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Monrovia Police: Arrested for Loitering in Park; Chalice and Bells Stolen from Church; Armed Robbery at Phone Store; Drunk Bicycling; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for January 25-31. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 449 service events, resulting in 106 investigations.

Commercial Burglary
January 25 at 7:35 a.m., a burglary was reported at a business in the 600 block of W. Huntington. The suspect threw a rock through a glass door and entered the location. The suspect took the cash register drawer, which was empty. The investigation is continuing.

Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
January 25 at 10:39 a.m., an employee at a business in the 1600 block of S. Shamrock was reportedly acting bizarre. Officers responded and contacted the subject, who displayed symptoms of being under the influence of inhalants. After further investigation, the suspect was arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance and taken into custody.

Stolen Vehicle Recovered
January 25 at 10:56 a.m., a parking control officer was flagged down in the 500 block of E. Almond regarding a suspicious vehicle. An officer responded and, through investigation, discovered the vehicle was an unreported stolen from a dealership in the City of El Monte. The vehicle was recovered.

Warrant / Possession of Metal Knuckles – Suspect Arrested
January 25 at 4:53 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the 1600 block of S. Mountain when she was flagged down regarding a suspicious person who was looking into vehicles. The officer located the suspect and a computer check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest. During a search incident to arrest, the suspect was found to be in possession of metal knuckles. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Grand Theft Auto
January 25 at 4:59 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 500 block of W. Huntington. The victim reported that her white Toyota Highlander was taken from the business parking lot while she was inside a store. Her keys were missing. The investigation is continuing.

Vandalism / Resisting and Delaying a Police Officer – Suspects Arrested
January 25 at 5:34 p.m., a possible vandalism in progress was reported in the 300 block of Valle Vista. Officers arrived and located three juveniles, two of them had been spray painting graffiti in the wash and ran from the officer when he attempted to detain them. The two juveniles had spray paint on their hands. They were arrested and later released to their parents with a citation to appear in court on the charges.

Loitering in the Park After Hours – Suspect Arrested
January 26 at 12:27 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 300 block of S. Myrtle and was conducting a check of the park. The officer found a subject loitering in the park. The subject was advised regarding park rules and issued a citation for being in the park after hours.

Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
January 26 at 1:30 p.m., a traffic collision was reported in the 800 block of S. Myrtle. The driver was attempting to park his vehicle in a business parking lot when he collided into a parked vehicle. Officers arrived and contacted the driver. Their investigation revealed he was driving under the influence. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Warrants / Suspended Driver’s License / Possession of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested
January 26 at 6:13 p.m., officers observed a traffic violation and conducted a traffic stop at the 210 Freeway onramp at Myrtle. The driver was seen throwing something out of the window prior to the vehicle stopping, which was discovered to be heroin. The driver was also found to have a suspended license and multiple warrants. He was arrested for the charges.

Grand Theft
January 26 at 6:23 p.m., officers responded to the 700 block of S. Shamrock regarding the report of a grand theft. A suspect entered a church and took a gold and silver plated chalice and gold bells. The investigation is continuing.

Attempt Burglary
January 26 at 8:09 p.m., an alarm activation was reported at a business in the 400 block of W. Colorado. Unknown suspects threw a rock through a door with windows and were able to open the door and make entry into the building. It appears the suspects may have been scared off by the alarm. They exited the front doors, which were found ajar when officers arrived. There was no property loss. The investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto
January 26 at 9:16 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 1500 block of S. Mayflower. The victim came out of his house and saw someone driving away in his white Cargo Van. The van had his DJ equipment inside. The investigation is continuing.

Suspicious Subject / Warrants – Suspect Arrested
January 26 at 10:37 p.m., police were notified by security at a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington regarding a suspicious subject inside the store. The subject was stuffing merchandise into a bag, then left the bag and exited the store. When officers attempted to contact him, he ran. The Foothill Air Support Team helicopter was in the area and immediately spotted the suspect hiding behind a low wall. Officers were directed to the location and the suspect was detained. A computer check revealed the suspect had several warrants. He was arrested for the outstanding warrants and taken into custody.

Petty Theft From a Vehicle
January 27 at 2:18 a.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 600 block of W. Olive. The victim parked her vehicle in the driveway and forgot to lock the car. Later that night, she remembered and went outside to lock it. She found the center console and glovebox were open. She checked her vehicle and found a purse and some other miscellaneous items were missing from inside. The investigation is continuing.

