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Monrovia Coordinating Council Seeks Nominees For Youth Recognition Award

The Monrovia Community Coordinating Council is soliciting nominations for its Youth Recognition Award, which recognizes outstanding humanitarian/altruistic efforts made by the youth of our community which frequently go unrecognized.  An individual or group of young people may be considered for this award.

Requirements are:

1. Be a resident of Monrovia and enrolled insixth through twelfth grade.

2. Have performed for the benefit of the community of Monrovia, a specific, outstanding service to the community that would not otherwise be widely recognized.

3. Be nominated by a community organization, school, church or individual. Nomination form and a written personal recommendation (not to exceed 1 page), are to be submitted to:

Nancy Matthews, President
Monrovia Community Coordinating Council

Here is the nomination form:

- Brad Haugaard

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