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Enter Monrovia's Litter Lottery; Cheap Rides Coming to Town; Books

In his weekly report City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ You can enter the monthly bulky-trash raffle to win $25. Just report bulky trash items littering sidewalks, such as couches, mattresses, and tables, and you'll be entered into a contest to win a $25 gift card. Report an item to or call 932-5575. Include your name, address and phone number and details about the item. Include a picture if possible. Contact Alex Tachiki at, or 932-5553 for details.

~ The city's new transportation program will begin March 17 for those who live, work, or visit Monrovia. It involves Lyft rides in town for fifty cents; LimeBike rent-a-bikes for a dollar for 30 minutes (You locate a bike on your cell phone, scan the code to unlock the bike, ride, park in a safe location, and lock the bike using the built-in locking mechanism), and the current Dial-a-Ride program will continue for riders with ADA-related and wheelchair needs.

~  The Monrovia Reads van will be bringing its mobile library, along with literacy librarians and wifi service, to local elementary schools beginning in March. Mondays, Bradoaks; Tuesdays, Wildrose; Wednesdays, Plymouth; Thursday, Monroe; Friday, Mayflower. For more information call the Library at 256-8274. The program is a partnership between Monrovia Reads, the Monrovia Public Library Foundation, and the City of Monrovia.

~ The Monrovia Police Department is installing a Little Library in front of its station, with books from Monrovia Reads. The grand opening will be March 1 at 11 a.m. in front of the police station. If you attend the opening, try to bring a book to donate. Library paid for with funds donated by the Monrovia Police Officers' Association.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. For the bulky p/u raffle, how do they decipher if someone has already called for a bulky pick up via the trash company?

  2. I tried to send an e-mail but it kicked back to this e-mail.

  3. FYI the correct e-mail is, not "items".
