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Monrovia May Hire Company to Create 'Historic Context Statement'; Water-Saving Challenge

At its next meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Consider hiring ASM Affiliates of Pasadena for $64,100.60 to create an "Historic Context Statement" for Monrovia. An HCS "is a report that provides the basis for evaluating historic significance and integrity. It helps to identify important themes in history and then relate those themes to existing resources or property types. Themes may be related to historic events, development patterns, trends, or even cultural topics. An HCS is a valuable tool in helping identify significant properties. UPDATE: City Clerk says this item has been pulled from the agenda to be considered at a later meeting.

~ Consider participating in the annual Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation through the National League of Cities this April. Residents in winning cities are eligible to win various prizes and a grand prize will be rewarded to a winning city.

- Brad Haugaard

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