a vehicle commit a vehicle code violation. A traffic stop was conducted and the investigation revealed the driver had a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody for the warrant.

Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested
August 16 at 3:46 a.m., a caller reported a male subject looking into vehicles in the 1300 block of S. Mayflower. Officers arrived and found the subject on top of a vehicle, and he had taken off his pants. He was found to be too intoxicated to care for his own safety. The subject was arrested and held for a sobering period.

August 16 at 6:46 a.m., a resident in 300 block of W. Lemon called to report someone had stolen the hubcaps off her car, which was parked on the street overnight. Officers arrived and discovered two other vehicles in the 300 and 800 blocks of E. Lemon had also had hubcaps stolen sometime during the same night. This investigation is continuing.

Fire / Drug Activity
August 16 at 4:42 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of W. Duarte reported a home in the neighborhood had smoke coming from the roof, the fire sprinklers were on, and the fire alarm was sounding. Officers responded along with the Monrovia Fire Department. Upon entering the house, they discovered it was full of marijuana plants and unknown chemicals. The smoke was coming from overloaded electrical wires. Detectives, HazMat, and a building inspector responded. No one was found inside the home. This investigation is continuing.

August 16 at 7:11 p.m., a caller reported that while he was away on vacation, someone stole the tailgate from his truck. The truck was parked in the 400 block of E. Walnut. This investigation is continuing.

Injury Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
August 16 at 10:09 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collision involving a vehicle and motorcycle near the intersection of Shamrock and Central. The driver of the vehicle was determined to be at fault for the collision and she displayed signs of being under the influence. The motorcyclist was treated by paramedics from the Monrovia Fire Department and was transported to a hospital for his injuries. An investigation was conducted, and the driver was found to be too intoxicated to operate a motor vehicle. She was arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period.

Commercial Burglary
August 17 at 8:21 a.m., the owner of a business in the 400 block of E. Duarte reported a burglary that occurred sometime overnight. They arrived to work and found someone had used bolt cutters to cut through the front security gate. The suspect shattered the front window to gain entry and stole California Lottery ticket scratchers. This investigation is continuing.

Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
August 17 at 12:40 p.m., a caller reported a male subject on the roof of a building in the 200 block of W. Pomona. When officers arrived, he was off the roof and exiting the property. The officers contacted the subject, and he was found to be in possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. He was arrested and taken into custody.

August 17 at 6:44 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of W. Lemon called police to report the theft of her hubcaps stolen from her vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto / Resisting Arrest
August 18 at 1:04 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 800 block of W. Chestnut when he saw two subjects occupying a suspicious vehicle. The officer was notified the vehicle had been reported stolen. As the officer was exiting his patrol unit, the driver of the vehicle accelerated down the street and out of sight. Additional officers arrived and a search of the area was conducted, but the suspects were not located. The vehicle was later recovered, unoccupied, near Parker and Mayflower. This investigation is ongoing.

Vehicle Burglary
August 18 at 7:09 a.m., a female subject reported her vehicle had been broken into overnight while parked in the 200 block of Oaks. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. The rear window had been damaged and items were taken out of the rear compartment. This investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
August 18 at 7:14 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block of W. Foothill. The victim reported her vehicle had been broken into and the driver-side, rear window was smashed by an unknown object. Several items were missing from the center console. This investigation is continuing.

Drunk in Public / Battery – Suspect Arrested
August 18 at 10:06 p.m., officers responded to the 400 block of W. Foothill regarding a disturbing male subject starting fights with people. Officers made contact with the subject and other involved parties. The investigation revealed the subject was involved in a physical fight with an individual inside a business. The subject was found to be too intoxicated to care for his own safety. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Battery – Suspect Arrested
August 19 at 6:47 a.m., a female subject called police to report her neighbors were involved in a physical altercation in the 200 block of E. Maple and requested police. Officers arrived and the investigation revealed the argument initiated over a parking space. Both parties advised they did not desire prosecution against each other and the officers left the location. A short while later, additional calls were received reporting the subjects were fighting again. Officers arrived and one of the parties now desired prosecution. A citizen’s arrest was made and one of the subjects was arrested and taken into custody for battery.

August 19 at 9:41 a.m., a robbery was reported at a business in the 900 block of E. Huntington. The suspects were described as three male African Americans wearing ski masks. Two of the three were carrying firearms. They left the location in a silver Toyota Corolla after stealing store merchandise, as well as a customer’s purse. Officers responded to the location, but were not able to find the suspects or the suspect vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

Residential Burglary
August 19 at 2:13 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of N. Alta Vista called police to report their home had been broken into while they were away at lunch. Officers responded and found various items were stolen from the master bedroom. This investigation is continuing.

Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested
August 19 at 7:12 p.m., officers were on patrol in the 400 block of E. Duarte when then observed a subject walking with an open beer. They made contact with the subject who displayed obvious signs of intoxication. An investigation revealed the subject was too intoxicated to care for his own safety. He was arrested and transported to the Monrovia PD Jail for a sobering period.

Commercial Burglary
August 20 at 7:38 a.m., a caller said that a business in the 1600 block of S. Magnolia was broken into during the night hours. This investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 20 at 8:53 a.m., officers saw a suspicious vehicle in the 700 block of E. Huntington occupied by three subjects. They made contact with the subjects and one of them had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was arrested per the authority of the warrant and transported to the Monrovia PD Jail for booking.

Prowling – Suspect Arrested
August 20 at 12:22 p.m., a victim called saying there was a female at her residence in the 700 block of Crescent who tried to open her back door. She then walked to another residence and tried to open that door as well. Officers arrived and detained the subject. A citizen’s arrest was made, and she was transported to the Monrovia PD Jail for booking.

August 20 at 1:01 p.m., loss prevention officers from a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington called to report a male and female Hispanic had left with unpaid merchandise. They then left the location in a silver Honda Accord. Officers arrived, but were not able to locate the subjects. This investigation is continuing.

August 20 at 2:04 p.m., officers responded to the 1600 block of S. Mountain regarding a theft. A male Hispanic had taken unpaid merchandise from a business and left the location in a dark colored minivan. An area check was made, but officers could not locate the vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

August 20 at 6:51 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of E. El Norte advised he saw a female subject checking the door handle to his home via his surveillance camera. Officers arrived and recognized the female subject from past encounters. A report was taken and was forwarded to the District Attorney’s officer for filing consideration.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 20 at 9:01 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a bicyclist for a vehicle code violation near the intersection of Myrtle and Longden. An investigation revealed the subject had an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was arrested per the authority of the warrant and transported to the Monrovia PD Jail for booking.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
August 20 at 9:21 p.m., a female subject called police to report her boyfriend had pushed and spat on her while she was a passenger in a vehicle near the intersection of Myrtle and Maple. Officers responded to the area and found the boyfriend in his vehicle. Further investigation revealed he had also threatened the female that he would kill her and her family. The boyfriend was arrested and taken into custody for domestic violence.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 21 at 9:10 a.m., a fight was reported at a residence in the 800 block of E. Lemon and officers were requested to respond. Officers arrived and found a male at the location who had multiple warrants for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Newcomers Group Invites Local Women

Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley, a social club, invites local women to attend their next general meeting.

On Sept. 4, at 10 a.m., Newcomers and Friends of SGV's "meet-and-greet" coffee will be held in Jordan Hall at Church of the Good Shepherd, 400 West Duarte Road, in Arcadia. Free tickets here:

This general meeting is a great way to meet the members of Newcomers and Friends and learn about the club's activities.

Newcomers and Friends' mostly-daytime, weekday activities include a Book Club, Bridge, Crafters, Day Trips, Games (Bunco, Rummikub, etc.), Golf, Hiking, Happy Hour, Lunch Bunch, Mah Jongg, Movies, Pinochle, and Wine Tasting.

Newcomers and Friends is a friendly, caring group of women of diverse ages.  This group currently has 136 members of various backgrounds and has existed since 1965.  You can choose to be as actively involved as you like, based on your time and interests.

For more about Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley, email at or visit online at

Source: press release

- Brad Haugaard

Opening on Monrovia Planning Commission; Return of the Soap Box Derby; Composting; Etc.

In his latest report ( City Manager Oliver Chi reports: 

~ If you'd like to be on the Monrovia Planning Commission, now may be your opportunity.  Planning Commissioner Coulter Winn recently announced he will resign to resume his professional architectural career with Disney. If you are interested you will need to submit an application by 6 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 26.  For questions, contact the City Clerk's Office at 932-5505. More detail:

~ The popular soap box derby is returning to Monrovia to raise funds for Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills. The event will take place in Old Town Monrovia on Sept. 7, and is sponsored by Monrovia Old Town Derby, LLC. Details here:
~  A free composting workshop will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21, 9 to 11 a.m. at Mountainside Communion Church (Magnolia and Colorado). Topics: What you can and can't compost, different types of compost methods, and all about the community compost program. 

~ Last week Congresswoman Napolitano visited Oak Crest Institute of Science to congratulate the team on their recent grant award of $748,000 for the i6 Challenge program, under the U.S. Economic Development Administration's Regional Innovation Strategies Program.

