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Former Monrovia Mayor Lutz Plans a Run for Congress

Former Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz has announced on Facebook her intention to run for Congress representing the 32nd Congressional District ...  someday, but only after the current representative, Grace Napolitano, steps down. 

Here is her full statement:

“Running For Congress...

“Like many of you, the past few months have been incredibly difficult for me to watch. The current administration creates one national crisis after another as their reckless, wrong-headed and discriminatory actions create unprecedented anxiety and division throughout the country.   We need to fight back against the fear-mongering forces that divide us and remake our country into one that has immense promise for all, not one that is dominated by a politics driven by fear of the unknown. 

“After serving 3 terms as Mayor of Monrovia and six years as council member, my experience in local, regional and federal policy and public service, and decades as a neighborhood activist, I know what it takes to generate positive change and produce tangible results for the people in our local neighborhoods. 

“ In 2015 I was honored to join the staff of Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, as a Policy Advisor for Water, Transportation and Environment.  This experience led me to a greater understanding of how Congress can work with and for our community.

"Congresswoman Napolitano is a widely respected leader in the community, is still the sitting Member and representative for California’s 32nd District. She is my mentor and has my support.   That said, at some point in the future, the Congresswoman will likely retire.  I believe I have the knowledge, passion and experience to represent you in Congress, thus I have opened a campaign committee in anticipation of a future race.   As I have said publicly, my plan is to run when the seat opens.

“If I have the privilege of representing the 32nd District in Congress, I will fight tooth and nail to resist the Trump agenda and work toward reducing inequality, fighting for social and economic justice, and a future full of hope and possibility for all.”

- Brad Haugaard 


  1. " I will fight tooth and nail to resist the Trump agenda" Personally, I would like a representative who will find common ground and work in a positive manner. That takes fore thought, tact, working together for the good of all citizens. I am tired of reading about all the fighting between our representatives.

  2. "I know what it takes to generate positive change" she left Monrovia in ruins, things have been so much better since she left.
