At a 4:30 p.m. study session on Tuesday, April 3, the City Council will review tattoo regulations for Old Town.
Then at 5:30 it will discuss "Possible Homeless Response Regulations."
At its regular 7:30 p.m. meeting ( the council will consider participating in the "National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation," a contest among cities to see which can save the most water.
And it will consider a Mills Act Contract for an historic landmark house at 310 Wildrose Avenue. The contract gives the property owner a tax break in return for maintaining the property in an historic state.
- Brad Haugaard
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Interview With New Monrovia Football Coach; Development Trends; Fundraising Dance; Bear Video
~ An interview with new Monrovia football coach, Chris Williams:
~ City Manager Oliver Chi will hold a workshop at the 9th Annual MAP Neighborhood Conference on April 21 on development trends in Monrovia. Register here:
~ The Monrovia Latino Heritage Society will present a scholarship fundraising dance on Sunday, April 22, from 2-7 p.m. at the VFW Post at 250 E. First Street in Azusa. $20 per person; $25 at the door. Music by The In Crowd. For information contact Pat Lowell at 386-5896 or Cuca Mack at 359-2130.
~ Here's another bear video:
- Brad Haugaard
~ City Manager Oliver Chi will hold a workshop at the 9th Annual MAP Neighborhood Conference on April 21 on development trends in Monrovia. Register here:
~ The Monrovia Latino Heritage Society will present a scholarship fundraising dance on Sunday, April 22, from 2-7 p.m. at the VFW Post at 250 E. First Street in Azusa. $20 per person; $25 at the door. Music by The In Crowd. For information contact Pat Lowell at 386-5896 or Cuca Mack at 359-2130.
~ Here's another bear video:
- Brad Haugaard
Dinner at The Shrimp House
- Brad Haugaard
Easter Egg Hunt Tomorrow
Easter Egg Hunt. March 31, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Recreation Park. Arts and crafts, face painting, carnival games, a petting zoo, wellness activities, healthy lifestyle demonstrations, toddler and teen activities. Registration at 9 a.m. For more information contact the Department of Public Services at 256-8246.
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
Readers Choice: The Best Burger in Monrovia
The readers have spoken. The best burger in Monrovia is at 38 Degrees, with 15.3% of the vote. Followed as close seconds by Jake's Roadhouse and Jim's Burger, with 13.6% of the vote, each. I agree with the result, but wonder how it might have turned out if we had asked what is the best burger for under $8. But, yeah, the 38 Degrees burger is pretty amazing!
Monrovia Honored for Julian Fisher Park Renovation; Prevent Mosquitoes; Library Park Fountain Leak; Literacy Fundraiser
In his weekly report ( City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...
~ The City has received a California Parks and Recreation Society Award for its renovation of Julian Fisher Park. It is being recognized at the Annual Awards and Installation Dinner today in Diamond Bar.
~ Once a week, people should "Tip 'N Toss" stagnant water, which can breed mosquitoes. Mosquitoes kill and sicken more people than any other creature on the planet. West Nile virus, zika, yellow fever and dengue fever are new diseases that threaten our communities.
~ Library Park fountain will be shut off to fix a leak. Chi said thee fountain should be back up and running soon.
~ The fourth annual literacy fundraiser, Team Up Dream Up for Literacy will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Monrovia Public Library. It will be an afternoon of team competition in a game show format with silent and live auctions. Early Bird pricing for $60 tickets ends on April 8. Buy tickets here ( or at the Monrovia Library. Plus, to win $1,000 in gift cards to Old Town eateries, you can purchase raffle tickets for $10 each at the Friends Book Store in the Library. You do not need to be present at the fundraiser to win the raffle. All proceeds from raffle tickets sales benefit Literacy Services.
- Brad Haugaard
~ The City has received a California Parks and Recreation Society Award for its renovation of Julian Fisher Park. It is being recognized at the Annual Awards and Installation Dinner today in Diamond Bar.
~ Once a week, people should "Tip 'N Toss" stagnant water, which can breed mosquitoes. Mosquitoes kill and sicken more people than any other creature on the planet. West Nile virus, zika, yellow fever and dengue fever are new diseases that threaten our communities.
~ Library Park fountain will be shut off to fix a leak. Chi said thee fountain should be back up and running soon.
~ The fourth annual literacy fundraiser, Team Up Dream Up for Literacy will be held on Sunday, April 22 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Monrovia Public Library. It will be an afternoon of team competition in a game show format with silent and live auctions. Early Bird pricing for $60 tickets ends on April 8. Buy tickets here ( or at the Monrovia Library. Plus, to win $1,000 in gift cards to Old Town eateries, you can purchase raffle tickets for $10 each at the Friends Book Store in the Library. You do not need to be present at the fundraiser to win the raffle. All proceeds from raffle tickets sales benefit Literacy Services.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Sleeping Driver Causes Accident; Thieves Steal Light Bulbs; Ex-Boyfriend Busts Window; Not Sick, Drunk; Etc.
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for March 22-28. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 445 service events, resulting in 85 investigations.
March 22 at 9:02 a.m., employees of a business in the 300 block of W. Huntington arrived to work and discovered someone had broken the building’s front glass window sometime during the night. Nothing was taken from inside the store. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 22 at 9:57 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of W. Cypress walked outside his home to his car and attempted to drive to work, but his vehicle would not start. He discovered someone had stolen the catalytic converter off of his vehicle sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 22 at 3:05 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of Acacia discovered someone had rummaged through his unlocked car, which was parked on the street in front of his house. The suspect stole a laptop and the car stereo. This investigation is continuing.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 23 at 12:03 p.m., a store in the 900 block of W. Foothill reported a male subject had removed merchandise from a shelf and left without paying. Officers located the subject near the store and took custody of him after he was placed under private persons arrest by a store employee. The merchandise was returned to the store.
Injury Traffic Collision
March 23 at 1:30 p.m., a driver fell asleep at the wheel and collided into another vehicle at the intersection of Mountain and Huntington. The vehicle that was struck was pushed into two additional cars, causing more damage. One of the passengers was unconscious and was taken to a nearby hospital for medical care.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 23 at 4:06 p.m., a grocery store in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported a female subject in front of their store disrupting business. Officers arrived and located the subject. A computer check revealed she had several warrants for her arrest, so she was arrested and taken into custody.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 23 at 10:09 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 200 block of W. Huntington when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto
March 24 at 10:18 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of El Nido walked outside his home to go to work and discovered someone had stolen his silver Toyota Prius. He had parked it in front of his house the previous night. This investigation is continuing.
Disturbing Subject
March 24 at 11:52 a.m., a male subject was in front of a store in the 900 block of W. Duarte causing a disturbance. Employees of the store called police and reported he was disrupting their business and was refusing to leave the private property. When officers arrived, the subject left the property. He was notified by store employees that if he returned he would be arrested for trespassing.
Weapon Violation / Criminal Threats – Suspect Arrested
March 24 at 4:13 p.m., residents in the 500 block of Los Angeles reported a male subject made criminal threats toward them while brandishing a knife. Officers arrived and located the male. After further investigation, he was arrested for the weapon violation and making criminal threats.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
March 24 at 12:58 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 1200 block of S. Magnolia when he saw a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. He stopped the vehicle and approached the driver. The driver appeared intoxicated, so field sobriety tests were conducted. The driver was arrested for DUI.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 24 at 2:56 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 500 block of S. Myrtle when he heard a female screaming. He located the subject sitting in a parked car still screaming. He asked if she needed help, but she did not. He found her to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for her own safety. She was arrested for public intoxication.
Petty Theft of Package
March 25 at 6:21 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of N. Alta Vista reported a male subject had just stolen a package of light bulbs that had just been delivered to her front porch. The suspect fled the area after taking the package. This investigation is continuing.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 25 at 7:45 p.m., a female subject entered a clothing store in the 500 block of W. Huntington and concealed merchandise inside her purse, then left the store without paying. She was stopped outside the store by employees and the police were called. Officers arrived and after an investigation, arrested the subject.
Traffic Collision / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 26 at 2:41 p.m., an officer responded to a non-injury traffic collision that had just occurred at the intersection of Myrtle and Central. The officer completed an investigation to determine who was at fault. During the investigation, a computer check revealed one of the drivers had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Domestic Battery / Child Endangerment – Suspect Arrested
March 26 at 9:08 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of El Nido reported her live-in boyfriend pushed her to the ground while he was holding their six-month-old baby. Officers arrived and after an investigation, arrested the male subject.
Vandalism / Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 27 at 1:19 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of W. Olive heard the front window to her house break, so she looked outside and saw her ex-boyfriend on her front lawn. He began banging on her front door and trying to enter the home, so she called the police. Officers arrived and located the male subject in front of the house. They found him to be heavily intoxicated. After an investigation, officers arrested the subject.