~  The curb and gutter, sidewalk access ramps, and the sidewalk itself have been replaced in front of Monrovia High. The city plans to coordinate with the school district on landscape improvements to the school. Chi writes, "We are committed to our policy of 2-for-1 replacement of all trees that we remove."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Women Welcome at Arcadia Woman's Club

Despite being named the "Arcadia" Woman's Club, it is open to Monrovia women as well (Monrovia's Woman's Club is a thing of the past). I checked, so ...

Are you interested in meeting new people, making new friends, and helping good causes?  Do you want to make a difference in the community and enjoy networking?  Arcadia Woman's Club is a local philanthropic service organization dedicated to enriching the quality of life.

On Sept. 4, from 11:00 to 1:00, Arcadia Woman's Club will have an Open House. This "meet-and-greet" will be held in their Historic Clubhouse, 324  S. First Ave., in Arcadia.

The Open House is a great way to meet the members of Arcadia Woman's Club and learn about the club's wide variety of service and fun activities.  Arcadia Woman's Club members volunteer their time to improve the community while making new friends, learning new skills, and having fun.

Anyone interested in joining is welcome to attend.  You can bring a friend along or just come and meet your future friends.

Arcadia Woman's Club is a friendly, caring group of women of diverse ages.  You can choose to be as actively involved as you like, based on your time and interests.

This club has existed since 1914.  There are monthly lunch meetings on the first Wednesday of each month, from October to June, with interesting speakers on varied topics, so you can hear about the club's activities and events, including fundraisers and community service projects.

By the way, the clubhouse is also available for event rentals.  In fact, weddings have taken place in the lovely courtyard as well as receptions, anniversaries, and baby showers have been held in the large ballroom.

Arcadia Woman's Club hopes you can come and meet us and see our special Clubhouse.

To learn more about Arcadia Woman's Club, contact them via email at or visit them online at and

Source: Arcadia Woman's Club press release

- Brad Haugaard

Box Jewelry Sign Gets Fresh Paint

(Thanks to Kelly Moran for photo!)

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia Men Arrested In Connection With Shooting Death in Pasadena

Two Monrovia men, Lamarr Marquise McDaniels, 24, and Trevor James Dorman, 19, have been arrested in connection with  the Aug. 9 shooting death of 24-year-old Anthony Michael Tafoya Ortiz in Pasadena.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Gene’s Grinders

Lunch at Gene’s Grinders, at the southeast corner of Myrtle and Olive. Got the small combination cold grinder for $7 and an iced tea for $2. Nice. 

- Brad Haugaard 

'We Will Rock You' at Monrovia High Wildcat Theater in October, November

The play, "We Will Rock You," is coming to the the Monrovia High Wildcat Theater October 25 and 26, and November 1 and 2, 7-9 p.m. The play features more than 20 hit Queen songs including "Another One Bites the Dust," "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We Will Rock You," "We Are the Champions." The story follows two revolutionaries as they try to save rock 'n' roll in a post-apocalyptic world. A fist-pumping, foot-stomping, musical anthem to freedom.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Tailgate Stolen from Truck; Lying Drunk in Middle of Road; Women Arrested in Domestic Violence Incidents; Firearm Taken from Unlocked Car; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 8-14. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 407 service events, resulting in 75 investigations.

Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
August 8 at 11:13 p.m., officers were on patrol in the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when they observed two subjects loitering in Station Square Park after closing hours. They contacted the subjects, and the investigation revealed they were both parolees and both were found to be in possession of controlled substances. Both subjects were arrested.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 9 at 7:26 a.m., officers responded to the intersection of Duarte and Mayflower regarding two vehicles that collided. One driver complained of neck pain and was treated by paramedics from the Monrovia Fire Department. The driver at fault was issued a citation for a vehicle code violation.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 9 at 8:04 a.m., three vehicles were involved in a collision at the intersection of California and Huntington. Officers arrived and completed a traffic collision investigation. One subject complained of pain and was treated by Monrovia Fire Department paramedics. The party at fault was cited for a vehicle code violation.

