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Monrovia Home Builder Fred Bowden Dies; Class on Protecting Your Home From Wildfires; Etc.

In his weekly report, City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ Monrovian Fred Bowden has died of cancer.  Bowden built Bowden Development, Inc., a prominent local home builder.

~ In anticipation of the next wildfire, the Monrovia Fire Department has prepared a class to teach residents how to assess the fire vulnerability of their homes. Also, firefighters who responded to the 2017 wildfires in California will provide first-hand accounts of what they saw. The event will take place on May 5, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Monrovia Community Center in the Kay Dalton Room.  To RSVP, or for questions, call 256-8109.

~  Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) will host a block party on March 10 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Second Baptist Church (925  S. Shamrock) with family fun, games, and prizes, and to teach people about city services. Also, MAP, with the Art in Public Places program, will debut Neighborhood Treasures, a new program designed to highlight unsung Monrovia heroes. The first art treasure will honor Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth. Contact Ariel Tolefree-Williams at 932-5563 for party details.

~ A retirement party for city employee Lisa Hansberger will be held on March 1, at 5 p.m. at the Diplomat Restaurant.

- Brad Haugaard

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