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Monrovia's Water at Historic Low Levels; 4th Dimension Into Restaurant; Election Forum; Etc.

In his weekly report ( ), City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ According to information from the Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster, from which we get our water, "the Basin water levels are now at historical lows. At the key well in Baldwin Park, water levels are now at 172.2 feet, which is the lowest level ever recorded since the Basin became adjudicated in 1973. For comparative purposes, the historic high for the key well location was 295.3 feet in July 1983."

~ A buyer has purchased the old 4th Dimension building on Myrtle and plans to put in "an approximately 5,000 square foot restaurant on the ground floor facing Myrtle Avenue, and to utilize the remaining 22,000 square feet of the facility for creative office / administrative / professional space."

~ There will be a forum on Oct. 27, at the Monrovia Community Center to discuss ballot issues, including marijuana legalization (Proposition 64), gun control / ammunition sales (Proposition 63) and early parole / early criminal release (Proposition 57).

~ To conclude Fire Prevention Week, on Oct. 15 the Monrovia Fire Department will open Station 101 (141 E. Lemon Ave.) between noon and 3 p.m. There will be a simple quiz about smoke alarms. Also, the Monrovia Firefighters' Association and Orchard Supply Hardware will donate fire alarms that will be distributed throughout the week.

~ After forty years of law enforcement service, 26 with the Monrovia Police Department, Sergeant Don Newton will retire later this year. Congratulate Sergeant Newton at a retirement reception on Wednesday, Oct. 19, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Police Department Community Policing Room.

~ Monrovia Historical Society will hold a celebration to recognize its rebirth on Sunday, Nov. 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. The event will begin at 3 p.m. at the Monrovia Public Library, and at 4 p.m., will move to the Anderson House (215 E. Lime Ave.).

~ During National Library Card Sign-Up Month the Monrovia Library issued 423 new member cards in September 2016, compared to 268 in August 2016).

- Brad Haugaard

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