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What's Up With Old Monrovia Albertson's Site; Train Depot Rehab; Flags on Myrtle? Etc.

In his weekly update ( ), City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ Warner Pacific, which owns the former Albertson's site, has told the city it is interested in subdividing the building space for three users, but has held off submitting any plans to the city until it can round up a couple of businesses to occupy those spaces.

~ Rehab should begin on the historic Santa Fe Depot in September, and should be finished first quarter of next year. Daylight Limited has submitted its building plans for city review. Both city and developer looking for a restaurant to go in the depot.

~ Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB) member Soren Loft is suggesting that the city consider mid-block crosswalks - with flags - on Myrtle in Old Town. If I understand, there would be a stand at either side of the street with flags. You pick up a flag and cross the street (I guess the flag increases your visibility), then drop the flag off at the flag-holder on the other side.

~ The new Orchard Supply Hardware (Huntington and Monterey) is going to make a donation to Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) at its grand opening ribbon cutting event tomorrow, August 10, at 4:30 p.m.

~ Canyon Park hosted its first night-hike on July 28. There's another one on August 11. If you would like to participate, contact Public Services at 256-8281.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what the city can do but that former Albertsons location has become quite the eyesore. I also can't imagine how much the city has lost in tax revenue.
