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Monrovia Mayoral Race: Statement of Candidate Tom Adams

I asked both candidates for mayor - the one contested office in the upcoming Monrovia city election - to submit a statement about their candidacy. Following is the first statement I received back, from the incumbent, Mayor Tom Adams. - Brad Haugaard

Almost two years ago Monrovia gave me an opportunity to change the direction our city was headed in and I thank everyone for their trust. The time has passed quickly and now I ask for your trust again for there is much to do.

I am very proud that working together with the City Council and our staff these things are being addressed. We have our plan to Renew Monrovia in place and work is being done to bring our water systems, sewer systems, roads, curbs and gutters up to par.

We set out to talk to all of you to find out what you wanted in your neighborhood. As a result of that we have had the first major change of our zoning codes is years and now offer more protection to keep neighborhoods as the neighbors want them. You have a City Council that listens, listens to the needs of the community.

For the first time in over 6 years we are having regular meetings with our counter parts on the Monrovia Unified School Board. Our schools educate our children and we need to be able to work together with them, proudly, we now do.

At this point, Monrovia has more good things happening than it has had in years, more jobs, and better infrastructure, better working relationships with our community partners and stronger protection in our neighborhoods, securing a bright future. All you need to do is look around you and you can see the vast improvement in place. I would hope that we can keep this positive momentum moving, we will all benefit from it.

I respectfully ask you to allow us to continue this work and your vote!

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