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Monrovia Groundwater at 'Critically Low Level'; Christmas Tree Lighting; Construction Company Repentant; Etc.

A preview of what one of the trail-entry signs will look like for the soon-to-be-fully-opened Hillside Wilderness Area.

In his weekly report ( ), City Manager Oliver Chi reported that ...

~ "Groundwater levels in the Main San Gabriel Basin are at such a critically low level that no matter how much rain we receive, we will not be able to restore the Basin to a safe level without purchasing imported water." The water district will have to import water to increase groundwater levels. This means the water district will "consider implementing a special assessment."

~ Christmas tree lighting on Thursday, Dec. 1, followed by the Holiday Parade, which will have an historic theme. The Monrovia Historic Preservation Group will be the grand marshall.

~ The company that did work on the house at 209  W. Scenic Ave. without proper permits has apologized, was fined $2,000, and will bring its plans to the Historic Preservation Commission for review.

~ There will be a town-hall style meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 27 at the Monrovia Community Center to discuss ballot propositions. Topics: Proposition 57 (early parole / early criminal release), 62 (death penalty repeal), 64 (recreational marijuana use legalization), & 66 (death penalty process changes to speed up executions)

~ There will be a Native Garden Plant Sale on Nov. 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Library Park. Also, the Public Works Division will provide a series of waterwise gardening presentations. Questions? Call Community Services at 256-8246.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Should be renamed to "Haugaaard Hillside Wilderness Area" for your amazing persistence to the issue.

  2. The water issue makes my head spin: I met with a top level city official a few weeks ago to discuss an emergency volunteer project to retrofit our residential parkways to include bioswales, (all that such a project would need from the city is a pre-approved plan, a minor administrative task). Note: 1" of rain fall on 1000sf captures some 600 gallons of water - point being, there is a huge amount of water falling on our pavement that can easily be redirected to permeable surfaces and ultimately replenish our water table. During that meeting I was told that the water situation was not critical due to the ~125% rainfall up north, I've read statements from experts that claim we would need 300% for 3 years to end the drought. This is a bit of a Hail Mary, but, I implore the citizenry to read-up on the water issue and get involved in the solution. In summary: Our current policy is not perfect and and leaves a lot of money on the table and is in stark contrast to the the advice of water and economics experts. Here's a link for a short read: and or Googling "Bioswale Parkway" is a good start.
