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Monrovia Council to Discuss Community Garden, Give Fire Station New Roof, AC; Honor Military Members

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Discuss a Community Garden pilot program at a special study session at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the City Council Chambers.

And at its regular 7:30 session:

~  Consider a $138,964 project to replace the roof and air conditioning at Fire Station 102, at 2055 South Myrtle Avenue. It was built  in 1996 and the roof has begun leaking. The council will consider hiring Howard Roofing for $87,182, RYCO Heating and Air Conditioning for $28,622, and Merrell-Johnson Companies, for $11,580, to manage the project.

~  Present a salute to the families of service members Jack Ryan Rapagna, Corporal, United States Army; Elizabeth Bufanda, Sergeant, United States Army; and Daniel Ramirez, Corporal, United States Marine Corp.

- Brad Haugaard

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