March 27 at 9:44 a.m., a resident in the 1500 block of Encino walked outside her home to go to work and discovered someone had vandalized her car sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 27 at 10:02 a.m., the owner of a restaurant in the 400 block of S. Myrtle arrived to work and discovered someone had stolen two light bulbs from the back patio of the business during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
March 27 at 10:43 a.m., the owner of a parked vehicle in the 1400 block of S. Myrtle returned to his car after shopping for two hours. She discovered someone had forced entry into the car and taken her cosmetics. This investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
March 27 at 3:30 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of Poppy returned to his house and discovered someone had burglarized the home. The suspect had entered the home through a sliding glass door. This investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
March 27 at 6:20 p.m., a resident in the 1100 block of E. Lemon returned home and found his house had been burglarized sometime during the day. The suspects entered his home through an unlocked kitchen window. It is unknown what was taken. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 27 at 8:57 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of W. Duarte walked outside his home and discovered someone had entered his vehicle and ransacked it. His U.S. Passport had been stolen. He had left his vehicle parked and unlocked a half hour prior to discovering the theft. This investigation is continuing.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 1:08 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 500 block of S. Myrtle when he saw two subjects sitting at a park bench. One of the subjects looked ill, so the officer stopped to see if they needed help. They were found to be heavily intoxicated and not able to care for their own safety, so they were arrested for public intoxication and taken into custody.
Vehicle Burglary
March 28 between 8:55 a.m. to 7:10 p.m., there were five vehicle burglaries reported to have occurred sometime during the previous night in the 300 block of N. Canyon, 100 block of N. Melrose, 200 block of E. Olive, and 700 S. Mayflower. In four of the incidents, a window was shattered to gain entry. The fifth vehicle was entered by unknown means. A duffle bag, tools and other miscellaneous items were taken from the vehicles. The investigations are continuing.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 10:21 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of Montana looked outside their home and saw a male subject in the front yard who they had obtained a restraining order against. The police arrived and contacted the subject. After an investigation was conducted, the subject was arrested for violation of the restraining order.
March 28 at 5:27 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of Linwood returned home from work and discovered someone had thrown a rock through his sliding glass door. No entry into the home was made. This investigation is continuing.
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 445 service events, resulting in 85 investigations.
March 22 at 9:02 a.m., employees of a business in the 300 block of W. Huntington arrived to work and discovered someone had broken the building’s front glass window sometime during the night. Nothing was taken from inside the store. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 22 at 9:57 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of W. Cypress walked outside his home to his car and attempted to drive to work, but his vehicle would not start. He discovered someone had stolen the catalytic converter off of his vehicle sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 22 at 3:05 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of Acacia discovered someone had rummaged through his unlocked car, which was parked on the street in front of his house. The suspect stole a laptop and the car stereo. This investigation is continuing.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 23 at 12:03 p.m., a store in the 900 block of W. Foothill reported a male subject had removed merchandise from a shelf and left without paying. Officers located the subject near the store and took custody of him after he was placed under private persons arrest by a store employee. The merchandise was returned to the store.
Injury Traffic Collision
March 23 at 1:30 p.m., a driver fell asleep at the wheel and collided into another vehicle at the intersection of Mountain and Huntington. The vehicle that was struck was pushed into two additional cars, causing more damage. One of the passengers was unconscious and was taken to a nearby hospital for medical care.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 23 at 4:06 p.m., a grocery store in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported a female subject in front of their store disrupting business. Officers arrived and located the subject. A computer check revealed she had several warrants for her arrest, so she was arrested and taken into custody.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 23 at 10:09 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 200 block of W. Huntington when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto
March 24 at 10:18 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of El Nido walked outside his home to go to work and discovered someone had stolen his silver Toyota Prius. He had parked it in front of his house the previous night. This investigation is continuing.
Disturbing Subject
March 24 at 11:52 a.m., a male subject was in front of a store in the 900 block of W. Duarte causing a disturbance. Employees of the store called police and reported he was disrupting their business and was refusing to leave the private property. When officers arrived, the subject left the property. He was notified by store employees that if he returned he would be arrested for trespassing.
Weapon Violation / Criminal Threats – Suspect Arrested
March 24 at 4:13 p.m., residents in the 500 block of Los Angeles reported a male subject made criminal threats toward them while brandishing a knife. Officers arrived and located the male. After further investigation, he was arrested for the weapon violation and making criminal threats.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
March 24 at 12:58 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 1200 block of S. Magnolia when he saw a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. He stopped the vehicle and approached the driver. The driver appeared intoxicated, so field sobriety tests were conducted. The driver was arrested for DUI.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 24 at 2:56 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 500 block of S. Myrtle when he heard a female screaming. He located the subject sitting in a parked car still screaming. He asked if she needed help, but she did not. He found her to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for her own safety. She was arrested for public intoxication.
Petty Theft of Package
March 25 at 6:21 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of N. Alta Vista reported a male subject had just stolen a package of light bulbs that had just been delivered to her front porch. The suspect fled the area after taking the package. This investigation is continuing.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 25 at 7:45 p.m., a female subject entered a clothing store in the 500 block of W. Huntington and concealed merchandise inside her purse, then left the store without paying. She was stopped outside the store by employees and the police were called. Officers arrived and after an investigation, arrested the subject.
Traffic Collision / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 26 at 2:41 p.m., an officer responded to a non-injury traffic collision that had just occurred at the intersection of Myrtle and Central. The officer completed an investigation to determine who was at fault. During the investigation, a computer check revealed one of the drivers had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Domestic Battery / Child Endangerment – Suspect Arrested
March 26 at 9:08 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of El Nido reported her live-in boyfriend pushed her to the ground while he was holding their six-month-old baby. Officers arrived and after an investigation, arrested the male subject.
Vandalism / Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 27 at 1:19 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of W. Olive heard the front window to her house break, so she looked outside and saw her ex-boyfriend on her front lawn. He began banging on her front door and trying to enter the home, so she called the police. Officers arrived and located the male subject in front of the house. They found him to be heavily intoxicated. After an investigation, officers arrested the subject.
March 27 at 9:44 a.m., a resident in the 1500 block of Encino walked outside her home to go to work and discovered someone had vandalized her car sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 27 at 10:02 a.m., the owner of a restaurant in the 400 block of S. Myrtle arrived to work and discovered someone had stolen two light bulbs from the back patio of the business during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
March 27 at 10:43 a.m., the owner of a parked vehicle in the 1400 block of S. Myrtle returned to his car after shopping for two hours. She discovered someone had forced entry into the car and taken her cosmetics. This investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
March 27 at 3:30 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of Poppy returned to his house and discovered someone had burglarized the home. The suspect had entered the home through a sliding glass door. This investigation is continuing.
Residential Burglary
March 27 at 6:20 p.m., a resident in the 1100 block of E. Lemon returned home and found his house had been burglarized sometime during the day. The suspects entered his home through an unlocked kitchen window. It is unknown what was taken. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 27 at 8:57 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of W. Duarte walked outside his home and discovered someone had entered his vehicle and ransacked it. His U.S. Passport had been stolen. He had left his vehicle parked and unlocked a half hour prior to discovering the theft. This investigation is continuing.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 1:08 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 500 block of S. Myrtle when he saw two subjects sitting at a park bench. One of the subjects looked ill, so the officer stopped to see if they needed help. They were found to be heavily intoxicated and not able to care for their own safety, so they were arrested for public intoxication and taken into custody.
Vehicle Burglary
March 28 between 8:55 a.m. to 7:10 p.m., there were five vehicle burglaries reported to have occurred sometime during the previous night in the 300 block of N. Canyon, 100 block of N. Melrose, 200 block of E. Olive, and 700 S. Mayflower. In four of the incidents, a window was shattered to gain entry. The fifth vehicle was entered by unknown means. A duffle bag, tools and other miscellaneous items were taken from the vehicles. The investigations are continuing.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 10:21 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of Montana looked outside their home and saw a male subject in the front yard who they had obtained a restraining order against. The police arrived and contacted the subject. After an investigation was conducted, the subject was arrested for violation of the restraining order.
March 28 at 5:27 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of Linwood returned home from work and discovered someone had thrown a rock through his sliding glass door. No entry into the home was made. This investigation is continuing.
Monrovia's JFed Players to Present 'She Loves Me'
The JFed Players' Spring 2018 production of She Loves Me, opens on May 12th, 8 p.m., at Porticos Art Space in Pasadena. She Loves Me takes place in Budapest in the 1930s, and focuses on two employees of a perfume shop, Georg and Amalia, who bicker constantly with each other at work, unaware that they are each other's secret pen pal. She Loves Me is based on the 1937 play Parfumerie by the Hungarian playwright Miklós László, which also inspired the motion pictures, The Little Shop Around the Corner and You've Got Mail. A collaboration between composer Jerry Bock and lyricist Sheldon Harnick, She Loves Me immediately preceded their smash hit, Fiddler on the Roof. Come and see this charming show. Performance dates and times:
Saturday, May 12th and 26th, 8 p.m.
Sunday, May 13th and 27th, 4 p.m.
Thursday, May 17th and 24th, 7:30 p.m.
Porticos Art Space
2033 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
More information can be found here or by contacting the Monrovia-base Jewish Federation of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys at 445-0810.
Source: Press release from Jewish Federation
- Brad Haugaard
Saturday, May 12th and 26th, 8 p.m.
Sunday, May 13th and 27th, 4 p.m.
Thursday, May 17th and 24th, 7:30 p.m.
Porticos Art Space
2033 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
More information can be found here or by contacting the Monrovia-base Jewish Federation of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys at 445-0810.
Source: Press release from Jewish Federation
- Brad Haugaard
Clemson the Guinea Pig Awaits Adoption
Clemson (A452150) is an adoptable adult male guinea pig. Clemson and his brother Syracuse were abandoned in a box in front of our adoptions office. They appear to be in good health and ready for a new home. As you might have guessed from his name, Clemson is part of our March Madness "Sweet 16" adoption tournament. His adoption fee is waived thanks to generous sponsors.
