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Metro Operations Center Being Dedicated to Former Monrovia Mayor; 'Take Back Our Streets'; Fire Fighters Save Buildings; Boys and Girls Club Open House

In his weekly update (, City Manager Oliver Chi reported ...

~ The Metro Gold Line folks will rededicate the Gold Line Operations Campus in honor of former Monrovia Mayor Bob Bartlett, who was instrumental in bringing the Gold Line to town. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 28, at 10 a.m., at the park facilitate next to the campus at 1600  S. California Ave., Monrovia.  Following the dedication ceremony, officials will be traveling to the Monrovia Gold Line Station for a second plaque dedication.

~ City Council and staff have "a revised plan to take back our streets and our parks from an expanding and evolving criminal element that has developed during the past few years." The plan includes: Helping the truly homeless, making "infrastructure changes" at Library Park, emphasizing a "Directed Giving Campaign," implementing "coordinated law enforcement activities," and encouraging the community to contact state representatives to give cities "the tools needed to address quality-of-life crimes."

~ Related. At the May 2 City Council meeting, Michele Hanisee, President of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, will give a presentation about what cities have to deal with in light of the new criminal justice system in California.

~ On March 27 Monrovia fire fighters were able to stop a blaze at a duplex in the 600 block of Monterey from engulfing all of the buildings on the property.  "[O]ur terrific team at the Fire Department was able to stop the blaze before it reached the second unit, and no one was hurt or injured in the incident."

~ Open house on Friday, March 31, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., at the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills. At 600  S. Shamrock Ave.

- Brad Haugaard

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