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Monrovia Will Hold Special Meeting to Consider MALDEF Demand for District Elections

The City of Monrovia has been issued a demand letter from MALDEF requesting that our current at-large based system for electing City Council members be converted into a district-based electoral system.  In the letter, MALDEF cites as the basis for their demand both the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 and the purported lack of Latino representation on the City Council.  Furthermore, MALDEF’s correspondence states their intention to seek judicial relief if they do not receive a satisfactory response from the City by August 24, 2016.

City Manager Oliver Chi responded by saying, “We certainly do take the demand letter issued by MALDEF seriously, especially given that Monrovia has had such a rich history of electing individuals that represent a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives to serve on the City Council.”

“Given the issues that MALDEF has raised and the manner in which those matters have been articulated, we are working to schedule a special meeting next week for the City Council to discuss this particular issue,” continued Mr. Chi.  “We would note, however, that prior to receiving their letter on August 10, 2016, the City had not been contacted by any representatives from MALDEF, nor have we received any complaints about the City’s current at-large system for electing City Council members.”

Source: City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Outside agitators who do not care about our community.

    1. What the hell does MALDEF stand for? Another community organizer?

  2. Is there any pattern of latino candidates running, but not obtaining office? The mere fact that there have been few latino council members is not anything approaching evidence of racism. This looks to me to be Maldef throwing something up against the wall and hoping it sticks.

    Monrovia's small size makes at large elections for the City Council the best method for representing the city as a whole.