The normal adoption fee for guinea pigs is $10. Stop by our Shelter Shop on the way home to get your guinea pig pellets, treats and timothy hay.
View photos of adoptable pets at Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email.
Pasadena Humane Society serves Monrovia.
- Brad Haugaard
'Gardening with Annuals' Topic Today at Garden Club
Andy Melero will talk about "Gardening with Annuals" at the monthly meeting of the Monrovia Garden Club on Tuesday March 27, 7 p.m., in the Fireside Room at First Presbyterian Church at Foothill and Myrtle. Social hour at 6:30 p.m., where light refreshments will be served. Open to the public.
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
Reader Survey: Who Serves the Best Burger in Monrovia?
A reader wrote a few days ago to ask where to find the best burger in Monrovia. Hmm. Good question. I thought I'd ask you. Click
to answer this one-question survey. (And my apologies if I missed a restaurant.)
- Brad Haugaard
to answer this one-question survey. (And my apologies if I missed a restaurant.)
- Brad Haugaard
Spring Fundraiser, 'Anchors Away', at Mayflower Elementary School April 28
Mayflower Elementary's PTA will hold an Anchors Away Family Fun Night on April 28, 4 p.m.-8pm. This Pirate theme event will include games, music, bingo, food trucks, silent auction and more. The school is at 210 N. Mayflower Ave.
Landlubbers of all ages are invited to help celebrate, as the school sets sail into Spring to raise funds to enhance children's education. "Money from this event will assist with literacy programs, afford to send children on field trips and assist with ensuring classrooms have needed supplies" said Faith Mellinger, Mayflower PTA president." We invite all the community to help their local school by joining us on this special night," she added.
Pre-event donations of $8 per person include unlimited rides, games, and bingo can be made through Eventbrite at
Or, at the Friday Monrovia Street Fair during the month of April. Tickets will also be available at the door.
A suggested donation per person at the door is $5 and cost for unlimited rides will be $10. Bingo is $20. Children under the age of 5 are free. Food and other activities are not included in either entrance donation.
Sponsorships and volunteer opportunities are also available. For more information, to give a donation or to learn more about how you can support Mayflower PTA, visit the Mayflower PTA Facebook page at Mayflower PTA.
- Brad Haugaard
Landlubbers of all ages are invited to help celebrate, as the school sets sail into Spring to raise funds to enhance children's education. "Money from this event will assist with literacy programs, afford to send children on field trips and assist with ensuring classrooms have needed supplies" said Faith Mellinger, Mayflower PTA president." We invite all the community to help their local school by joining us on this special night," she added.
Pre-event donations of $8 per person include unlimited rides, games, and bingo can be made through Eventbrite at
Or, at the Friday Monrovia Street Fair during the month of April. Tickets will also be available at the door.
A suggested donation per person at the door is $5 and cost for unlimited rides will be $10. Bingo is $20. Children under the age of 5 are free. Food and other activities are not included in either entrance donation.
Sponsorships and volunteer opportunities are also available. For more information, to give a donation or to learn more about how you can support Mayflower PTA, visit the Mayflower PTA Facebook page at Mayflower PTA.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Women Invited to Arcadia Woman's Club
Monrovia women are invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Arcadia Woman's Club on Wednesday, April 4 at 11 a.m. in its clubhouse, 324 S. First Ave., Arcadia. The meeting will have a baby shower theme with attendees encouraged to bring baby layette items to benefit the Pregnancy Help Center of San Gabriel Valley. Along with games, prizes and cake associated with a baby shower, the meeting will include a social time, business meeting and luncheon, for $15. Reservations may be made with Linda Mokler at 287-0261. More about the club at
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
'Gardening with Annuals' Topic at Garden Club
Andy Melero will talk about "Gardening with Annuals" at the monthly meeting of the Monrovia Garden Club on Tuesday March 27, 7 p.m., in the Fireside Room at First Presbyterian Church at Foothill and Myrtle. Social hour at 6:30 p.m., where light refreshments will be served. Open to the public.
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
Dinner at Rubio’s Coastal Grill
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Thefts; Burglaries; Drunkenness; Shoplifting; Fights; Vandalism; and More
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for March 15-21. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 480 service events, resulting in 99 investigations.
Commercial Burglary / Grand Theft Auto
March 15 at 6:32 a.m., employees of a business in the 1900 block of S. Myrtle arrived at work to discover someone had removed the weather stripping on a glass window to gain access into the business. The suspects took several power tools and a whitepaneled van belonging to the business. This investigation is continuing.
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 480 service events, resulting in 99 investigations.
Commercial Burglary / Grand Theft Auto
March 15 at 6:32 a.m., employees of a business in the 1900 block of S. Myrtle arrived at work to discover someone had removed the weather stripping on a glass window to gain access into the business. The suspects took several power tools and a whitepaneled van belonging to the business. This investigation is continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance / Parole violation – Suspect Arrested
March 15 at 3:34 p.m., a caller reported a male subject using drugs in the parking lot of a business in the 500 block of S. Mountain. Officers arrived and located the subject. He was found to be in possession of heroin and a syringe. A computer check revealed he was on active parole. The subject was arrested for possession of drugs and violation of his parole.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 15 at 10:38 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 12:46 a.m., a sergeant was patrolling the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 4:30 p.m., a caller reported a homeless subject trespassing in the parking lot of a business in the 900 block of S. Fifth. Officers arrived and found the subject to be in possession of a pipe used to smoke methamphetamine. He was arrested and later released with a citation to appear in court on the charges.
Injury Traffic Collision
March 16 at 4:48 p.m., two vehicles were traveling east in the 900 block of W. Duarte. One vehicle swerved into the other’s lane, causing a collision. One of the vehicles then hit an Edison pole. The driver of the vehicle that hit the pole sustained non-lifethreatening, visible injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 7:51 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 10:20 p.m., a caller reported a female subject was intoxicated and yelling inside a hotel in the 900 block of S. Fifth. Officers arrived and located the subject. She was found to be too intoxicated to care for her own safety, so she was taken into custody.
Residential Burglary
March 17 at 12:04 a.m., a resident arrived at her home in the 200 block of E. Pomona and discovered her home was burglarized and one of the rooms had been ransacked while she was away from the home. It is unknown what was taken. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 17 at 12:53 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle in the 100 block of E. Evergreen for a traffic violation. A computer check revealed the driver had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto
March 17 at 3:02 p.m., the customer of a business in the 3300 block of S. Peck parked his white Toyota truck in the parking lot, then went inside to shop. Fifteen minutes later he returned to his truck and discovered it had been stolen. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft / Fraud
March 17 at 4:24 p.m., a customer was shopping inside a store in the 600 block of W. Huntington, when she noticed someone had stolen her wallet from her purse when she was not looking. She immediately called her bank to cancel her credit cards and was told the suspect had used her cards in nearby stores. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 17 at 5:13 p.m., a customer at a store in the 3300 block of S. Peck returned to his vehicle in the parking lot and noticed someone had entered his unlocked car and took several of his work tools. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 17 at 7:13 p.m., a sergeant was patrolling the 400 block of W. Foothill when he saw a male subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Fraud / Warrants – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 12:38 a.m., a sergeant was patrolling the 900 block of W. Huntington when he saw a suspicious occupied vehicle parked at a gas station parking lot. A computer check of the license plate revealed the driver of the vehicle had a warrant for his arrest. The officer contacted the occupants and took both into custody for warrants. A vehicle search incident to arrest revealed numerous documents and other people’s personal information used to commit fraud.
March 18 at 1:25 a.m., a male subject reported he had been in a fist fight with another male subject earlier that night at a bar in the 500 block of S. Myrtle. He admitted he was intoxicated as well as the subject he was fighting. Officers were able to identify the second subject and this investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 1:43 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 1500 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed that the subject had a warrant, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 3:04 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 100 block of E. Huntington when he saw a male subject stumbling across Huntington. It appeared the subject could not maintain his balance and was possibly going to be struck by a vehicle in the road. The officer contacted the subject and found him to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for his own safety. The officer took the subject into custody for being drunk in public.
Shoplifting / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 4:10 p.m., a male subject entered a store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain and removed merchandise from a shelf, then concealed it inside his backpack. The subject left the store without paying for the merchandise. He was stopped by store security and the police were called. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest. Officers took the subject into custody.
March 18 at 6:41 p.m., two female subjects entered a grocery store in the 100 block of W. Foothill and removed merchandise from a shelf, then left the store without paying. They were stopped outside the store by security and returned the stolen merchandise. They fled prior to the police arriving. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 8:28 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 300 block of W. Huntington when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a no-bail warrant, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 8:54 p.m., a female subject entered a grocery store in the 100 block of W. Foothill and removed merchandise from a shelf, then left the store without paying. She was stopped outside the store, and the police were called. Officers arrived and took the subject into custody.
Vehicle Tampering
March 19 at 4:42 a.m., residents in the 200 block of S. Alta Vista reported a vehicle parked on the street with its doors open and the engine running. Officers arrived and found the vehicle with the driver’s door open and the engine off. A license check revealed who the owner was. She was contacted and told officers that when she had left her vehicle several hours earlier, she had closed and locked the doors. Nothing inside the vehicle was missing.
