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Monrovia Mayoral Race: Statement of Candidate Mark Harris

I asked both candidates for mayor - the one contested office in the upcoming Monrovia city election - to submit a statement about their candidacy. Following is the statement I received back from the challenger, Mark Harris. - Brad Haugaard

I love the "any-town USA" feel about Monrovia. My wife and I love walking through Old Town and visiting the many shops and restaurants. Over the last couple of years, Monrovia has seen a twenty percent increase in crime, rise in the homeless population, and the once proud feeling of an "All America City" start to slip away. I think it's time for a change and "A Fresh Start". My main goal in running for Mayor is to make a positive difference for the City of Monrovia and help us become a greater place to live work, and raise your family. I have only the best interests in the residents and business owners of Monrovia on my agenda, I am not a career politician just a Monrovian wanting to make a change for the City.

I have been married for 22 years to my wife Stacy and I have one son Blake who goes to Arizona State University.

Since 2006, I have worked with my twin brother in the celebrity brand marketing integration industry providing celebrity product placement for award shows including charity events, the Grammy's, the Oscar's, the Emmy's ABC, Miss USA, Miss America, and many more. I currently co-host a radio show with my brother and have appeared on reality TV including "Storage Wars" on the A&E Network. Previously I worked in the banking industry for twenty five years where I managed the customer advocacy department at the eighth largest mortgage company in the United States. My schedule gives me the flexibility and time to commit to the issues and concerns of the city of Monrovia.

One of the first items on my agenda is to look into addressing the Homeless issue and coming up with a comprehensive plan to solve the issue. I will start by reviewing the cities Homeless in the Park committee results and see what plan the City currently has in place and what their remedies were ? as it appears the situation has not improved since the committee was organized.

In regards to the rise in Crime in the City I will review the cities current budget for the Police Department and review to determine if the city is properly staffed to handle the current situation. I also would like to review well known crime areas and look into possible lighting for areas that may encourage crime in addition to reviewing the cities policy on city-wide cameras and actively encourage additional neighborhood Watches.

I would also like to create a Eco-Green City-Wide Policy to encourage and or create Green Practices and provide efficient city-wide recycling, Automobile Charging Stations, Solar panels and clean transportation options. Promote the Myrtle Avenue district and make it a "Destination", create Monrovia Volunteer programs and more including city-wide Transparency.

It will be my priority to make Monrovia a town you will be proud to call home and I appreciate your support. My name is Mark Harris and I'm running for Mayor.

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