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Monrovia Sells Bonds Cheap; Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade Thursday; Aldi's Opening; Etc.

In his weekly report ( City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ The City successfully sold $111.6 million worth of pension obligation bonds to refinance all of the City's pension liabilities at a lower cost than projected, resulting in an estimated savings of $50.3 million rather than just $43.2 million, as earlier estimated. Chi said this was because of "the City’s strong financial position and an uptick in demand for municipal securities."

~ The Annual Tree Lighting will be at 6 p.m. this Thursday, followed by the Christmas Parade at 7 p.m. The parade will travel north on Myrtle from Chestnut Avenue to Palm Avenue.

~ And here's a great, compact list of Christmas and New Year's events in Monrovia:

~  Aldi’s Supermarket will have its grand opening celebration on Thursday, Dec. 7, with a ribbon cutting at 8:25 a.m. Aldi's is in the old Albertson's shopping center in east Monrovia.

~ Here's a video of the rehab work at the old train station:

~ The bouncy rubber coating on the Library Park Playground is scheduled to be replaced Dec. 11-20.  While the work is being completed, the playground will be closed.

~ The Library's Veterans Resource Center is partnering with the American Legion Women's Auxiliary to support the USO and local military personnel who are hospitalized. They are collecting white socks for men and women; coloring books for adults; coloring pencils, markers, and pens; and board games for adults. You can drop off donations in the large yellow box in the Library's main lobby. contact Mabel Cross, Librarian, at 256-8294 if you have any questions.

- Brad Haugaard

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