Grand Theft
March 19 at 8:37 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of Valmont walked outside his home to go to work and discovered someone had entered his unlocked truck sometime during the night and stole several key fobs belonging to his business. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 10:36 a.m., residents in the 200 block of Grand reported a male subject yelling at residents for not allowing him to take their recyclables. Officers arrived and detained the subject. A computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Residential Burglary – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 1:00 p.m., a resident in the 1200 block of S. Mayflower walked outside his home and discovered someone inside his garage. The suspect fled the area after taking items from the garage. Officers located the suspect nearby. A computer check revealed the suspect had a no-bail warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 3:18 p.m., a male subject entered a store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain and removed merchandise from a shelf. The subject fled the store without paying. Security called the police, then attempted to stop the subject, but he refused to stop. Officers located the subject and detained him attempting to flee the area. He was arrested and taken into custody.
DUI / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 6:19 p.m., a driver entered a parking lot and hit a curb, so witnesses called the police, believing he may need assistance. Officers arrived and contacted the driver. They found him to be intoxicated, so field sobriety tests were conducted. He was taken into custody for DUI. A computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest, as well.
March 19 at 6:26 p.m., officers responded to the 700 block of Monterey regarding two female subjects yelling at one another. Officers arrived and contacted the subjects. Both told the officers that they had been physically fighting. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 11:08 p.m., an officer was patrolling a business parking lot in the 100 block of W. Foothill when he saw a male subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had warrants for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Graffiti Vandalism
March 20 at 9:28 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of W. Maple regarding several buildings that had fresh graffiti written on their walls. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 20 at 11:10 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 2000 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a male subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a no-bail warrant for his arrest, so he was stopped and taken into custody.
Vehicle Burglary
March 20 at 6:40 p.m., the owner of a vehicle parked her car in the parking lot of a business located in the 600 block of W. Huntington. She went into the store to shop and approximately ten minutes later, returned to her vehicle. She found that someone had shattered one of the vehicle’s windows and stole her purse. This investigation is continuing.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 12:43 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of White Oak Alley reported a male subject was at his front door yelling and trying to open the locked door. Officers arrived and located the subject, who they found to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for his own safety. The subject was arrested for being drunk in public.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 11:13 a.m., residents living in the 700 block of Montana reported a male subject they had obtained a restraining order against was in their front yard. Officers responded and located the subject. He was found to be in violation of the order and was taken into custody. He was later released with a citation to appear in court.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 7:59 p.m., residents living in the 700 block of Montana reported a male subject they had obtained a restraining order against was again in their front yard, even though he had been arrested for the violation earlier in the day. Officers responded and arrested the subject for the violation.
Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 11:52 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 500 block of N. Alta Vista when he saw a vehicle stopped in the middle of the road, obstructing traffic. He contacted the driver and received consent to search the vehicle. The search revealed the driver was in possession of illegal drug paraphernalia, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 15 at 10:38 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 12:46 a.m., a sergeant was patrolling the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 4:30 p.m., a caller reported a homeless subject trespassing in the parking lot of a business in the 900 block of S. Fifth. Officers arrived and found the subject to be in possession of a pipe used to smoke methamphetamine. He was arrested and later released with a citation to appear in court on the charges.
Injury Traffic Collision
March 16 at 4:48 p.m., two vehicles were traveling east in the 900 block of W. Duarte. One vehicle swerved into the other’s lane, causing a collision. One of the vehicles then hit an Edison pole. The driver of the vehicle that hit the pole sustained non-lifethreatening, visible injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 7:51 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 1600 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 16 at 10:20 p.m., a caller reported a female subject was intoxicated and yelling inside a hotel in the 900 block of S. Fifth. Officers arrived and located the subject. She was found to be too intoxicated to care for her own safety, so she was taken into custody.
Residential Burglary
March 17 at 12:04 a.m., a resident arrived at her home in the 200 block of E. Pomona and discovered her home was burglarized and one of the rooms had been ransacked while she was away from the home. It is unknown what was taken. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 17 at 12:53 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle in the 100 block of E. Evergreen for a traffic violation. A computer check revealed the driver had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto
March 17 at 3:02 p.m., the customer of a business in the 3300 block of S. Peck parked his white Toyota truck in the parking lot, then went inside to shop. Fifteen minutes later he returned to his truck and discovered it had been stolen. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft / Fraud
March 17 at 4:24 p.m., a customer was shopping inside a store in the 600 block of W. Huntington, when she noticed someone had stolen her wallet from her purse when she was not looking. She immediately called her bank to cancel her credit cards and was told the suspect had used her cards in nearby stores. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 17 at 5:13 p.m., a customer at a store in the 3300 block of S. Peck returned to his vehicle in the parking lot and noticed someone had entered his unlocked car and took several of his work tools. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 17 at 7:13 p.m., a sergeant was patrolling the 400 block of W. Foothill when he saw a male subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Fraud / Warrants – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 12:38 a.m., a sergeant was patrolling the 900 block of W. Huntington when he saw a suspicious occupied vehicle parked at a gas station parking lot. A computer check of the license plate revealed the driver of the vehicle had a warrant for his arrest. The officer contacted the occupants and took both into custody for warrants. A vehicle search incident to arrest revealed numerous documents and other people’s personal information used to commit fraud.
March 18 at 1:25 a.m., a male subject reported he had been in a fist fight with another male subject earlier that night at a bar in the 500 block of S. Myrtle. He admitted he was intoxicated as well as the subject he was fighting. Officers were able to identify the second subject and this investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 1:43 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 1500 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed that the subject had a warrant, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 3:04 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 100 block of E. Huntington when he saw a male subject stumbling across Huntington. It appeared the subject could not maintain his balance and was possibly going to be struck by a vehicle in the road. The officer contacted the subject and found him to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for his own safety. The officer took the subject into custody for being drunk in public.
Shoplifting / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 4:10 p.m., a male subject entered a store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain and removed merchandise from a shelf, then concealed it inside his backpack. The subject left the store without paying for the merchandise. He was stopped by store security and the police were called. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for his arrest. Officers took the subject into custody.
March 18 at 6:41 p.m., two female subjects entered a grocery store in the 100 block of W. Foothill and removed merchandise from a shelf, then left the store without paying. They were stopped outside the store by security and returned the stolen merchandise. They fled prior to the police arriving. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 8:28 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 300 block of W. Huntington when he saw a subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a no-bail warrant, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 18 at 8:54 p.m., a female subject entered a grocery store in the 100 block of W. Foothill and removed merchandise from a shelf, then left the store without paying. She was stopped outside the store, and the police were called. Officers arrived and took the subject into custody.
Vehicle Tampering
March 19 at 4:42 a.m., residents in the 200 block of S. Alta Vista reported a vehicle parked on the street with its doors open and the engine running. Officers arrived and found the vehicle with the driver’s door open and the engine off. A license check revealed who the owner was. She was contacted and told officers that when she had left her vehicle several hours earlier, she had closed and locked the doors. Nothing inside the vehicle was missing.
Grand Theft
March 19 at 8:37 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of Valmont walked outside his home to go to work and discovered someone had entered his unlocked truck sometime during the night and stole several key fobs belonging to his business. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 10:36 a.m., residents in the 200 block of Grand reported a male subject yelling at residents for not allowing him to take their recyclables. Officers arrived and detained the subject. A computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Residential Burglary – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 1:00 p.m., a resident in the 1200 block of S. Mayflower walked outside his home and discovered someone inside his garage. The suspect fled the area after taking items from the garage. Officers located the suspect nearby. A computer check revealed the suspect had a no-bail warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 3:18 p.m., a male subject entered a store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain and removed merchandise from a shelf. The subject fled the store without paying. Security called the police, then attempted to stop the subject, but he refused to stop. Officers located the subject and detained him attempting to flee the area. He was arrested and taken into custody.
DUI / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 6:19 p.m., a driver entered a parking lot and hit a curb, so witnesses called the police, believing he may need assistance. Officers arrived and contacted the driver. They found him to be intoxicated, so field sobriety tests were conducted. He was taken into custody for DUI. A computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest, as well.
March 19 at 6:26 p.m., officers responded to the 700 block of Monterey regarding two female subjects yelling at one another. Officers arrived and contacted the subjects. Both told the officers that they had been physically fighting. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 19 at 11:08 p.m., an officer was patrolling a business parking lot in the 100 block of W. Foothill when he saw a male subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had warrants for his arrest, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Graffiti Vandalism
March 20 at 9:28 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of W. Maple regarding several buildings that had fresh graffiti written on their walls. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 20 at 11:10 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 2000 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a male subject he recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed the subject had a no-bail warrant for his arrest, so he was stopped and taken into custody.
Vehicle Burglary
March 20 at 6:40 p.m., the owner of a vehicle parked her car in the parking lot of a business located in the 600 block of W. Huntington. She went into the store to shop and approximately ten minutes later, returned to her vehicle. She found that someone had shattered one of the vehicle’s windows and stole her purse. This investigation is continuing.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 12:43 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of White Oak Alley reported a male subject was at his front door yelling and trying to open the locked door. Officers arrived and located the subject, who they found to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for his own safety. The subject was arrested for being drunk in public.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 11:13 a.m., residents living in the 700 block of Montana reported a male subject they had obtained a restraining order against was in their front yard. Officers responded and located the subject. He was found to be in violation of the order and was taken into custody. He was later released with a citation to appear in court.
