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Monrovia Council to Consider: Buy a 'Portland Loo'? Upgrade New Park? Better Bids in Bulk? Etc.

At its next meeting (, the Monrovia City Council will consider ...

~ Declaring the "Portland Loo" the standard restroom for city parks, and buy one for Julian Fisher Park. These restrooms are designed to be unattractive to people who want to camp in them and easy to police.

~ Awarding a $215,125 contract to Jorgensen-Reeve Builders to upgrade the electrical system at Station Square Park. Comment: Hmmm. That park was just finished a year ago and it already needs upgrades?

~ Soliciting bids for the next phase of the citywide street, sewer and water construction - for the northwest part of town. Staff thinks it can get a better deal by asking bidders to bid on the whole project, rather than soliciting bids for each individual trade.

~ Soliciting bids for improvements to Julian Fisher Park.

~ Hiring Musco Sports Lighting for $208,380 to install lighting at Julian Fisher Park.

~ Approving an exclusive negotiating agreement with Thomas Safran & Associates for the property at the southwest corner of Myrtle and Pomona Avenues. The company wants to build a "mixed-use project that includes a public parking structure."

~ Leasing water rights for 400 acre-feet of water from the Azusa Valley Water Company and the purchase of 200 acre-Feet of replenishment water from Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster.

~ Supporting and opposing various legislation being considered in Sacramento, including money for Gold Line (support); a requirement that governments appoint a "supervisor of record" to review public records act denials (oppose); increasing the amount of money that may be given to in-custody
informants (oppose); and limits on cities contracting with private compaies for work that could be performed by public sector employees (oppose).

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I too am wondering about the nearly quarter million dollars for and upgrading the electrical system at Station Square Park, the newest park in the city. In what way is the current system deficient? Why wasn't this need anticipated in the original design?

  2. Replies
    1. Well, according to the staff report: "Since the park first opened around a year ago, staff has worked to utilize and maintain the facility. In that time, certain operational issues at Station Square Park have been identified as needing improvement. One of the primary areas of concern with the park is with the existing electrical service.
      During the City’s concert in the park series, it was identified that there is insufficient electrical power
      service at the band shell stage to support very basic levels of electrical equipment. Furthermore, as work began to improve the Historic Santa Fe Depot (Depot), additional electrical
      issues were identified, including the need to separate the main electrical power source for the park from the electrical power source for the Depot. In addition, some of the public pathway lighting on the Station Square Promenade is currently tied into and powered by the electrical service at the Depot, and those facilities will need to be rewired to run off of the electrical service powering Station Square Park."