Injury Traffic Collision
January 27 at 4:29 p.m., a traffic collision was reported at Palm and Mayflower. A vehicle was traveling west on Palm and another vehicle was traveling south on Mayflower. The vehicle on Palm failed to yield to oncoming traffic and collided into the vehicle on Mayflower. Passengers complained of pain and one of them was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Riding a Bicycle Under the Influence of Alcohol – Suspect Arrested
January 27 at 11:01 p.m., officers observed a bicyclist weaving while riding on the street at Magnolia and Walnut. He was also riding during darkness without a headlamp. Officers stopped the bicyclist and determined he was riding while under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested for DUI.

Vehicle Burglary
January 28 at 10:02 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 400 block of W. Duarte Road. The victim parked her vehicle in front of her garage the night before and went inside her residence. When she returned to the vehicle the next morning, she found the rear, driver-side window had been smashed. A medical bag was taken. The investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto
January 28 at 10:41 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from a business in the 400 block of E. Duarte Road. A 2016, orange and white, Ford U-Haul, box truck was taken from the lot. The investigation is continuing.

Petty Theft – Suspect Arrested
January 29 at 2:39 p.m., a petty theft incident was reported at a business in the 500 block of W. Huntington. Employees advised they were attempting to detain an adult female for shoplifting. The suspect fled on foot and an employee followed. An officer was in the area and was able to detain the suspect without incident. The property was recovered and the suspect was arrested. She was issued a citation to appear in court on the charges and released.

Public Intoxication – Suspect Arrested
January 29 at 8:22 p.m., police were notified of a male subject walking into traffic and yelling at people. Officers arrived and saw the subject. The subject ran a short distance, but then complied with officers. The subject displayed signs of intoxication and, after further investigation, was arrested for being drunk in public. He was taken into custody and held for a sobering period.

Stolen Vehicle Recovered
January 30 at 12:15 p.m., a parking control officer was working in the 1300 block of Monterey when she saw a vehicle parked in the area that appeared suspicious. She ran the license plate and it returned as a reported stolen vehicle. She notified dispatch and an officer responded and recovered the vehicle.

Hit & Run, Injury Traffic Collision
January 30 at 4:08 p.m., a hit and run traffic collision was reported at the intersection of Fifth and Chestnut. A vehicle was traveling west on Chestnut and was crossing Fifth, when it was suddenly struck by a vehicle traveling south. The vehicle spun three times and came to rest on the northwest corner of the intersection. The suspect vehicle did not stop. The driver complained of pain and said she never saw the suspect vehicle. A witness described the suspect vehicle as a gold Hyundai SUV. The investigation is continuing.

Residential Burglary
January 30 at 8:22 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 100 block of Oak Grove. The victim returned home to find her house had been burglarized. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. It appears the suspects entered through a second story window, which they accessed off a balcony. The investigation is continuing.

Armed Robbery
January 31, at approximately 8:03 p.m., an armed robbery occurred at a business in the 900 block of W. Huntington. At closing time, an employee locked the front doors to the business and armed the alarm. He entered his vehicle, which was parked close by in the parking lot. While he was sitting in his vehicle, a late-model, dark-colored, compact vehicle pulled next to his driver's side. A male, black passenger remained seated inside the vehicle, pointed a shotgun at the employee, and ordered him to open the front doors of the business and disarm the alarm. The employee did as he was told. Two male, black suspects exited the suspect vehicle and followed the employee into the store. A third suspect waited inside the suspect vehicle and acted as a look out. The passenger suspect pointed the shotgun at the back of the employees head and told him to go to the back office and open the safe. The suspect told the employee to lie face down on the ground and count to 50. The suspects stole several iPhone X cell phones and left the store in an unknown direction. The investigation is continuing. 


  1. Armed Robbery: A shotgun and three guys to steal Iphones?

    Somebody is getting desperate. It seems like bad guys with guns are beginning to find Monrovia on the map.

    I don't suppose our police chief has any interest in allowing citizens to carry concealed for self-defense, unless they are friends or have other good connections, regardless of qualifications. It's Los Angeles County, after all, and other issuing agencies would not welcome such heresy. Only criminals and cops should be allowed to carry. The rest of us are too sketchy.

  2. We have looked into carry concealed. The requirements and restrictions make it extremely difficult for law abiding citizens to get licensed, yet criminals are free to carry as they please.