Violation of Restraining Order – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 7:59 p.m., residents living in the 700 block of Montana reported a male subject they had obtained a restraining order against was again in their front yard, even though he had been arrested for the violation earlier in the day. Officers responded and arrested the subject for the violation.
Drug Activity – Suspect Arrested
March 21 at 11:52 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 500 block of N. Alta Vista when he saw a vehicle stopped in the middle of the road, obstructing traffic. He contacted the driver and received consent to search the vehicle. The search revealed the driver was in possession of illegal drug paraphernalia, so he was arrested and taken into custody.
Planned Parenthood at Clifton Middle School
KABC had a report on people being upset about Planned Parenthood attending a school resource fair at Clifton Middle School. The school district said it's going to keep a closer eye on things.
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
How GoMonrovia Works; Easter Egg Hunt; Big Water Bill Bump
In his latest weekly report City Manager Oliver Chi reported ...
~ GoMonrovia is now in effect. 50-cent car rides with Lyft, $1 half-hour bike rides with LimeBike and dial-a-ride is still in place. Here's how it works:
For a car ride you need to download the Lyft app for your smartphone. Then use the promo code "GOMONROVIA" when you order a car for a ride in the Monrovia area and the ride will cost 50 cents.
For LimeBike, download the LimeBike app to your smartphone. The app will tell you where the nearest bike is. Go to bike, snap a picture of the bike code to unlock it, then ride and park the bike somewhere where it won't be under foot.
If you are disabled, the current dial-a-ride service will still be available, and at a reduced fee, 50 cents for all riders.
~ Easter Egg Hunt. March 31, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Recreation Park. Arts and crafts, face painting, carnival games, a petting zoo, wellness activities, healthy lifestyle demonstrations, toddler and teen activities. Registration at 9 a.m. For more information contact the Department of Public Services at 256-8246.
~ You will see a big bump in the water bill that arrives in April. A typical single-family residential water customer will see a monthly increase of $16.87. If you think the fee will be an undue burden, you can apply for a senior, low income, or veteran's waver here:
- Brad Haugaard
~ GoMonrovia is now in effect. 50-cent car rides with Lyft, $1 half-hour bike rides with LimeBike and dial-a-ride is still in place. Here's how it works:
For a car ride you need to download the Lyft app for your smartphone. Then use the promo code "GOMONROVIA" when you order a car for a ride in the Monrovia area and the ride will cost 50 cents.
For LimeBike, download the LimeBike app to your smartphone. The app will tell you where the nearest bike is. Go to bike, snap a picture of the bike code to unlock it, then ride and park the bike somewhere where it won't be under foot.
If you are disabled, the current dial-a-ride service will still be available, and at a reduced fee, 50 cents for all riders.
~ Easter Egg Hunt. March 31, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Recreation Park. Arts and crafts, face painting, carnival games, a petting zoo, wellness activities, healthy lifestyle demonstrations, toddler and teen activities. Registration at 9 a.m. For more information contact the Department of Public Services at 256-8246.
~ You will see a big bump in the water bill that arrives in April. A typical single-family residential water customer will see a monthly increase of $16.87. If you think the fee will be an undue burden, you can apply for a senior, low income, or veteran's waver here:
- Brad Haugaard
Cody - A Nice Dog Who Needs a Home
Cody’s adoption fee is reduced to $100 because he has earned his blue ribbon (he knows his “sit,” “down,” and “stay” commands.) The regular adoption fee for dogs is $130. All dogs are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated before going to their new home. Cody also qualifies for our Seniors for Seniors program, waiving his adoption fee for adopters age 60 and over.
New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet.
View photos of adoptable pets at Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone calls or email.
**Beginning March 22, the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA is hosting a fee-waived “Sweet 16” adoption event to celebrate the 2018 NCAA March Madness Tournament. Learn more about adopting a pet or sponsoring a pet adoption at
Source: Pasadena Humane Society, which serves Monrovia.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Looking for Applicants to Fill Open Spots on City Panels
The city is looking for candidates to fill open spots on the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Community Services Commission, and Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB). Details:
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Board Member Rob Hammond Will Ride Bike Across the Country
Rob Hammond plans cross-country bicycle trip.
Monrovia Board of Education member Rob Hammond writes on Facebook that, “Easter Sunday (April 1) I am heading off on an adventure of over 3,000 miles riding a bicycle. I'll be riding from San Diego, California to St. Augustine, Florida." He adds: "Please consider making a donation in any dollar amount $1, $5,$10... any amount you are comfortable with. Proceeds go to the PTAs in our district. If you would like to help out other educational groups there are links at the bottom of our web site. If you are not able to make a donation I still need one more thing. Please say a prayer for safe travels. Thank you all in advance. I hope you like the pictures along the way."
If you would like to donate or simply track where he is at on his ride, bookmark this page:
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Something Healthy
Lunch at Something Healthy, on the east side of Shamrock just nort of Huntington. Got the Farmer Sandwich (turkey, avocado, hummus, etc.) for $9.25, an iced tea for $1.50, and a cup of coconut curry soup for $2.25. Ya know, I think they accidentally left the turkey out of my sandwich, but a) I was in a big rush and b) it was sooo very good even without the turkey, that I happily ate it and ran out the door. Soup was also extremely good!
- Brad Haugaard
GoMonrovia Launch Party Tomorrow
The GoMonrovia launch party will be held tomorrow, Saturday, March 17 at 9 a.m., at Library Park. Representatives from Lyft and LimeBike will be on-hand, and after remarks from the City Council, we'll be inviting everyone to jump on a LimeBike to take part in a community bike ride. Free rides throughout the day. (GoMonrovia features 50 cent Lyft car rides to anywhere in the Monrovia service area, and $1-per-half-hour LimeBike rentals.)
- Brad Haugaard
Help Mayflower and Plymouth Win Grant Money
Two Monrovia elementary schools, Mayflower and Plymouth, are competing for grant money, with the winners based on the number of people who vote for them.
The rules say: "The public may submit votes for Entrants during the Voting Period. Voters must be at least 18 years of age and provide all required information. No more than one vote per email address per day will be accepted."
To vote, go to this web page ( and type "monrovia" in the search field. Both schools should appear. Click on the school name to see what the school would do with the grant money if it wins. Click "Vote for This School" to vote.
- Brad Haugaard
The rules say: "The public may submit votes for Entrants during the Voting Period. Voters must be at least 18 years of age and provide all required information. No more than one vote per email address per day will be accepted."
To vote, go to this web page ( and type "monrovia" in the search field. Both schools should appear. Click on the school name to see what the school would do with the grant money if it wins. Click "Vote for This School" to vote.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Robotics Team Succeeds at Super Regionals, Advances to World Championship
SuitBots in Spokane.
Monrovia High's SuitBots robotics team did well at the Super Regionals in Spokane, Washington, according to Miriam Childers, Monrovia Robotics Volunteer Coordinator, and has won a spot in a World Championship match to take place in Houston on April 18-21, where teams will be greeted by Mayor Sylverster Turner, Dean Kamen, Founder of FIRST, Jim Crane, President of the Houston Astros and many other dignitaries.
Out of 5,900 registered teams around the world (representing 59,000 participants, ages 12-18, grades 7-12), 128 teams are advancing to the Houston competition, and 128 teams to the Detroit competition.
If you would like to help the team advance to the World Championship, click here:
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Thief Swaps Old Bike For New; Thief Takes Recyclables - Caught at Recycle Center; Drunken Fight on Myrtle; Drunk Disrupts Church Service; Lesson: Don't Annoy People With Baseball Bats
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for March 8-14. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 384 service events, resulting in 79 investigations.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 8 at 2:15 p.m., two male subjects were arguing loudly with one another at a business in the 3300 block of S. Peck. Officers were called, and when they arrived, they contacted the two subjects. A computer check revealed one of the subjects had a warrant for his arrest, so he was taken into custody.
Bicycle Theft
March 8 at 2:40 p.m., a resident in the 900 block of Genoa arrived home and discovered her child’s bicycle had been stolen from their yard. The investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 8 at 9:15 p.m., a resident in the 1200 block of S. California reported a female subject in his front yard for no apparent reason, and he didn’t know who she was. Officers responded and located the subject. A computer check revealed she had a no-bail warrant for her arrest, so she was arrested and taken into custody.
DUI – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 12:47 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 2600 block of S. Peck when he saw a vehicle in front of him traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer stopped the vehicle for the vehicle code violation and contacted the driver. The officer noticed signs of intoxication, so field sobriety tests were conducted. The driver was arrested for DUI.
Petty Theft
March 9 at 6:22 a.m., a petty theft was reported in the 1600 block of S. Myrtle. The victim left his van parked in a carpooling parking lot overnight while he was at work. He returned to discover two wheels had been stolen off of his van. This investigation is continuing.
Bicycle Theft
March 9 at 7:58 a.m., a resident walked outside his apartment and discovered his mountain bike, which he had locked up, had been stolen. The suspect left an older bicycle in its place. This investigation is continuing.
March 9 at 10:23 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Oaks discovered fraudulent charges on his January bank account statement. He reported that he had been the victim of fraud in the past. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 3:06 p.m., the Special Enforcement Team was patrolling the 300 block of E. Lime, when they saw a male subject who they recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed he had a no-bail warrant for his arrest. He was stopped and arrested for the warrant.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 4:52 pm., an officer was on the 210 Freeway returning to Monrovia when he saw a vehicle in front of him traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle began weaving in and out of lanes, so the officer stopped the vehicle in Glendora and was assisted by Glendora Police Department. A computer check revealed the driver had multiple felony no-bail warrants for her arrest, so she was arrested and taken into custody.