Public Intoxication / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 9 at 8:17 p.m., officers patrolling on bicycles saw a subject loitering in the 100 block of W. Palm. They made contact with him and found he was extremely intoxicated. A computer check revealed he also had a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
August 9 at 11:25 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collision in the 500 block of Scenic. A caller reported a vehicle had crashed into a parked car and then drove around the corner and parked in the middle of the street. Officers arrived and found the driver attempting to notify the owner of the parked car about the accident. He appeared intoxicated and, after a DUI investigation was conducted, was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Wanted Person – Suspect Arrested
August 10 at 2:50 a.m., officers were on patrol near the 100 block of Duarte and saw a female loitering near the doors of a closed business. They stopped to see if she needed any help. An investigation revealed she was wanted by the Monrovia Police Department for burglary. She was arrested for the want and taken into custody.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 10 at 11:37 a.m., a traffic collision was reported at the intersection of Colorado and Primrose. Officers and paramedics from the Monrovia Fire Department responded and found a passenger had a cut on their forehead. The passenger was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of minor visible injuries and complaint of pain. The driver found at fault was issued a traffic citation for the violation.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 10 at 12:15 p.m., a caller reported two motorists had just collided into one another in the intersection of Primrose and Oaks. One of the drivers was complaining of pain from her seatbelt and was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. The driver who was found to have caused the collision was issued a citation for the vehicle code violation.

August 10 at 1:53 p.m., a resident in the 1200 block of S. Primrose walked outside his home and discovered someone had stolen the tailgate off his truck sometime overnight. This investigation is continuing.

August 10 at 7:30 p.m., a resident reported the tailgate off his truck had been stolen sometime overnight. The vehicle was parked in the 500 block of E. Walnut. This investigation is continuing.

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
August 10 at 10:26 p.m., an officer was flagged down by a citizen regarding a male subject lying in the middle of the street near the intersection of Foothill and Magnolia. The subject was located and found to be intoxicated, and unable to care for his own safety. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Domestic Violence
August 10 at 11:47 p.m., officers responded to the 700 block of W. Foothill regarding a family disturbance. The investigation revealed a male subject went to his ex-girlfriend’s house and got into an argument with her. He pushed her to the ground and then broke the back window of her vehicle. Officers checked the area, but did not locate the suspect. This investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 10 at 11:51 p.m., officers responded to a disturbance in the 400 block of Kirkwood. A male subject was in front of the residence and appeared to be intoxicated. He identified himself, and a computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
August 11 at 1:07 a.m., police dispatch was contacted by Arcadia Methodist Hospital regarding a patient with an injury to her finger, who was possibly involved in a domestic dispute. Officers responded and conducted an investigation. Both the female and her husband were interviewed, and officers determined the female subject was the primary aggressor in the incident. After she was released from the hospital, she was arrested and taken into custody.

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
August 11 at 2:47 a.m., an officer was on patrol near the intersection of Duarte and Magnolia when he saw a male subject lying on the curb. The officer made contact with the subject to see if he needed assistance and found him to be intoxicated and unable to care for his own safety. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
August 11 at 2:51 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 200 block of E. Pomona and saw a subject slumped over on the sidewalk. The officer stopped to check on the subject and found him to be intoxicated and unable to care for his own safety. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Theft of a Firearm From a Vehicle
August 11 at 8:22 a.m., officers responded to the 200 block of W. Pomona regarding a theft of a firearm. A security guard left his loaded firearm in the unlocked glovebox of his vehicle. He said the windows were down and the doors to the vehicle were unlocked. He was on patrol in the area throughout the night and noticed the firearm and his backpack were missing later in the morning. This investigation is continuing.

Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
August 11 at 10:34 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a bicyclist for a vehicle code violation in the 700 block of W. Huntington. Further investigation revealed the bicyclist was in possession of a controlled substance. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.

Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
August 11 at 11:07 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collision in the 800 block of W. Foothill. A vehicle struck a parked car and the driver was displaying symptoms of being intoxicated. Officers conducted a DUI investigation and the driver was arrested for driving under the influence. She was taken into custody and held for a sobering period.

Public Intoxication / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 12 at 1:59 a.m., officers responded to the 700 block of W. Huntington regarding a subject loitering in the area. They made contact with him and a computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest. The subject was too intoxicated to care for his own safety. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
August 12 at 7:28 a.m., loss prevention officers from a business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain saw a male subject exit the store without paying for merchandise. Officers responded to the area and located the subject near the business. He was arrested and released on a citation to appear in court on the theft charges.

Vehicle Burglary
August 12 at 9:06 p.m., officers responded to the 900 block of W. Walnut regarding a vehicle burglary. The investigation revealed the suspect used a device that clones vehicle key fobs to enter several vehicles in the area. This investigation is continuing.

Public Assist
August 12 at 9:53 p.m., officers assisted the Monrovia Fire Department and the Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department air unit in locating a lost hiker who had wandered 1.5 miles off trail in Canyon Park. The subject was in contact with a friend on his cell phone and was eventually located and evacuated.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 13 at 12:38 a.m., officers were on patrol near the intersection of Myrtle and Cypress when they saw a subject they recognized from previous encounters. A computer check showed the subject had a felony warrant from the Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department. Officers contacted the subject and arrested him for the warrant. The subject was also found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
August 14 at 2:50 a.m., officers were on patrol near the intersection of Kardashian and Goldring, where they saw a subject loitering near a closed business. They made contact with the subject and further investigation revealed he was in possession of drug paraphernalia. The subject was arrested and released on a citation to appear in court on the charges.

