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Monrovia Woman Reports Being Chased by Bear

Monrovian Julie Libra writes on Facebook that she encountered an aggressive bear this morning:

"OK I'm done with that cinnamon bear. This is my third encounter this week with him. He fought with my Akita four nights ago..came back two nights later... I threw firecrackers at him from a 3 foot distance and he just stared at me he's fearless he doesn't care. Well just now on my morning run I crossed the Norumbega bridge by the wash and there he was. I acted big and Yelled GET BEAR! He just stared me down like he did the last two nights and then start coming towards me. I yelled again and he kept coming I turned and started walking away and thought no don't do that act being so I turn back towards him and told him to go... he started coming faster.. so I took off running across the bridge and he chased me.

"I was knocking trash cans as I ran trying to block him from me and a woman came out of her house and said come inside she could hear me screaming.! The two-men that we're down in the wash said they've never seen anything like it .They said they heard me screaming and-all they saw was me running across the bridge and the bear chasing me. Fishing game and the police are up here right now. That bear needs to go I'm done."

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Multiple "aggressive" encounters, an Akita (large dog), lighting and throwing firecrackers(!) from 3 FEET away. The bear defending itself from an aggressive human sounds just as believable. I'd love to hear the bears' side of the story.

  2. I love our bears and wild life, but aggressive bears have to be killed. This is not normal black bear behavior.
