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Meeting Wednesday for Property Owners In Potential Historic Districts

There will be a second special community meeting for property owners to discuss the potential formation of historic districts in Monrovia tomorrow, Thursday, March 1, at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Property owners in these potential historic districts are invited:

Downtown East Residential Potential Historic District
Bordered by Ivy Avenue to the west, Colorado Boulevard to the south, Shamrock Avenue to the east, and the buildings on the north side of Lemon Avenue to the north.

Esplanade Potential Historic District
Bordered by West Chestnut Avenue to the north, West Huntington Drive to the south, Monterey Avenue to the west, and South Mayflower Avenue to the east.

Parker Avenue Potential Historic District
Includes the east end of Parker Avenue, starting at South Mayflower Avenue, and continuing approximately half-way down the street, ending at 536 Parker Avenue on the south side of the street, and 547 Parker Avenue on the north side of the street.

Highland Place Potential Historic District
Single-family residences located on Highland Place north of the multi-family residential buildings on Foothill Boulevard, and extends north to West Hillcrest Boulevard.
The purpose of the meeting will be to present and discuss the components of the potential historic district with the residents and explain how it relates to them as property owners.  View a copy of the informational packet that was mailed to each of the property owners in the four potential historic districts outlined.

- Brad Haugaard

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