August 14 at 6:46 a.m., a resident reported his vehicle had been damaged overnight while parked in the 200 block of E. Palm. Officers responded, and found the victim’s windshield on his vehicle had been broken. This investigation is continuing.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 14 at 6:55 a.m., a driver was exiting a parking structure in the 200 block of W. Pomona and collided with another vehicle traveling on the street. Officers responded to the location. One of the passengers complained of pain and was treated by paramedics from the Monrovia Fire Department.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
August 14 at 7:53 a.m., a caller reported his wife had hit him at their residence in the 800 block of W. Duarte. Officers arrived and the wife admitted to hitting her husband. The caller then told officers he did not desire any prosecution against his wife. The wife was arrested and taken into custody for domestic violence.

Grand Theft Auto
August 14 at 11:24 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 700 block of W. Chestnut. The keys had been left inside the vehicle, and the vehicle was taken sometime during the night. Later that day, the vehicle was recovered by Pasadena Police Department. This investigation is continuing.

Foothill Unity Center's Van Stolen

Foothill Unity Center's 14-foot truck has been stolen from its parking lot. The truck was used to pick-up food donations from across the San Gabriel Valley. Call the Monrovia Police Department if you have any information that may be of help.

UPDATE: Recovered! Unity Center reports that it “was recovered today thanks to the great work from the Monrovia and Pasadena Police departments. We are so grateful to have our truck back as it is a critical component to the daily operations of our programs to serve the San Gabriel Valley community.”

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Schools Orientation Day

Monrovia Unified School District students bid farewell to summer and hello to a new school year today (Aug. 14), as they participated in orientations, toured campuses, and picked up class schedules, and committed to a successful 2019-20 academic year.

At the elementary level, parents accompanied students as they got acclimatized to their classrooms and greeted friends and teachers. Students took photos with teachers, principals, and friends before kicking off the first day of school.

Monrovia's Santa Fe Computer Science Magnet School and Clifton Middle School held orientations for incoming sixth-graders, who toured their new campus and picked up class schedules. Students learned about school culture and discussed the new responsibilities that come with being a middle school student.

Monrovia High School held a special orientation for its incoming freshman class. Students were greeted with a high-five line of administrators, teachers, and staff. The Class of 2023 participated in orientation and pledged to their success in 2023 by signing gowns that will hang in the foyer for the entire academic year - a reminder every time students walk by.

Monrovia Unified offers a slate of innovative instructional and enrichment programs, including coding, dual-language immersion, robotics, music, theater and arts - giving all students an opportunity to explore new interests and develop new skills.

"Our entire team of dedicated professionals in the Monrovia Unified School District looks forward to working with our students and exploring new tools for their continued success," Superintendent Katherine Thorossian said. "While I know that this school year will be replete with rigorous instruction and personal support, I am equally confident it will be a time to create memories."

Source: Monrovia Schools press release

- Brad Haugaard

$10,000 Reward for Witnesses of Alleged Amanda Custer Kidnapping

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is offering a $10,000 reward to encourage any witnesses to come forward regarding the alleged assault and abduction of Monrovian Amanda Kathleen Custer, a 31-year-old single mom of an 8-year-old son.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Football Schedule

Here's the Monrovia varsity football schedule. First up is an away game at Northview, in Covina, on August 16 at 7 p.m.


- Brad Haugaard

Boba Shop Coming to Old Town; Red Cross Blood Drive; Street Digging; Oak Crest Wins Award

In his latest report ( City Manager Oliver Chi reports:

~ Old Town is getting a  T-Pumps, a trendy tea and boba shop with several locations in Northern California and one in Pasadena. The store will be at 510  S. Myrtle Ave., where the old Family Affair Music shop used to be located. Here's the company's website:

~ The Monrovia Police Officers' Association will host a Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., in the Library's Community Center. Schedule an appointment at and enter the sponsor code "MONROVIA." Your donation directly supports trauma victims.

~ Construction crews and inspectors from Southern California Edison are continuing an electrical system improvement/relocation project along Walnut Avenue, between Myrtle and Primrose. There'll be a lot of digging, intermittent road closures and the reduction of traffic to westbound vehicles. Please avoid the area for the next couple of weeks,

~  Monrovia's Oak Crest Institute of Science has been chosen by the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership to receive its "Success Within Workforce Development" award, which will be presented at the Pasadena Rose Bowl on Saturday, Sept. 21, during the Partnership's annual gala.

