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Will Street Fair Move to Library Park? Homeless Update at City Council Meeting

In his weekly update (, City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ The city is considering shifting the location of the Friday Night Street Fair a bit north, to center on Library Park and the streets on its north and south sides, Lime and Palm. Less of Myrtle would be closed, just from Lime to a bit north of Palm.

~ There will be an overview of homeless issues at the March 21 meeting of the Monrovia City Council.

~ Monrovia Police Department is a finalist in the James Q. Wilson Award for Excellence in Community Policing, which recognizes California law enforcement agencies that have successfully institutionalized the Community Policing philosophy. Each year, three agencies across the state are recognized. Chi said it is, "One of the most prestigious awards that can be bestowed to any law enforcement agency in California."

~ The Monrovia Fire Department is creating al fire investigator program, which will let the department take a more active role in investigating the cause of fires.

~ Public Services Department is accepting nominations for the 2017 Older American of the Year Award.  This award goes to a Monrovian 60 years or older who is involved in volunteer service in Monrovia. Questions? Contact Rebecca Sandoval at 256-8232, or at (Nomination form here: )

~ The Monrovia Today Spring Activity Guide is now available here:

~ There will be a meeting to hear people's thoughts about the Citywide Park Master Plan on April 13, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Community Center. For more information contact Katie Distelrath at or at 256-8225.

~ Free workshops on how to use less water. To register for any of the workshops, or for additional information, call 443-2297, or email Workshops at Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, 602 E. Huntington Dr. Suite B, Monrovia.

  • Finding and Fixing Leaks, Tuesday, March 28, 7 to 9 p.m., 
  • California Friendly Landscaping, Tuesday, April 11, 6-9:30 p.m.
  • Greywater - Laundry to Landscape, Saturday, May 6, 8 a.m. - noon

- Brad Haugaard

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