Petty Theft
March 9 at 4:31 p.m., a resident was home in the 200 block of W. Cypress when she heard someone on her porch. She looked outside and saw a male subject taking her recyclables. The subject fled the area with the recyclables. The resident drove to a nearby recycling center and located the subject. Officers responded and the resident placed the subject under private person’s arrest. Officers took him into custody for petty theft.
March 9 at 7:15 p.m., the victim had parked his vehicle in front of his house in the 200 block of W. Palm. He walked outside his home and discovered someone had thrown a rock through one of his car windows. Several similar incidents were investigated within the past few weeks in a two block radius. This investigation is continuing.
Drug Activity / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 8:25 p.m., Special Enforcement Team officers stopped a vehicle in the 400 block of W. Huntington for a vehicle code violation. A computer check revealed the driver had several warrants and he was arrested. When officers searched the vehicle incident to arrest, they discovered methamphetamine.
Fight in Progress / Public Intoxication
March 9 at 10:36 p.m., officers responded to the report of a fight in progress at a bar in the 400 block of S. Myrtle. When they arrived, the fight had ended, but they located the two subjects involved. The two were heavily intoxicated. They refused to prosecute one another for battery. Officers located friends of the two, who were sober, and they took responsibility for the subjects, who then left the area.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 1:48 a.m., a disturbing male subject was reported at a gas station in the 1500 block of S. Myrtle. The subject was refusing to leave. Officers responded and located the subject, who they found to be heavily intoxicated. He was arrested for being drunk in public.
Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possess of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 8:04 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 700 block of E. Foothill when he saw a subject looking into vehicles. The officer stopped the male, and during a pat-down search for weapons, discovered the subject was in possession of methamphetamine and a smoking pipe. The subject was arrested.
DMV Fraud / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 11:26 p.m., a sergeant observed a driver in the 3000 block of S. Myrtle that appeared to be DUI. He stopped the vehicle and discovered the problem was only mechanical issues, but a computer check of the subject revealed the driver had multiple warrants for his arrest and the registration sticker on the license plate did not belong to the vehicle. The driver was arrested.
Drug Activity / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 11:59 p.m., a sergeant was on patrol in the 500 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a vehicle traveling in front of him that he recognized. A license plate check revealed the name of the driver, and also showed the driver had multiple warrants for his arrest. The vehicle was stopped and the driver arrested. The vehicle was searched incident to arrest and cocaine was located. The driver admitted the cocaine was his.
Traffic Offense / Resisting & Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested
March 11 at 3:16 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 1000 block of S. Magnolia when he saw a subject riding a bicycle with no headlight during darkness. He attempted to stop the bicyclist, however, the rider refused to stop for the officer. Additional officers responded to assist and the cyclist was stopped in a parking lot at 1000 block of S. Mayflower. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto
March 11 at 10:58 a.m., a guest at a hotel in the 900 block of S. Fifth walked outside the hotel to the parking lot and noticed someone had stolen his vehicle. The vehicle taken was a yellow, 2015 Chevrolet Camaro. Officers responded and had the vehicle entered into the DMV stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.
Possession of Stolen Property – Suspect Arrested
March 11 at 11:22 a.m., a detective saw two suspicious persons loitering near the train station in the 1300 block of S. Myrtle. When the subjects saw the detective, who was in a marked police car, they fled the area. He watched them walk to Pomona and Ivy, where he stopped to talk to them. One of the subjects was in possession of a purse containing car keys, a cellphone and the identification of an Arcadia resident. He claimed he found the purse near the train station and was going to turn it in to the police; however, he had seen the police car at the train station and did not turn it in, but instead, fled the area. The purse had been reported stolen from inside a vehicle in Arcadia. The detective arrested the subject.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 11 at 12:28 a.m., a church service was being held at Monrovia High School in the 800 block of W. Colorado when a female subject entered the service, walked onto the stage and began causing a loud disturbance. Church members escorted her out, then called the police. Officers responded and contacted the subject, who they found to be heavily intoxicated. She was arrested for being drunk in public.
Grand Theft Auto
March 12 at 6:49 a.m., a resident in the 1800 block of S. Peck walked outside his home to go to work and discovered that someone had stolen his car sometime during the night. Officers responded and entered the vehicle into the DMV stolen vehicle system. The vehicle taken was a white, 2007, Chevrolet Express van.
Graffiti Vandalism
March 12 at 8:26 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 1600 block of S. California when he saw a large amount of fresh graffiti on a building in the area. This investigation is continuing.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
March 12 at 11:25 a.m., a parking control officer was patrolling the 1200 block of Encino when she saw what appeared to be an abandoned vehicle parked on the street. A DMV computer check of the license plate revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen. An officer responded to investigate, and the owner of the vehicle was notified their vehicle had been found.
March 12 at 2:32 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Royal Oaks discovered some of her personal checks missing from her checkbooks. She called her bank and found out that someone had cashed them already. This investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
March 12 at 6:37 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of Valley View walked outside his home and discovered someone had entered two of his vehicles and stole one of his car stereos. The vehicles were locked and parked in his driveway. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 12 at 7:17 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Sierra Vista discovered someone had entered her unlocked vehicle, ransacked it and stole her cellphone. The vehicle was parked on the street in front of her house. The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft
March 12 at 7:38 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of E. Foothill called the police to report a theft that had occurred earlier in the day. She had ordered a computer, which was to be delivered by Fed Ex. She was notified that the package was delivered at 12:20 p.m.; however, when she went to retrieve the package at 1:02 p.m., it was gone. This investigation is continuing.
Resisting & Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested
March 12 at 8:36 p.m., officers responded to a report of residents hearing possible fireworks or gunshots in the 300 block of S. Primrose. When they arrived, they located one subject, who made eye contact with the officers, then ran. Officers chased after the subject, who they believed to be possibly involved. When they were finally able to stop the subject, he was not cooperative with officers’ commands and he began to fight them. The officers were able to take him into custody without injury to anyone.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
March 12 at 9:56 p.m., officers responded to a house in the 800 block of W. Colorado because neighbors heard the residents, a husband and wife, yelling at one another. Officers contacted the two subject and found the male subject had a large scratch across his face. After investigation, the female subject was arrested for domestic violence.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 13 at 12:02 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 300 block of E. Foothill when he saw a subject walking along the sidewalk, stumbling and almost falling to the ground. The officer stopped the subject to see if he needed assistance. The officer immediately found the subject to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for himself. The officer took the subject into custody for being drunk in public.
Attempt Commercial Burglary
March 13 at 12:26 p.m., the owner of a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported that someone had attempted to burglarize his business sometime during the night by trying to break his front window with a large rock. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspects Arrest
March 13 at 1:15 p.m., a hotel in the 1100 block of E. Huntington reported two subjects were refusing to leave the business. Officers arrived and contacted the two subjects. A computer check revealed both had warrants for their arrest, so they were arrested and taken into custody.
March 13 at 2:16 p.m., a shoplifting incident was reported at a grocery store in the 400 block of W. Huntington. A female subject had just fled the store without paying for merchandise she took from the store. Officers responded and searched for the suspect, but did not locate her. This investigation is continuing.
Graffiti Vandalism
March 14 at 10:17 a.m., the owner of a business in the 100 block of W. Pomona discovered someone had spray painted graffiti all over the side of his business sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
March 14 at 6:40 p.m., the Special Enforcement Team stopped a vehicle for a violation in the 1500 block of S. Myrtle. As they approached the vehicle, they saw the driver tear open a plastic bag of methamphetamine and dump it onto the floor board carpet in an attempt to destroy it. The officers arrested the driver and recovered the drugs.
Assault / Vandalism
March 14 at 7:28 p.m., a male subject was sitting in his vehicle parked on the street in front of a house in the 200 block of N. Canyon. As the subject sat in his car drinking alcohol, a male subject walked by the car. The victim in the car began heckling and belittling the person walking by, who happened to have a baseball bat. The subject with the bat began hitting the vehicle with the bat. The victim exited the car and told the suspect to stop damaging his car. The suspect began hitting the victim with the bat, then fled the area. Officers responded along with paramedics. The victim was transported to a nearby hospital for minor injuries. This investigation is continuing.
Public Intoxication
March 14 at 11:02 p.m., security for a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported a male subject in their parking lot drinking alcohol in public and refusing to leave. Officers responded and contacted the subject, who was found to be too intoxicated to care for his own safety. He was arrested for being drunk in public.
Drug Sales / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 14 at 11:10 p.m., two subjects were reported to be smoking methamphetamine inside a vehicle that was parked on the street in front of a business in the 100 block of W. Walnut. Officers arrived and contacted the two subjects. One had multiple no-bail felony drug warrants and was found to be in possession of methamphetamine. The other subject was found to be in possession of a large quantity of methamphetamine. They were in possession of a large amount of cash, scales for weighing the drugs and
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 384 service events, resulting in 79 investigations.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 8 at 2:15 p.m., two male subjects were arguing loudly with one another at a business in the 3300 block of S. Peck. Officers were called, and when they arrived, they contacted the two subjects. A computer check revealed one of the subjects had a warrant for his arrest, so he was taken into custody.