- Brad Haugaard

Pepper - If You Like Dog Kisses and Squirrel Watching

A mellow six-year old dog, Pepper (A448661) is an affectionate lap dog. He enjoys meeting new people and will roll on his back for belly rubs once he has said hello.  His favorite activity is climbing in your lap to give kisses. Pepper does enjoy walks in the park and watching the squirrels. After a little stroll, he loves nothing more than rolling in the grass and getting belly rubs. Pepper knows some commands like sit, shake and down and is working with our volunteers on learning more. If you are looking for a calm dog who likes to stroll through the park and then go home to cuddle on the couch then Pepper might be the dog for you. Stop by to meet Pepper and learn more about this affectionate dog.

The adoption fee for dogs is $140. All dogs are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated before going to their new home.

New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet.

View photos of adoptable pets at Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email.

- Brad Haugaard

Fire Department Helps Rescue Hiker Monday Night

Monrovia Fire Department reports that late last night (Monday) Monrovia Fire Department helped rescue a hiker who had become lost well off of the trail in Monrovia Canyon Park. With the assistance of helicopters from LA County Fire, Pasadena PD and LA County Sheriff's Department the lost hiker was located and rescued.

- Brad Haugaard

World Whistling Competition Organized By Monrovia's 'Whistling Diva'

Monrovian Carole Anne Kaufman, "The Whistling Diva," is organizing The Masters of Musical Whistling International Competition and Festival, coming to the Pasadena Convention Center on Aug. 23 and 24.

More than 60 whistlers from 10 countries will compete for the title of World Champion. The biennial event - the only one of its kind in the United States - attracts professional whistlers and undiscovered talent from all over the world.

Kaufman, a two-time world champion musical whistler, founded the festival in 2015 to establish a meeting place for the global whistling community and promoting musical whistling as fine art.

For event tickets and more information, please visit or Facebook:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Thanks Neighbors for Saving Her Life

Monrovian Jenny Polizzi posted on the social media site, Nextdoor, that her neighbors saved her life. She writes ...

"I had a stroke as the result of a fall two weeks ago on Monday July 29th around 10 am. I am home recovering now. It was a miracle that I was in the exact right place at the exact right time. That our neighbors were out for a walk. That someone on the ambulance decided to take me Huntington Hospital.

"I owe my life to 2 neighbors, a woman and a man around 10am on N Myrtle. I was out walking my 2 dogs Jack and Flora. They passed us and we said hi. I think I saw a young man with a dog. Next thing I remember I was lying on my back on the sidewalk bleeding. I heard someone say 911. I saw the woman talking to me but I didn't understand what you were saying. I had my Apple watch on and was able to tell Siri call my daughter and then she was there. I don't really remember much. I am forever grateful to you both. So are my daughters, son and my grandchildren. You saved my life.

I do remember that when I was in the ambulance that I was talking but they didn't understand what I was saying. They called a Stroke Code at the Huntington trauma center. They gave me 'the shot' TPA. It immediately broke up the clot and almost entirely reversed the stroke. There is only a 2-3 hour Golden hours that you can get the shot to stop a stroke.

"I am forever grateful to you both. So are my daughters, son and my grandchildren. You saved my life."

- Brad Haugaard

A/C Work at Clifton, Plymouth; Repave Parking Lot Next to Monrovia High

At its next meeting ( the Monrovia Board of Education will consider ...

~ Having work done on the air conditioning systems at Clifton and Plymouth schools (and gas lines at Plymouth) for about $71,000.

~ Repave the parking lot on 124 S. Madison Avenue, next to Monrovia High for $104,900.

- Brad Haugaard

Where in Monrovia?

How expert are you on Monrovia. What is this flag and where does it fly in Monrovia?

- Brad Haugaard 

Lunch at Monrovia Pizza

Lunch at Monrovia Pizza Company, at the corner of Mayflower and Duarte Road. Got the one-slice pizza lunch special (choice of cheese or pepperoni) with drink for $3.01. Wow! Great price, a nice-size piece of pizza and tasty. 

- Brad Haugaard 

Fine For False Alarms Up to $400

Monrovia Police officers respond to nearly 2,000 false alarms each year. The response to false alarms unnecessarily pulls the responding officers from other endeavors, decreasing the effectiveness of their patrol duties and increasing response times to other calls for service.

Once officers arrive, if there are no signs of forced entry or tampering, Monrovia Police Officers will leave the homeowner a “False Alarm Notice,” informing the home or business owner the police were called to their address regarding an alarm activation.

