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Tattoo Regulations; Pyrotechnics; GoMonrovia Transportation Plan; Old Town Logo

Proposed Old Town logo.

The Monrovia City Council is going to hold a study session to consider regulations for tattoo parlors in Old Town. That'll be at 5:30 on Feb. 20 at City Hall.

Then, at its regular 7:30 p.m. meeting later that evening (agenda:, the council will ...

~ Recognize Hannah Honore, California Rainbow for Girls Grand Patriotism Officer, and Eagle Scout Zachary Stegman.

~ Consider paying  Pyro Spectaculars $22,500 to put on a Fourth of July fireworks show (they shows are great, by the way).

~ Consider approving the proposed GoMonrovia plan, which incorporates subsidized 50-cent rides in Lyft cars (like Uber), and LimeBike, which would provide bicycles around town that can be picked up, ridden, then left pretty much anywhere in town, not just in docking stations, like the Metro Bikes. It would cost a buck for the first 30 minutes on a bike.

~ Consider a logo for Old Town.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. The Monrovia Go Now Plan seems out of kilter....what will Happen to Dial-A-Ride Services? I have been taking DAR since 2011 due to vision problems. And, "us old folks" really can't fit into a "Lyft" car!!! Also seems to me, that there are many citizens that use Dial-A-Ride in townn and especially where I live at Whispering Fountains. Ar we trying to be like Santa Monica? Time to re-think the unintended consequences of a program like this. J.H. Johnson

  2. Has Monrovia ever considered a local, scheduled bus transportation route similar to the one Duarte provides for its residents?