Bicycle Theft
March 8 at 2:40 p.m., a resident in the 900 block of Genoa arrived home and discovered her child’s bicycle had been stolen from their yard. The investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 8 at 9:15 p.m., a resident in the 1200 block of S. California reported a female subject in his front yard for no apparent reason, and he didn’t know who she was. Officers responded and located the subject. A computer check revealed she had a no-bail warrant for her arrest, so she was arrested and taken into custody.
DUI – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 12:47 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 2600 block of S. Peck when he saw a vehicle in front of him traveling at a high rate of speed. The officer stopped the vehicle for the vehicle code violation and contacted the driver. The officer noticed signs of intoxication, so field sobriety tests were conducted. The driver was arrested for DUI.
Petty Theft
March 9 at 6:22 a.m., a petty theft was reported in the 1600 block of S. Myrtle. The victim left his van parked in a carpooling parking lot overnight while he was at work. He returned to discover two wheels had been stolen off of his van. This investigation is continuing.
Bicycle Theft
March 9 at 7:58 a.m., a resident walked outside his apartment and discovered his mountain bike, which he had locked up, had been stolen. The suspect left an older bicycle in its place. This investigation is continuing.
March 9 at 10:23 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Oaks discovered fraudulent charges on his January bank account statement. He reported that he had been the victim of fraud in the past. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 3:06 p.m., the Special Enforcement Team was patrolling the 300 block of E. Lime, when they saw a male subject who they recognized from previous contacts. A computer check revealed he had a no-bail warrant for his arrest. He was stopped and arrested for the warrant.
Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 4:52 pm., an officer was on the 210 Freeway returning to Monrovia when he saw a vehicle in front of him traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle began weaving in and out of lanes, so the officer stopped the vehicle in Glendora and was assisted by Glendora Police Department. A computer check revealed the driver had multiple felony no-bail warrants for her arrest, so she was arrested and taken into custody.
Petty Theft
March 9 at 4:31 p.m., a resident was home in the 200 block of W. Cypress when she heard someone on her porch. She looked outside and saw a male subject taking her recyclables. The subject fled the area with the recyclables. The resident drove to a nearby recycling center and located the subject. Officers responded and the resident placed the subject under private person’s arrest. Officers took him into custody for petty theft.
March 9 at 7:15 p.m., the victim had parked his vehicle in front of his house in the 200 block of W. Palm. He walked outside his home and discovered someone had thrown a rock through one of his car windows. Several similar incidents were investigated within the past few weeks in a two block radius. This investigation is continuing.
Drug Activity / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 9 at 8:25 p.m., Special Enforcement Team officers stopped a vehicle in the 400 block of W. Huntington for a vehicle code violation. A computer check revealed the driver had several warrants and he was arrested. When officers searched the vehicle incident to arrest, they discovered methamphetamine.
Fight in Progress / Public Intoxication
March 9 at 10:36 p.m., officers responded to the report of a fight in progress at a bar in the 400 block of S. Myrtle. When they arrived, the fight had ended, but they located the two subjects involved. The two were heavily intoxicated. They refused to prosecute one another for battery. Officers located friends of the two, who were sober, and they took responsibility for the subjects, who then left the area.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 1:48 a.m., a disturbing male subject was reported at a gas station in the 1500 block of S. Myrtle. The subject was refusing to leave. Officers responded and located the subject, who they found to be heavily intoxicated. He was arrested for being drunk in public.
Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possess of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 8:04 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 700 block of E. Foothill when he saw a subject looking into vehicles. The officer stopped the male, and during a pat-down search for weapons, discovered the subject was in possession of methamphetamine and a smoking pipe. The subject was arrested.
DMV Fraud / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 11:26 p.m., a sergeant observed a driver in the 3000 block of S. Myrtle that appeared to be DUI. He stopped the vehicle and discovered the problem was only mechanical issues, but a computer check of the subject revealed the driver had multiple warrants for his arrest and the registration sticker on the license plate did not belong to the vehicle. The driver was arrested.
Drug Activity / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 10 at 11:59 p.m., a sergeant was on patrol in the 500 block of S. Myrtle when he saw a vehicle traveling in front of him that he recognized. A license plate check revealed the name of the driver, and also showed the driver had multiple warrants for his arrest. The vehicle was stopped and the driver arrested. The vehicle was searched incident to arrest and cocaine was located. The driver admitted the cocaine was his.
Traffic Offense / Resisting & Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested
March 11 at 3:16 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 1000 block of S. Magnolia when he saw a subject riding a bicycle with no headlight during darkness. He attempted to stop the bicyclist, however, the rider refused to stop for the officer. Additional officers responded to assist and the cyclist was stopped in a parking lot at 1000 block of S. Mayflower. The subject was arrested and taken into custody.
Grand Theft Auto
March 11 at 10:58 a.m., a guest at a hotel in the 900 block of S. Fifth walked outside the hotel to the parking lot and noticed someone had stolen his vehicle. The vehicle taken was a yellow, 2015 Chevrolet Camaro. Officers responded and had the vehicle entered into the DMV stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.
Possession of Stolen Property – Suspect Arrested
March 11 at 11:22 a.m., a detective saw two suspicious persons loitering near the train station in the 1300 block of S. Myrtle. When the subjects saw the detective, who was in a marked police car, they fled the area. He watched them walk to Pomona and Ivy, where he stopped to talk to them. One of the subjects was in possession of a purse containing car keys, a cellphone and the identification of an Arcadia resident. He claimed he found the purse near the train station and was going to turn it in to the police; however, he had seen the police car at the train station and did not turn it in, but instead, fled the area. The purse had been reported stolen from inside a vehicle in Arcadia. The detective arrested the subject.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 11 at 12:28 a.m., a church service was being held at Monrovia High School in the 800 block of W. Colorado when a female subject entered the service, walked onto the stage and began causing a loud disturbance. Church members escorted her out, then called the police. Officers responded and contacted the subject, who they found to be heavily intoxicated. She was arrested for being drunk in public.
Grand Theft Auto
March 12 at 6:49 a.m., a resident in the 1800 block of S. Peck walked outside his home to go to work and discovered that someone had stolen his car sometime during the night. Officers responded and entered the vehicle into the DMV stolen vehicle system. The vehicle taken was a white, 2007, Chevrolet Express van.
Graffiti Vandalism
March 12 at 8:26 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 1600 block of S. California when he saw a large amount of fresh graffiti on a building in the area. This investigation is continuing.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
March 12 at 11:25 a.m., a parking control officer was patrolling the 1200 block of Encino when she saw what appeared to be an abandoned vehicle parked on the street. A DMV computer check of the license plate revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen. An officer responded to investigate, and the owner of the vehicle was notified their vehicle had been found.
March 12 at 2:32 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Royal Oaks discovered some of her personal checks missing from her checkbooks. She called her bank and found out that someone had cashed them already. This investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
March 12 at 6:37 p.m., a resident in the 700 block of Valley View walked outside his home and discovered someone had entered two of his vehicles and stole one of his car stereos. The vehicles were locked and parked in his driveway. This investigation is continuing.
Petty Theft
March 12 at 7:17 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Sierra Vista discovered someone had entered her unlocked vehicle, ransacked it and stole her cellphone. The vehicle was parked on the street in front of her house. The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft
March 12 at 7:38 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of E. Foothill called the police to report a theft that had occurred earlier in the day. She had ordered a computer, which was to be delivered by Fed Ex. She was notified that the package was delivered at 12:20 p.m.; however, when she went to retrieve the package at 1:02 p.m., it was gone. This investigation is continuing.
Resisting & Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested
March 12 at 8:36 p.m., officers responded to a report of residents hearing possible fireworks or gunshots in the 300 block of S. Primrose. When they arrived, they located one subject, who made eye contact with the officers, then ran. Officers chased after the subject, who they believed to be possibly involved. When they were finally able to stop the subject, he was not cooperative with officers’ commands and he began to fight them. The officers were able to take him into custody without injury to anyone.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
March 12 at 9:56 p.m., officers responded to a house in the 800 block of W. Colorado because neighbors heard the residents, a husband and wife, yelling at one another. Officers contacted the two subject and found the male subject had a large scratch across his face. After investigation, the female subject was arrested for domestic violence.
Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
March 13 at 12:02 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 300 block of E. Foothill when he saw a subject walking along the sidewalk, stumbling and almost falling to the ground. The officer stopped the subject to see if he needed assistance. The officer immediately found the subject to be heavily intoxicated and unable to care for himself. The officer took the subject into custody for being drunk in public.
Attempt Commercial Burglary
March 13 at 12:26 p.m., the owner of a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported that someone had attempted to burglarize his business sometime during the night by trying to break his front window with a large rock. This investigation is continuing.
Warrant – Suspects Arrest
March 13 at 1:15 p.m., a hotel in the 1100 block of E. Huntington reported two subjects were refusing to leave the business. Officers arrived and contacted the two subjects. A computer check revealed both had warrants for their arrest, so they were arrested and taken into custody.
March 13 at 2:16 p.m., a shoplifting incident was reported at a grocery store in the 400 block of W. Huntington. A female subject had just fled the store without paying for merchandise she took from the store. Officers responded and searched for the suspect, but did not locate her. This investigation is continuing.