Monrovia Municipal Code Ordinance 9.47 was established in the best interest of public safety, public welfare, and convenience of the City, as well as fairness to its citizens. The City requires those persons generating an unusual number of false alarms to be deterred from allowing their alarm systems to generate false alarms, which contributes to the City’s expense for responding to those false alarms. The City allows no more than three false alarm responses free of charge in a 12-month period.

Monrovia Municipal Code Ordinance 9.47.050 establishes a service charge to be billed to and paid by the alarm user of a particular alarm system for the following false alarms:

• 4th False Alarm - $200.00
• 5th False Alarm - $300.00
• 6th False Alarm - $400.00
• Subsequent False Alarms - $400.00

This fee is established by resolution for excessive alarm response. Alarms caused by criminal activity, earthquake, weather or conditions beyond the control of the owner would not be considered false.

It is in your best interest to ensure your alarm system is in proper working order and a valid alarm permit is on file with the City of Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Lots of Cars Looted; Phone Thieves Escape in Lexus; Copper Wire Theft; Bomb Threat Scam; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 1-7. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 425 service events, resulting in 82 investigations.

Petty Theft From Vehicle
August 1 at 3:09 p.m., a resident in the 1000 block of Berry walked outside her home and discovered someone had entered and ransacked her vehicle. The vehicle had been left unlocked and miscellaneous items were taken. This investigation is continuing.

Petty Theft From Vehicle
August 1 at 3:30 p.m., a petty theft incident was reported at a business parking lot in the 1600 block of S. Mountain. When the victim finished shopping and returned to his vehicle, he found it had been ransacked. He could not remember if he locked his vehicle. There were no signs of forced entry and miscellaneous items had been taken. This investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto
August 1 at 5:58 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of W. Walnut called to report his motorcycle had been stolen from the alley sometime in the last two days. The investigation is continuing.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
August 2 at 12:21 a.m., officers were on patrol in the area of Myrtle and Longden when they witnessed a vehicle drive over the center divider, and then continued on at a high rate of speed. A traffic stop was conducted and the driver was displaying signs of being under the influence of alcohol. Field sobriety tests were conducted and the driver was arrested for DUI.

Grand Theft Auto – Vehicle Located
August 2 at 8:17 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Canyon Crest walked outside his home and discovered someone had stolen his vehicle sometime during the night. His vehicle had been parked on the street in front of his house. Officers arrived and had the vehicle entered into the DMV stolen vehicle system. Shortly thereafter, it was located unoccupied by the Pasadena Police Department and returned to the owner.

Vehicle Tampering
August 2 at 1:53 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of Canyon Crest walked outside her home and found someone had entered her car sometime overnight and ransacked her vehicle, but she did not notice anything missing. She had left her vehicle unlocked. This investigation is continuing.

Vandalism Incidents
August 2 at 9:05 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of W. Colorado called to report someone threw a rock through her apartment window and shattered it. No witnesses were located. Investigation continuing. At 10:02 p.m. that same day, a resident in the 200 block of Linwood called to report that someone threw a rock through his apartment window and shattered it. No witnesses were located. Investigation continuing.

Grand Theft
August 3 at 12:39 p.m., a grand theft was reported at a business in the 700 block of W. Huntington. While the victim was shopping in the store, an unknown suspect took her wallet and cellphone from her purse. The wallet contained cash and credit cards. This investigation is continuing.

Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
August 3 at 10:09 p.m., an employee from a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington called to report he had detained a shoplifter and requested a private person’s arrest. Officers responded and conducted an investigation. The private persons arrest was accepted and the subject was taken into custody for shoplifting.

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
August 3 at 11:55 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the area of Foothill and Mayflower regarding an intoxicated person causing a disturbance in the area. The subject was located and detained. He was found to be too intoxicated to care for himself and was arrested for being drunk in public. He was held for a sobering period.

Public Intoxication
August 4 at 3:57 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 600 block of S. Myrtle regarding an intoxicated person in the area. The subject was located and detained. It was determined the subject was too intoxicated to care for himself. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

Grand Theft
August 4 at 3:37 p.m., a grand theft was reported at a business in the 600 block of W. Huntington. An employee called to report four male Black subjects wearing hooded sweatshirts entered the location and separated upon entry. They each approached display stands, cut the security cables and fled with multiple phones. They were last seen heading south on Monterey in a silver, 2000's, Lexis sedan. Officers responded but were not able to locate the vehicle. The investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 5 at 12:56 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 500 block of Norumbega when he saw a motorist commit a driving violation. He stopped the vehicle and discovered the driver had an outstanding warrant for her arrest. She was arrested and taken into custody.

Injury Traffic Collision
August 5 at 11:20 a.m., a traffic collision was reported at the intersection of Duarte and Mayflower. One of the drivers failed to yield the right of way to the other vehicle, causing the collision. One of the drivers complained of back pain, but refused medical treatment.

Commercial Burglary
August 5 at 11:33 a.m., a commercial burglary was reported at a business in the 400 block of W. Chestnut. The business is under construction and over the weekend, unknown suspects forced entry into the building and stole tools, equipment and copper wire. The investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary
August 5 at 12:34 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of N. Canyon called police to report her vehicle had been burglarized. The victim parked her vehicle in the street in front of her residence. When she returned to her vehicle, she found a window had been smashed and her purse, which she had left in the vehicle, had been stolen. There is no suspect information at this time. Investigation continuing.

False Bomb Threat
August 6 at 4:32 p.m., an employee from a business in the 900 block of S. Mountain called to report he received an email regarding a bomb threat to the business if Bitcoin was not exchanged. The investigation revealed the email was a scam. This investigation is continuing.

Warrant / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
August 6 at 7:16 p.m., officers responded to the intersection of Foothill and Melrose regarding a group of subjects drinking beer on the corner. Officers arrived and detained several subjects matching the description. A computer check revealed one of the subjects had an outstanding warrant, and he was also found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.

Threatening / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 7 at 8:45 a.m., two separate subjects called police to report a male subject had threatened them at a business in the 100 block of W. Duarte. The suspect frequents the business. The victims reported he threatened their lives and they were fearful of him. Officers conducted an investigation and identified the suspect, who also had a warrant for his arrest. He was located and arrested later in the day without incident.

August 7 at 8:47 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of S. Mountain reported the tailgate to his Toyota Tacoma was stolen sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
August 7 at 10:56 a.m., officers on patrol in the 600 block of E. Greystone saw a vehicle parked in violation of a vehicle code. Officers attempted to contact the registered owner to have her move her vehicle and discovered she had multiple warrants for her arrest. She was arrested for the warrants.

August 7 at 12:35 p.m., a theft incident was reported in the 200 block of W. Maple. The victim reported his catalytic converter was stolen from parked vehicle. This investigation is continuing.

August 7 at 7:59 p.m., a female subject called police to report her vehicle had been ransacked and her purse, which she left in the vehicle, had been stolen. The victim parked her vehicle in the 700 block of S. Shamrock. She had left the vehicle unlocked. This investigation is continuing.

Theft – Suspect Arrested
August 7 at 11:45 p.m., officers responded to the 3000 block of S. Peck regarding a subject possibly stealing automotive parts. After a search of the area, officers located the subject, who was found to be in possession of stolen property. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.

MAP Leadership for Youth - Learn to Lead

(Click to enlarge.)

- Brad Haugaard

Learn to Lead - MAP Adult Leadership Academy

(Click to view more clearly)

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's SiLC Technologies Appoints Former Texas Instruments Director as VP of Business Development

Monrovia's SiLC Technologies, Inc. has appointed former Texas Instruments director, Ralf J. Muenster, as VP of business development and marketing to support SiLC's expanding customer base and LiDAR solution integration.

LiDAR, according to Wikipedia, is "a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating the target with laser light and measuring the reflected light with a sensor." It's useful for autonomous vehicles, biometrics (face and fingerprint recognition, for instance), and robotics. SiLC has squeezed this technology onto a chip.

Muenster will lead SiLC's expansion into Silicon Valley.

Prior to joining SiLC, Muenster was the director of Texas Instruments' CTO office where he was responsible for identifying and developing impactful new growth vectors and strategic technology partnerships for the company. Muenster has held various executive roles in the semiconductor industry, including serving as an intrapreneur and business executive at National Semiconductor, Micrel and AMD, where he was heading the automotive market segment. Muenster holds a master's degree in physics from the Technical University in Munich and is a multiple U.S. patent holder.

Muenster said, "FMCW LiDAR will change the future of autonomous driving, and SiLC is the company best positioned to lead that transition, with its highly integrated FMCW LiDAR solutions and 4D Vision Sensors. I look forward to working with such an experienced team of innovators and silicon photonics specialists as we bring the safest and most cost-effective LiDAR to market."

- Brad Haugaard

National Night Out - Cops and Music

National Night Out in Library Park now. Cops, music and food. 

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia's Xencor Loses Less Money Than Anticipated - Stock Moves Up

Monrovia's biotech firm, Xencor, which is developing antibodies for autoimmune diseases and cancer, reported a second quarter loss of $16 million, or $0.30 per share, but its stock closed higher because the loss was less than anticipated.

- Brad Haugaard