Graffiti Vandalism
March 14 at 10:17 a.m., the owner of a business in the 100 block of W. Pomona discovered someone had spray painted graffiti all over the side of his business sometime during the night. This investigation is continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
March 14 at 6:40 p.m., the Special Enforcement Team stopped a vehicle for a violation in the 1500 block of S. Myrtle. As they approached the vehicle, they saw the driver tear open a plastic bag of methamphetamine and dump it onto the floor board carpet in an attempt to destroy it. The officers arrested the driver and recovered the drugs.
Assault / Vandalism
March 14 at 7:28 p.m., a male subject was sitting in his vehicle parked on the street in front of a house in the 200 block of N. Canyon. As the subject sat in his car drinking alcohol, a male subject walked by the car. The victim in the car began heckling and belittling the person walking by, who happened to have a baseball bat. The subject with the bat began hitting the vehicle with the bat. The victim exited the car and told the suspect to stop damaging his car. The suspect began hitting the victim with the bat, then fled the area. Officers responded along with paramedics. The victim was transported to a nearby hospital for minor injuries. This investigation is continuing.
Public Intoxication
March 14 at 11:02 p.m., security for a business in the 100 block of W. Foothill reported a male subject in their parking lot drinking alcohol in public and refusing to leave. Officers responded and contacted the subject, who was found to be too intoxicated to care for his own safety. He was arrested for being drunk in public.
Drug Sales / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 14 at 11:10 p.m., two subjects were reported to be smoking methamphetamine inside a vehicle that was parked on the street in front of a business in the 100 block of W. Walnut. Officers arrived and contacted the two subjects. One had multiple no-bail felony drug warrants and was found to be in possession of methamphetamine. The other subject was found to be in possession of a large quantity of methamphetamine. They were in possession of a large amount of cash, scales for weighing the drugs and
GoMonrovia Launch Event on Saturday, March 17
In response to the evolving transportation needs of suburban communities, the City of Monrovia, in partnership with Lyft and LimeBike, will be launching the GoMonrovia program on Saturday, March 17, at 9 a.m. at Monrovia's Library Park (321 S. Myrtle Ave.). Through the GoMonrovia program, the public will be able to access a Lyft ride anywhere in the GoMonrovia service area for just $0.50. In addition, LimeBike will be deploying more than 200 bikes throughout Monrovia, each of which can be accessed by the public for $1.00 for a 30-minute ride.
This unique and innovative public-private partnership was designed to provide the community with enhanced and affordable public transportation options that leverage the strengths of Lyft and LimeBike. "As the Southern California population continues to grow, suburban communities are becoming denser and more congested," said City Manager Oliver Chi. "Through the GoMonrovia program, we have worked to develop a new transportation program that will provide greatly improved mobility options for the suburban user."
Unlike urban environments, residents living in suburban communities rely primarily on private automobile use for their transportation needs, even though most trips are under five miles. While this paradigm exists for a multitude of reasons, one contributing factor is that suburban transportation programs have been, by and large, slow and inconvenient. "The City of Monrovia, like most suburban communities, has historically relied on a dial-a-ride shuttle bus program as our primary method of providing public transportation," said Mr. Chi. "Unfortunately, the program serves only a very narrow range of public transportation users, is inconvenient for general everyday use, and is an incredibly costly way to move people around. In fact, each ride on our dial-a-ride system costs the City around $19.70 per person. We kept thinking, there has to be a better way," Mr. Chi continued.
More recently, in response to local housing growth, an expanding job base, and regional population trends, the City of Monrovia started to rethink its role as it relates to the provision of public transportation. "The challenge we were trying to solve in developing the GoMonrovia initiative was to see if we could create an affordable transportation program that was so easy to use that the broader community might seriously consider public transit in Monrovia as a real option," said Mr. Chi.
Given the extensive public use of ride sharing services, the City worked to identify possible private sector transportation program partners. "As we assessed the situation, we realized early on that widely adopted technology platforms could facilitate a new public transportation model for our suburban community," said Mr. Chi. "Private sector firms such as Lyft and LimeBike have created technologies that enable them to provide a personalized and on-demand transportation service. We knew that from a user perspective, existing public transit options just can't compete with the speed and convenience offered by these new tech platforms. And so instead of fighting, we looked to see how we could leverage what these companies do best in order for us to better serve the community."
"In addition, Lyft and LimeBike immediately stood out as our preferred transportation partners," said Mr. Chi. "The team at Lyft operates with the civic-minded ethos that their ride-sharing platform should exist to complement existing public transportation services, not replace them. And the LimeBike team has not only been aly valued partner, they were also the only legitimate private dockless bikesharing company we could identify that maintains all of its data securely in the US."
"We are excited to be part of GoMonrovia's community mobility program," said Paul Davis, Lyft's Transit Partnership Manager. "The City of Monrovia is launching a bold program that is a creative and thoughtful approach to rethinking suburban mobility. Lyft is excited to be part of this initiative, which could serve as a blueprint for how to decouple suburban mobility from auto ownership."
"LimeBike applauds the City of Monrovia for taking a forward-thinking and thoughtful approach in solving the first and last mile transportation challenge," said Jack Song, spokesperson for LimeBike. "As the largest dockfree smart mobility solution provider in the US, LimeBike is excited about giving the Monrovia community access to a new transportation option that is affordable, accessible, and green for the environment."
As part of the March 17, GoMonrovia launch event, representatives from Lyft and LimeBike will be on hand as the new mobility program is kicked-off with a community bike ride. Once the program goes live, in addition to being able to access Lyft rides anywhere in the GoMonrovia service area for just $0.50 / ride, LimeBike will be deploying bikes throughout the community, including at new bike rack stations located at the Community Center, Library Park, Old Town Monrovia, and Station Square.
For more information on the GoMonrovia program, including instruction on how to use the Lyft and LimeBike apps, and additional information on the launch event, please visit
Source: City of Monrovia press release
- Brad Haugaard
This unique and innovative public-private partnership was designed to provide the community with enhanced and affordable public transportation options that leverage the strengths of Lyft and LimeBike. "As the Southern California population continues to grow, suburban communities are becoming denser and more congested," said City Manager Oliver Chi. "Through the GoMonrovia program, we have worked to develop a new transportation program that will provide greatly improved mobility options for the suburban user."
Unlike urban environments, residents living in suburban communities rely primarily on private automobile use for their transportation needs, even though most trips are under five miles. While this paradigm exists for a multitude of reasons, one contributing factor is that suburban transportation programs have been, by and large, slow and inconvenient. "The City of Monrovia, like most suburban communities, has historically relied on a dial-a-ride shuttle bus program as our primary method of providing public transportation," said Mr. Chi. "Unfortunately, the program serves only a very narrow range of public transportation users, is inconvenient for general everyday use, and is an incredibly costly way to move people around. In fact, each ride on our dial-a-ride system costs the City around $19.70 per person. We kept thinking, there has to be a better way," Mr. Chi continued.
More recently, in response to local housing growth, an expanding job base, and regional population trends, the City of Monrovia started to rethink its role as it relates to the provision of public transportation. "The challenge we were trying to solve in developing the GoMonrovia initiative was to see if we could create an affordable transportation program that was so easy to use that the broader community might seriously consider public transit in Monrovia as a real option," said Mr. Chi.
Given the extensive public use of ride sharing services, the City worked to identify possible private sector transportation program partners. "As we assessed the situation, we realized early on that widely adopted technology platforms could facilitate a new public transportation model for our suburban community," said Mr. Chi. "Private sector firms such as Lyft and LimeBike have created technologies that enable them to provide a personalized and on-demand transportation service. We knew that from a user perspective, existing public transit options just can't compete with the speed and convenience offered by these new tech platforms. And so instead of fighting, we looked to see how we could leverage what these companies do best in order for us to better serve the community."
"In addition, Lyft and LimeBike immediately stood out as our preferred transportation partners," said Mr. Chi. "The team at Lyft operates with the civic-minded ethos that their ride-sharing platform should exist to complement existing public transportation services, not replace them. And the LimeBike team has not only been aly valued partner, they were also the only legitimate private dockless bikesharing company we could identify that maintains all of its data securely in the US."
"We are excited to be part of GoMonrovia's community mobility program," said Paul Davis, Lyft's Transit Partnership Manager. "The City of Monrovia is launching a bold program that is a creative and thoughtful approach to rethinking suburban mobility. Lyft is excited to be part of this initiative, which could serve as a blueprint for how to decouple suburban mobility from auto ownership."
"LimeBike applauds the City of Monrovia for taking a forward-thinking and thoughtful approach in solving the first and last mile transportation challenge," said Jack Song, spokesperson for LimeBike. "As the largest dockfree smart mobility solution provider in the US, LimeBike is excited about giving the Monrovia community access to a new transportation option that is affordable, accessible, and green for the environment."
As part of the March 17, GoMonrovia launch event, representatives from Lyft and LimeBike will be on hand as the new mobility program is kicked-off with a community bike ride. Once the program goes live, in addition to being able to access Lyft rides anywhere in the GoMonrovia service area for just $0.50 / ride, LimeBike will be deploying bikes throughout the community, including at new bike rack stations located at the Community Center, Library Park, Old Town Monrovia, and Station Square.
For more information on the GoMonrovia program, including instruction on how to use the Lyft and LimeBike apps, and additional information on the launch event, please visit
Source: City of Monrovia press release
- Brad Haugaard
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